All cultures and religions are the same though. Remember that while you read this:
Western leaders and Afghan women’s groups were united in condemning an apparent reversal of key freedoms won by women after the fall of the Taliban.
Now an amended version of the same bill has passed quietly into law with the apparent approval of President Karzai.
Just ahead of this Thursday’s Afghan presidential election, human rights groups suggest the timing is no accident.
“There was a review process – Karzai came under huge pressure from all over the world to amend this law, but many of the most oppressive laws remain,” Rachel Reid, the Human Rights Watch representative in Kabul, told the BBC.
When women marched against this travesty Muslim “men” physically attacked them on the streets.
But our culture is no more or less misogynist and barbaric according to some. Maybe the wives out there in Afghanistan would like to trade places with those people.
Keep in mind that there are more than a billion Muslims worldwide. You can not lop them together as one group of evil people.
Actually I could if I wanted to but that’s not what I did. I did say that America is better for women than Muslim society, our culture is superior because we wouldn’t allow a husband to starve someone to death for not putting out. That’s barbarism. As is burning “witches” (Saudi Arabia) hanging gays (Iran) owning Slaves (Most Muslim countries allow this) and burning churches (Palestine)
Rob Taylor,
I heard about this, on one or two other blogs before. This just proves how misogynist they are. That along with their stupid “four male witness” to prove a rape law.
If our culture was anywhere near as misogynistic as there’s around the turn of the century, women would have never gain the right to vote. I remember hearing about a suffragettes ( I can’t remember which one she was ) going on a hunger, to protest the fact that the law didn’t recognize a woman’s right to vote. The authorities force fed her through a tube. If we were as sexist as the Afghans, they would have let her starve to death. Susan B Anthony would also have been executed, probably in some utterly inhuman way.
There were men during the founding of America and in the Wild West who we would today, rightfully regard as sexist, but none the less would have been horrified by the way Islamic Theocracies treat women. Many of those men would have beaten another man up, who treated his wife in the manner that these devote Muslims treat their wives.
Most of the Islamic world is depraved.
You hit the nail on the head. Even at our worst we’re morally superior to Islamic countries.
Damien & Rob, as a woman, there’s no country in the world – not one – in which I’d rather live than the United States. I’m struck with awe at how fortunate I am to be an American woman born in a time when I have never been blocked from doing anything I wanted to (or forced into anything) because of my gender.
Jenn Q. Public,
Too bad there are a lot of other women here that don’t feel the same way. There are some radical feminists who act like America is the most sexist society on Earth.
The article also says that the proposed law would mean that a husband could force himself on his wife and it would not be considered rape. They’re just degrading women at every turn, aren’t they.
I’m sure that these laws would also apply to the little girls married off to older men…