JPost is reporting that a gang of Bedouin youths committed a series of brutal gang rapes against Jewish girls, some as young as 13, as “revenge” for I.D.F. raids in the Palestinian territories. The village where the young men reside were shocked by the report, and condemned the young men’s barbaric actions.
Angry young Muslims indoctrinated into the radical Islamic traditions such as Wahhabism have a history of using rape as both political statement and as a form of Jihad. The Muslim controlled ghettos of France have been turned into hell on earth where no woman is safe from gangs of men who operate virtually above the law.
The rape of women is in fact disturbingly common, and often justified by Koranic edicts. The story of Flora del Mindanao illustrate the plight of women who find themselves at the mercy of Islam. Stories such as hers are not unknown here in the United States.
With each passing day, it becomes harder not to be “Islamiphobic”, if only because the alternative is to allow atrocities to be committed against Jews, Women and minorities, particularly Black Africans, in the name of multiculturalism.
h/t Dhimmi Watch