Journalism at its best: “No One Knows if It Was a Cougar or a Moutain Lion”

Or some horrible cross between the two! You don’t need to be a Backwoodsman reading 21st century Mountain Man like me to see how ignorant the above statement is (since Cougars and Mountain Lions are different names for the same animal) but the fact that a reporter couldn’t be bothered to know basic terminology in this story is the reason old media is collapsing. From KDKA:

NORTH UNION TOWNSHIP (KDKA) ― Someone spotted a large cat roaming a field in Fayette County and now a community is on edge.

At Laurel Highlands High School in North Union Township, girls’ soccer and midget football practice were cancelled after they learned of the sighting.

Someone called Fayette County 911 Tuesday night about the feline.

No one knows if it was a cougar or a mountain lion.

“Just over the hill here, it busted – there [were] animals – got the fence busted here and on the other hill there was … whatever this is was chasing cattle,” one man explained.

Some people were speculating the cat came from an animal orphanage opened 20 years ago in the area, but the doctor says all of his cats are accounted for.

There’s a video report at the link where the reporters also say the big cat seen could have been either a tiger or a lynx. You know, because they look exactly the same.

h/t Cryptomundo

3 thoughts on “Journalism at its best: “No One Knows if It Was a Cougar or a Moutain Lion”

  1. I don’t know whether to LMAO or shake my head in embarrassment for those journalists…

    It’s pretty sad these days, people know nothing about Nature… I worked with a woman who didn’t know that potatoes were roots! I mean, really. How sad is this world when so many people are so disconnected from Nature that they have no idea that ground beef comes from slaughtered cows?

    A couple of years before we got married, my husband and I were driving home from a trip to NH with some family and I swear I saw a dead mountain lion on the side of the road. I kept thinking I must have imagined it, but there it was, big as life (erm… death… something) and it could not have possibly been a deer or a moose or anything else. It was definitely “big cat” shaped. I do remember reading somewhere that feces was found in NH mountains that were found to have come from a mountain lion when tested for DNA shortly after that.

  2. It shocked me when I read that line. But the line in the video when the report says “it could be a tiger or a lynx” made me fall out of my seat laughing.

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