Victimless Crime File: Was Drug Use a Factor in the Haleigh Cummings Disappearance?

It’s sure starting to look that way now, as Misty Croslin just made the news yet again, this time for getting robbed in a drug deal gone wrong. Via Shadowscope here’s Misty’s 911 call. Listen to the end; it’s pretty clear that she was waiting in the car while her friend bought drugs:


The St. Augustine Record reports the events this way:

The trouble-plagued teenager who was the last known person to see Haleigh Cummings alive was robbed and injured Monday night during a drug deal gone bad, according to the Palatka Police Department.

Misty Croslin, whose seven-month marriage to the missing girl’s father ended Thursday, was named as one of three young women who tried, and failed, to buy drugs at the Ragsdale Apartment Complex, police reported.

Croslin, 17, accompanied by Brandy Steedley, 18, and Melinda Santmyer, 22, went to the apartments on Moody Road in Palatka around 8:15 p.m. Monday, according to the report.

Two or three unidentified black males approached their car and reportedly grabbed Croslin and stole her purse.

She managed to get into the car, and Steedley drove away — leaving Santmyer behind to flee on foot, police said.

Investigating officers reportedly interviewed Santmyer at an apartment in the complex.

“She told officers that they came to the apartment complex attempting to buy drugs,” according to the police department report. “She stated that she got out of the car to look for an unidentified man they gave money to for drugs.

“As she was going back to the vehicle the unidentified suspects came up to them” and stole Croslin’s purse.

Croslin’s attorney, Robert Fields, with the Palatka firm of Dowda & Fields, said he believes his client’s cell phone also was taken.

Fields said he only talked briefly with Croslin on Tuesday afternoon, and she had little information to give him about the incident.

You may recall that Misty, who remains a person of interest in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings, just had another run in with the law when she and former(?) EquuSearch volunteer Donna Brock were briefly detained in a road rage incident when Brock, who had befriended the teen, was accused by another driver of threatening her with a gun. Brock was informing on Misty the whole time.

Misty’s mother Lisa was a fugitive from justice who was arrested for check fraud, and as pictures of the woman attest to a chronic drug user. At 40 Lisa Croslin looks like a 70-year-old. Misty at one point took out a restraining order on her brother and in general Croslin has publicly showed the world the chaos that drug use causes.

It is likely that chaos was at the root of Haleigh Cummings’ disappearance. Misty Croslin basically claims she slept through someone abducting the child. Most people simply don’t believe her but frankly when you look at her behavior it’s very possible she slept through an abduction. Marijuana smokers have been known to sleep heavily. In one case that I blogged about a woman high on marijuana accidentally crushed her baby to death while sleeping with the infant. Oxycontin abusers often sleep heavily, and I’ve witnessed heroin users fall asleep mid sentence and have no idea what was going on around them.

Misty’s drug use also, as her most recent misadventure indicates, puts her into contact with dangerous people. If Haleigh was abducted it was likely by someone Misty knows, a dealer or user she let in her house and was there while she passed out.

Even while being suspected by police (and the world) of being involved in the disappearance of a child Misty Croslin cannot keep herself clean. Her addictions, whatever they are, are out of control and it would be prudent for police and investigators to focus their attention on the drug culture she was involved in if they want to find out what happened to Haleigh Cummings.

One thought on “Victimless Crime File: Was Drug Use a Factor in the Haleigh Cummings Disappearance?

  1. please, parents, walk you`re children to school or bus stop. take turns with other parents. Don`t let you`re children just run outside to play alone. Do things together. Don`t let them out of you`re sight for a second!!!!!!!Lock you`re doors, put on new locks if renting because former renters can have a key. Well, owners also. PRAY! there are crazys out there who want the little ones for porn and then just discard them. It is a sick world we are living in. I don`t think its going to get better. Porn sells. Im not saying that may have happened to Haleigh, but it is happening all over this world. please PRAY! every day for the safety of the little ones and our world. I will, Blessings, Betty

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