The Hells Await Ted Kennedy (and Melissa Lafsky)


Because many groupies, I mean Democrats, were mourning Ted Kennedy I held my counsel about him, but since an appropriate period of time has passed I will just say that Ted Kennedy was one of the most disgusting members of a family so corrupt and degenerate that even while infiltrating every level of government they can’t avoid prosecution after prosecution for their criminal ways.

Let us start with how Ted Kennedy betrayed his brother John F. Kennedy’s memory. JFK was staunchly anti-Communist and pro-freedom, a true American hero. He was assassinated by a Castro supporting Communist named Lee Harvey Oswald. Ted Kennedy cooperated with the KGB just over a decade later in a bid to undercut Jimmy Carter.

Ted Kennedy cooperated with Communists even though his anti-Communist hero brother was assassinated by a Communist.

Then via Gateway Pundit we have this gem. Ed Klein discussing Ted’s sense of humor. One of Saint Ted’s favorite jokes: the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. A death he caused:


What’s funnier than murdering a person?

Elderly hipster douchebag Henry Rollins rubbed out a quick piece on Kennedy hero worship that is actually pretty good. Broken clocks and all that. As an aside, can you still claim to be some sort of punk rock icon if you write for Vanity Fair?

Murderer and traitor is how Kennedy should be remembered. But the left is full of people so immoral and with souls so poisoned that they consider killing a woman a small price to pay for someone to champion leftist politics. Here’s what Melissa Lafsky wrote in Huffington Post:

We don’t know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she’d have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don’t know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn’t preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.

Spoken like a true groupie. I guess you can sit in Ted’s lap in the underworld Melissa Lafsky.

I rede you, Loddfafnir! and hear my rede,—
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
If evil you know, as evil proclaim it,
And make no friendship with foes.

I rede you, Loddfafnir! and hear my rede,—
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
In evil never joy shall you know,
But glad the good shall make you.

                                   Havamal:127-8 trans by Henry Adams Bellows

7 thoughts on “The Hells Await Ted Kennedy (and Melissa Lafsky)

  1. I think Ted unfortnately fits the profile of a blackmailed politician, possibly by the KGB as they likely KNEW he did the deed he did by allowing that girl to drown whether it was his own fault or not. Well, looks like he’s paying the price for it wherever we go in the Afterlife.

  2. He was a piece of shit, and I’m sorry Rob, but so were both of his brothers. Robert Kennedy in particular was a corrupt little punk, who used the Justice Department to help his good buds in the New England Mafia eliminate their rivals while he and good old Camelot Jack went traipsing around the world assassinating foreign leaders such as the Diem Brothers of Vietnam. I don’t care for any of them, as I’m sure you can tell by now.

    Camelot Jack, to be fair, deserves credit for the space program and for founding the Navy Seals, and that’s pretty much about it. Aside from those accomplishments and cutting taxes, and his initial attempts at Civil Rights reform, to call him a mediocrity would be much too kind.

    He caused the Cuban Missile Crisis by virtue of his weakness during the Bay of Pigs and and his summit with Kruschev, where the old drunken bum mopped the floor with Kennedy. He then got out of it by agreeing to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, thereby helping set up all the problems we’ve had and are having there now, all the while trying to portray himself as somebody who “stared down the Soviets”. Stared down my ass. Khruschev got exactly what he wanted. Us out of his backyard, while Castro remained a staunch and steadfast Soviet ally.

    As for his stance as a cold warrior, that was a lot of fluff too. He initiated the Vietnam War for political reasons, not patriotic reasons, and it ended up biting us all in the ass. Vietnam might well be the first of a long line of Democratic war strategies. Start wars that you don’t have any intention of actually fighting to win, act with restraint so you can pretend to be concerned about the “little people” in the target country, and let all of your elitist friends in Europe and America in on the action in the form of military civilian contracts. After all, if you can make billions of dollars from a war that should be over in three or four years, how much more can you make from one that drags on and on? It’s god damned disgusting, but every time there’s any kind of war anywhere, Democrats will pursue policies, and will work to impose them even when they are the minority, that will insure that is precisely what will happen. Then they criticize the crap that they caused to begin with with their policies and try to pretend they are the “party of peace”.


  3. Actually, Rob, I have to disagree with that. Robert was the absolute worse, in my own humble opinion. This was a guy who was instrumental in starting the Vietnam War, yet when he saw how unpopular it was, and especially when he saw how well Eugene McCarthy did in the primaries against Johnson in 1968 running on an anti-war platform, what did the little punk do? That’s right, the man who was arguably the most instrumental, besides Camelot Jack himself, in starting the Vietnam War, became it’s most staunch critic. In one fell swoop, he cut the throats of both Lyndon Johnson (who deserved it) and Eugene McCarthy (who did not).

    Yeah, Teddy was a piece of shit, but at least you can make the case he really believed in the bullshit he tried to do. Robert Kennedy was all about power, otherwise why move to New York, win a Senate seat, and run for President just two years later? He obviously didn’t care about his responsibilities to the people of New York, nor did he care about anything else but power.

    As for the concept that Teddy was worse because of Chappaquiddick, well as bad as that was, who is to say Robert Kennedy wasn’t every bit as guilty concerning the death of Marilyn Monroe.

    Bottom line, that whole generation of Kennedy’s (with the arguable exception of Ethel) were trash, like their father Joe.

    I might be wrong, by the way, but I have still yet to come across one single example of Robert Kennedy, when he was Attorney General, prosecuting any member of the New England Mafia, including boss Raymond Patriarcha. You would think that would have been the first bunch he would have went after, instead he concentrates on mob families that might legitimately be seen as rivals of Patriarch-Giancana, Marcello, the Cuban mob boss in Miami, etc., etc. The list goes on and on of Mafia figures prosecuted by Kennedy, but strangely enough the one mob family that played in his own families backyard seems strangely absent from any list. I think that’s something to wonder about myself.

  4. Kennedy was in too deep with the mob. And you’re right, RFK was likely a degenerate. I’m just used to having to pay the lip service so as not to have weeks of arguments. They worship those cretin like gods.

  5. I’ll always give Camelot Jack credit for the space program and the Navy Seals, or any other good thing he might have done. Give credit where credit is due. But as far as the idiots that worship at the Kennedy shrine, it does my soul good anytime I can cause them to screech and rant in crazed outrage. I’m thinking if I keep at it long enough, I might cause some of them to physically implode. Then I can say “job well done.” I guess I’m just bitter because I for one used to buy into the Camelot myth. It’s a bitter pill to swallow when you realize what an ass you’ve made of yourself. If I can open somebody’s else’s eyes (or, again, make them implode) so much the better. I think my theory of Robert and the New England Mafia warrants investigation and might one day make the subject of a good book. I feel sorry for the person brave enough to write it.

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