I Blame the Parents: Moonbats Show their True Colors in Tacoma

Hot Air has video of “peace” activists acting like many on the right would assume when protesting the shipment of a Styker Brigade to Iraq. AllahPundit thinks the section where the protesters tell passing soldiers that they shouldn’t follow their orders of their NCO because “he’s a douche bag” is the low point. I say the low point is near the end when a shrill harpy can be heard telling police in the process of arresting a rowdy hippy that they’re not arresting people the right way.

Either way, it’s hard to find a group of people more egocentric, petulant or insincere then these particular protesters who can barely get up the energy to sound outraged. The inflated sense of entitlement that makes someone believe that in the middle of a protest they can tell police how to arrest people is the product of permissive parenting combined with an extreme amount of sheltering. And of course, this clip is from 12:30am Monday morning, more than likely meaning that all these people are unemployed professional activists whose parents/husbands/wives foot the bills.


M.M. is using this as an example of the mindset of the protesters planning to desecrate the Vietnam Memorial on March 17th. The Gathering of Eagles counter protest could definitely use your support. I’m going to be taking two back to back week long intensives from the 12th to the 23rd, so I’m not going to be able to get out there (and blogging’s going to be light to say the least) but if you can get there, they could really use bodies on the ground.

Velvet Hammer broke the story of the the violent anti-American terrorist sympathizers from La Voz de Aztlan who plan to attend the March 17th rally. Velvet’s also got a lot of great info about the event so pay her a visit. Black Bloc will also be in attendance. The Bloc’s violence is often extreme enough to provoke debate even among anarchists. Read about Black Bloc in one members own words and you’ll see why G.O.E. needs all the bodies it can muster.

The Tacoma protest was a languid affair, but three of the protesters were arrested for assault. If this is a warm up for March 17th, the Vietnam Memorial will need all the patriots it can muster to defend it.

3 thoughts on “I Blame the Parents: Moonbats Show their True Colors in Tacoma

  1. Hiyas Rob

    Great post! Anti-American scum. Arrgh!!! I have been arguing with a bunch of leftist fools on a forum this week. All over my posting Gray Dogs story on his wanting to gather together photos, for a video he wishes to make to honor our fallen soldiers. My how they get their panties in a bunch. Rotten bastards.
    I found this little nugget while searching for Wahhabism in American schools. Thought you would find it of interest. It contains a huge database of Campus Activism groups. There are more than I even imagined. Scary stuff. This country is going downhill fast.


    BTW Thanks for the link. Much obliged. πŸ™‚

  2. Thanks for the link, and of course for the links. I feel for you, as soon as people find out your patriotic you fnd yourself in an endless circular arguement with people trying to convince you that America’s the worst place in the world. They’ll never leave unfortunately. I thought the Grey Dog post was great by the way.

  3. Not a problem. I suppose one could dig around in it for hours. lol I am going to make a special blogroll category for the “other side” I doubt I’ll place many links in it. I also found a similar one for lefty blog listings. Doesn’t hurt to peek in once in a while, to see what has been spewed lately.

    Naw, I am not bothered by those anti-American lefttards (As N2L puts it). It keeps me sharp. πŸ˜‰ It wasn’t on my site anyway. It is on a message board forum type site.

    Thanks a bunch.

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