Disgusting. A memorial service for a Jihadi victim Pvt. William Long was crashed by a Muslim woman who refused to allow the mourners to show their respects. She went on to claim 9/11 was an inside job ( a theory made up by wife beating Muslim Kevin Barrett), Jesus was a Muslim (even though by historical and their own accounts Islam comes into being in the early 600s A.D.) and that Coptic Christians in Egypt are not persecuted despite the fact that they are now being starved to death by their Muslim masters.
Atlas posted this video of the incident:
How vile. Needless to say you won’t be seeing this video on the nightly news, not in Obama’s United Caliphate of America. Keep Arkansas Legal (I’m not familiar with them so if you are in some argument with them over immigration don’t drag me into it) are the originators of the video and they have this to say:
However, the most shocking part of the event was when a muslim fanatic crashed the event. The fanatic drove by and yelled at us, then parked in the parking lot and stood out with a homemade sign yelling anti-American and later anti-Semetic comments. Had this been a ceremony for Tiller, this would have been the top story for both local and national media. Since it isn’t a top story, it’s up to you to send this to as many people as possible.
That I can agree with. Spread the word, Muslims are feeling frisky these days so everyone be careful. Here’s the true Islamic doctrine regarding Christians and Jews:
Not exactly what they’re trying to sell you over here is it?
h/t Gateway Pundit
I should also note these Islamist sympathizers also have fellow travelers within not just the far left, but those whom claim to be “right-wing” such as in the John Birch Society take the case of William Norman Grigg as a good example.
He’s rabidly anti-Israel and often uses Leftist rhetoric when describing right-wing Christians whom embrace Israel to be “fascists”. Yet he has no problems with Hamas in power in Gaza or Hezbollah whom soon to hope to control Lebanon officially.
The John Birch Society’s New American publication agrees with the far left “legal” fronts in prosecuting George W. Bush and members of his administration for “war crimes” and “torture”. Those John Birchers are sounding more like those “Libertarians” at Lewrockwell.com whom don’t seem to take note that this self-describe Jihadi “activist” crashed a memorial for an American soldier murdered by her fellow traveler whom was trained in Yemen.