Pro-Obamacare Degenerates Arrested in Suffolk County Home Invasion

The MSM has been pretty silent on this even though the story is a couple of days old and sensational to say the least. From Fox:

NEW YORK  —  Police say attackers used health care reform as a ruse to approach their victims and then shot two and pistol-whipped another in a Long Island home.

Suffolk County police said Saturday that a 26-year-old woman was arrested on attempted murder and burglary charges in the attack Friday in Huntington. Two men were arrested on the same charges earlier. Information on the suspects’ arraignments wasn’t immediately available Saturday night.

Police say the three told the home’s residents they were selling insurance, referring to President Barack Obama’s push to overhaul America’s health care system. Police say the suspects then forced their way in, demanded money and attacked the victims.

The victims’ conditions weren’t immediately available.

Newsbusters has pictures, but not much more information mainly because the AP isn’t following up on what I think is a crime reporter’s bonanza. I guess they just don’t care about the two people shot in their own home, who were likely Obamacare supporters since they let the people in or at the very least people who were kind enough to listen. That disinterest by the media must mean the victims are either Black or Republicans.

Do not let any person supporting Obama in your house. That’s just my general rule but now it is clearly a safety issue.

Update: The NY Post comes through:

Three people posed as insurance agents hawking President Obama’s health-care reform plan to gain entry to a Long Island home, where they pistol-whipped, shot and robbed two women and a man, authorities said.

Vance Jackson, 46, of Yonkers, and Benjamin Thompson, of Brooklyn, were arraigned yesterday in Central Islip on attempted-murder and burglary charges.

A female accomplice, Natalie Taylor, 26, of Nyack, is expected to be arraigned today.

The men were nabbed about a mile from the Huntington crime scene in an SUV, and Taylor was apprehended a few hours later, police said.

Prosecutors said Thompson and Taylor approached a home on Virginia Avenue at around noon Friday, and then began to talk about Obama’s policies, while Jackson pushed into the door seeking cash.

Taylor allegedly pistol-whipped one woman, and Thompson shot another in the foot as Jackson led the man upstairs to retrieve some cash.

“When he didn’t get enough money, he shot the man twice in the neck, once in the back, and once in the chest,” said a Suffolk County prosecutor at the men’s arraignment.

Prosecutors said the two men, both with lengthy rap sheets, hatched the plan when they met for the first time at a parole meeting in Brooklyn.

Thompson was out on parole with four violent felony convictions. Prosecutors believe he has 17 felony and five misdemeanor cases pending. Jackson also has at least six convictions for violent felonies.

The Daily News has mugshots, but cleans up the crime and doesn’t report on the brutality. With rap sheets that long why were they eligible for parole at all?