Joycelyn Louis is Evil Incarnate

A 72-year-old foster mother thought her 9-year-old charge had stolen money from her. So she heated a potato masher until it glowed red and branded the child several times. Watch this video report which includes pictures of the injuries and you tell me Joycelyn Louis shouldn’t be strapped to an electric chair, her remains burned and scattered in a swamp:


Disgusting. I hope she spends the rest of her life in jail.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

2 thoughts on “Joycelyn Louis is Evil Incarnate

  1. “Watch this video report which includes pictures of the injuries and you tell me Joycelyn Louis shouldn’t be strapped to an electric chair, her remains burned and scattered in a swamp:”

    I’d love to be able to tell you that, but I couldn’t even convince myself, and I’m a poor liar. This is absolutely horrible. For some reason I always imagine physically violent abuse to be something that happens out of anger, in the heat of the moment. But this is very obviously premeditated… I mean, this woman had ample time to consider just what she was doing.

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