You Don’t Say: Report Says Phillip Garrido’s Parole Officers Dropped the Ball

I’ll say. Since Garrido was holding Jaycee Dugard hostage in his backyard the entire time he was on parole, saying the parole officers “made some mistakes” is an understatement. How did his POs miss the little fact that their parolee was running a rape camp in his backyard?? Read this and weep:

(11-04) 20:26 PST Sacramento — State parole agents fell down on the job again and again during the 10 years they supervised sex offender Phillip Craig Garrido, failing to check out clues that could have led to alleged kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard and going long stretches without monitoring him at all, a state investigation found Wednesday.

From 1999 until he was finally arrested in August, Garrido, 58, was supposed to be subject to regular visits and other checks by the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Parole authorities have always insisted they had no evidence Garrido ever violated the conditions placed on him by Nevada, where he was convicted of kidnapping and raping a woman in 1976.

However, an investigation led by state Inspector General David Shaw found that agents simply ignored several potential violations. And from the start, he said, they erroneously classified Garrido as a low-risk offender – meaning he was subject to less stringent supervision – then failed to take basic steps such as making regular visits and testing him for drugs.

Parole officers once went 13 months without visiting Garrido at his home outside Antioch, where he lived with his wife, Nancy, 54, the report found.

In the 60 visits that agents did make over the years, they never took note of electrical wires and phone lines running to the back of the property, the audit said. Those could have led them to a warren of tents and sheds where the couple allegedly imprisoned Dugard for 18 years.

Parole officials have said they were unaware the compound was there. But they never read a federal parole report from the early 1990s, around the time the couple allegedly kidnapped Dugard in South Lake Tahoe, indicating that Phillip Garrido had a soundproof recording studio beyond what appeared to be his back fence, the state audit found.

Corrections Secretary Matthew Cate insisted Wednesday that his agents had never received the federal report.

Read the rest, it gets worse.

h/t Crime Scene KC

7 thoughts on “You Don’t Say: Report Says Phillip Garrido’s Parole Officers Dropped the Ball

  1. I’d have to say in a just society, those parole officers and anyone else who aided this sicko in any manner should be charged with being accessories to his crimes.

    That’s unlikely to happen.

  2. All these failures ought be pretty good grounds for Jaycee Dugard to file a civil suit against the state for negligence. It’s just too bad it’s California and they won’t have any money left to pay the judgment amount when Jaycee wins.

  3. All these failures can be attributed to one chief cause: there are far too many people registered as sex offenders in the United States. According to the United States Dep’t of Justice, Sex Offenders as a whole have a 5% rate of recidivism. 93% of the sex offenses which will be committed this day will be committed by people who are known to the victim and who have never had any kind of criminal record.

    It has been repeated over and over on this blog that Sex Offenders are extremely dangerous and likely to re-offend. That is absolutely unsupported by any critical, statistical analysis of this issue. It may “feel good” to repeat nonsense as fact, but that will never make it fact.

    There are thousands upon thousands of registered Sex Offenders who have done little more than expose themselves in an inappropriate setting, urinate in public, date a willing partner who was more than three years younger, possess child pornography (a 41 billion dollar industry), or solicit someone over the internet who never existed in the first place. These are not “dangerous” sex offenders. They are your neighbors…..and, in more cases than you are probably willing to admit, your fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, and nephews.

    You have much less to fear from the registered Sex Offender than you have to fear from the pleasant neighbor who always takes so much interest in your son or daughter. The facts simply do not support the contention that having 750,000 people registered on the internet has done anything at all to protect the public. What it HAS accomplished is a dilution of law enforcement efforts due to the fact that they are required to watch SO MANY people that they cannot possibly focus on truly dangerous individuals such as Mr. Dugard. This is precisely what law enforcement will tell you if you care to ask them.

  4. You’re lying. The studies you site show that sex offenders WHO ARE BEING MONITORED have a lower recidivism rate than those who don’t and a much lower rate than non-sex offenders, who are unmonitored. The study you throw around so casually supports the truth that the best way to keep perverts from criminality is to limit their access to victims and registries are designed to help empower communities to do just that. The fact that sex offenders victimize people they know only reinforces the need for single mothers, teen programs and people with children in general to have access to a database to see if someone they trust with their child is safe.

    You say I make false claims but as typical of R.S.O.L. degenerates you have no evidence to back that up because everything I say is 100% true. I will debate anyone anywhere on recidivism numbers, and how you misrepresent those findings.

    You expose yourself by claiming flashing people, statutory rape and collecting child porn (often the graphic evidence of a child’s victimization and a painful reminder to victims of their exploitation) are no big deal. Sure. Masturbating to pic someone took of him raping an infant (like RSOL fellow travelers “Aztram” and “Night Raven” did) is just good clean fun! Exposing yourself to a child (Like Zman did) is no big deal. A grown man exploiting a child for sex? Nothing wrong with that! Are you so limited in contact with decent people as to not know people would be repulsed by such depravity?

    You claim people who EXPOSE THEMSELVES in public aren’t dangerous? Collectors of CHILD PORN shouldn’t be considered criminals? You claim that because they are neighbors or family members that this would mitigate their perfidy? Murderers and rapists are all somebody’s child as well. That means nothing.

    Then you claim to speak for law enforcement while claiming people who have histories of criminality should be left to their own devices? Should felons be able to own guns? Drunk drivers not get their licenses revoked? This is too disgusting to be called nonsense.

    There is no registered sex offender activist, you included, that I cannot track for three days and conclusively prove they are up to no good. That’s the truth. You want off the registry so that you can be free to work in school, or worm your way into some desperate woman’s house. You and your fellow rapists and perverts are looking for a way to get close to more victims, like those “friendly neighbors” you harp on.

    You email me complaining about my intellectual honesty, well Robin where’s yours?

  5. Wow, Rob… it’s always the same bullshit argument with these pieces of shit, isn’t it? After a while it just starts to sound like “blah blah blah blah…” What is it with these DBs flooding all the comment sections on every blog and news story all of a sudden? It’s like someone dumped fertilizer on them or something.

    Heard it all before, RWhatever. Each of your arguments has been blown out of the water by facts, and none of you perves have ever been able to back up your claims with anything that even remotely resembles “proof”.

  6. RW, I’d like to issue you a challenge. Find 3 “public urinators” on the registry and post the links to their SOR page here. I’ve never been able to find a single one, nor has anyone I know who has checked the registry in their area. Not a single one. In fact, I haven’t found a single “indecent exposure” on the registry. I’ve only found “assaults” and “rapes”, most of them committed against children.

  7. Yeah he’s a liar like all of them. Just another pervert looking to get off the hook for the crimes he will gladly commit again when no one is looking.

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