Explosive Device Found Near White House?

Atlas Shrugs has a translation of this report from Russian news site Rian.ru:

Regarding a “paper case containing explosive material was removed by the Secret Service” (per RIA Novosti report) and DC Fire Department Officials from somewhere near 15th Street and Pennsylvania Ave.  The Fire Department officials gave no comment on what was found inside the case (and this report does not attribute the source of the claim that the Secret Service found explosive material in it).

The report also states that several blocks around the area were closed, but are now open.

As Pam Geller points out it’d sure be nice if we could get these reports from American news sources. Reuters ran a story about a “suspicious package” a couple of days ago but so far I haven’t found much follow up.  Here’s what Reuters reported:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Secret Service on Tuesday removed a suspicious package left near the White House complex and a few nearby streets that had been closed while they investigated the scene were reopened.

The Secret Service removed the package, a briefcase, from 15th Street and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. which is near the U.S. Treasury Department and a block from the White House, according to a Reuters photographer at the scene.

But like I said I haven’t seen many reports about this. The Libertarian left has been talking about ending the “tyranny” of the Fed and Treasury since Ed Brown’s asinine anti-tax stand off so while some may be tempted to see Jihadism behind this don’t discount some plain old domestic REvolutionaries striking a blow for the Alex Jones crowd.

2 thoughts on “Explosive Device Found Near White House?

  1. Rob Taylor,

    I may not be a fan of Obama, but I have a real problem with anyone who would support assassinating him.

  2. I’ve been speculating it could be possibly some Leftist “anarchists” behind this too. They have switched their targets from Dubya to Obama. They’re the ones whom say Obama’s just not Left enough for them.

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