Or his new target Dodia Fae, the CEO of Pagans Against Child Abuse who just wrote a magnificent expose of pedophiles on Ning that led to the closure of at least six networks that traded in graphic and sometimes violent child pornography. And of course his favorite target Absolute Zero United is also mentioned in the latest blog post by degenerate pedophile and unemployed alcoholic Michael James Gregg who is better known in the online pedophile community as Zman.
On his blog Sex Offender Issues Gregg makes some completely spurious and outrageous claims about Red Alerts, PACA and Absolute Zero that are actually libelous. Long time readers will see the irony as Gregg was the pervert who tried to get professional cretin Tom Madison to sue me for libel. They of course had no case, since calling a child raping degenerate a pervert is not libel. Truth, you see, is an absolute defense to libel charges.
Gregg however likes to play fast and loose with the truth:
Wow, it seems we have a huge cult out there, who pretend to be “for the children” who troll illegal web sites, find and view child porn, and they are associated with Absolute Zero United, Red-Alerts, and others.
How is this not illegal? They admit in their forums, to seeing child porn (see link below). How is it not illegal for a self proclaimed “for the children” cult, who troll illegal web sites, not illegal?
NOTE: All links are viewed through the Anonymouse proxy!
Sounds like the FBI needs to check them out!!
What do others think? You be the judge!
I didn’t bother to format the post to match Gregg’s use of various colors and font sizes to make it have more “punch” but you get the idea. The only problem here is that he’s lying. There are no forums on Red Alerts that he would have seen me claim to troll illegal sites.
PACA has forums but none say anything about trolling illegal sites. PACA does in fact have a campaign where they encourage people who come across child porn to report it to the proper authorities. The expose says that while looking through the network list of a PACA member she was suspicious about she found several sites that were trading in child porn, and she immediately reported each one. This is a far cry from the charge that PACA members are trading in child porn. Again a malicious lie.That term is important so keep it in mind.
Absolute Zero also doesn’t have a forum per se, but does have an active comments section. AZ also publishes exposes of online pedophiles using the Perverted Justice Wikisposure resource. Perverted Justice and maybe some AZ members do monitor pro-pedophile discussion forums, but they do not trade in child pornography or join illegal sites. This is lie, and one that maliciously is being told to harm the reputation of a person or group.
So what is libel? From Media Law Resource Center:
Libel and slander are legal claims for false statements of fact about a person that are printed, broadcast, spoken or otherwise communicated to others. Libel generally refers to statements or visual depictions in written or other permanent form, while slander refers to verbal statements and gestures. The term defamation is often used to encompass both libel and slander.
In order for the person about whom a statement is made to recover for libel, the false statement must be defamatory, meaning that it actually harms the reputation of the other person, as opposed to being merely insulting or offensive.
The statement(s) alleged to be defamatory must also have been published to at least one other person (other than the subject of the statement) and must be “of and concerning” the plaintiff. That is, those hearing or reading the statement must identify it specifically with the plaintiff.
The statement(s) alleged to be defamatory must also be a false statement of fact. That which is name-calling, hyperbole, or, however characterized, cannot be proven true or false, cannot be the subject of a libel or slander claim.
In other words, me calling a sex offender a degenerate pervert is not libel, but Gregg claiming I am engaged in illegal activities I’m clearly not is libel. Now if only Gregg weren’t an unemployed hillbilly I’d have myself some sweet, sweet, settlement cash, but no doubt it’d cost more money to sue Gregg than I could ever hope to squeeze out of him or his cankles. Sigh. It’s always the poor folks who libel you.
I’ve always put forward that except in the most extreme cases pedophiles and other perverts are not “sick” and don’t have a different orientation than everyone else, they’re simply bad people. Criminals who need to take advantage of children to feel powerful and like common thieves all are liars. In Gregg’s case an almost pathological immaturity no doubt plays a part in his constant need to create a fantasy world where people opposed to child exploitation are the real villains and a man who is a known child molester is the good guy.
Gregg is the true villain though, taking no responsibility for his own life and implying that wanting children to be able to grow up without being raped is some sort of hell worthy sin. That’s why he lashes out constantly, this new salvo aimed at PACA because no doubt either he or one of his friends is afraid of getting caught up in the coming dragnet. Or he might be angry because someone reported a couple of his video pages and they got yanked down by providers. Tee-hee!
So go ahead and cry about us Zman. At least we know all the time you put into us isn’t being used targeting some other kid that you’ll “accidentally” masturbate in front of. Filthy pervert.
ROFLMAO!! Great job Rob!!
Check it out:
“How is it not illegal for a self proclaimed “for the children” cult, who troll illegal web sites, not illegal?”
Then he updated it with:
“Yes, they “monitor” pedophile sites, and they are not the law, so that is illegal, IMO”
Do you think we should explain to it to him or leave him to his hysteria? I prefer to to let him keep making an idiotic ass of himself personally, it’s the cheapest entertainment available.
Besides, even if you spelled it out in no uncertain terms what was wrong with his premise he STILL wouldn’t understand. He’s got a loose wire in his brain that doesn’t allow connections to be made. Which of course may be why the pathetic waste product is sending letters to Obama volunteering to be shot in the head on public TV.
Zman said: “I would gladly get up on a podium, on national TV, and let you shoot me in the head, if you thought that would solve the problem”
OMG, think about it! He volunteered!!!! Can’t you just see it now? Politicians everywhere will be jumping on this like hotcakes. “The loser sex offender who doesn’t know his butt from a hole in the ground has just offered to serve as an example to all child molesters ……..let this serve as a warning … POW”
I am simply rolling today. CLAP CLAP such fun!!!!
to stitches77… OMGs… did he really say that??? That is just hysterical! Doesn’t he realize that there are probably hundreds of people out there willing to take him up on that offer, even if Obama doesn’t? He’s setting himself up for some trouble, but then I get the sense that he craves that kind of drama in his life. Maybe, deep down, he doesn’t feel that he deserves to live.
Rob, one thing I want to make sure that everyone knows is that I didn’t join a single one of the sites I reported to Ning. Every one of those networks was either completely openly viewable, or the incriminating evidence was viewable on the main page by anyone, even minors. Ning allows members as young as 13, but I’ve seen members as young as 9, and another volunteer has seen members as young as 7 on Ning. I’m sure there were many more that I couldn’t view without joining that should be shut down, but I loath to join a site like that.
I did join a couple of networks that seemed geared towards safety (particularly for children) to let them know that they had a predator on their site.
And wow… I’m reading his updates, and I’m in hysterics over here. In his 1st point, he claims that Zman is not an alcoholic, that DUI covers more than alcohol… so what is he? I’m sure he can’t afford to be a coke-head, so maybe a crack-head? A heroin addict? Maybe he got some lessons in prison on how to get a discount on his supply.
#2 He claims that ZMan is also in a pedophile community, which is another lie. ZMan frequents SOSEN and ROAR FOR FREEDOM, which is a forum for ex-sex offenders trying to get laws changed. There is a big difference. Using your mentality, you could say the same about these groups, who frequent REAL pedophile forums.
So he’d like people to believe that the laws they’re trying to change have nothing to do with allowing them to rape children? Would he like people to believe that they’re not networking through those sites and trading CP? Is he for real? It’s laughable, really.
#4 And yes, your statement “Truth, you see, is an absolute defense to libel charges,” is very true, and by you distorting what was said, and saying stuff that is untrue, yep, that is libel.
What are you supposedly lying about? He’s already proved himself a pervert by masturbating in front of a child. The courts agreed, or else he wouldn’t be on the SOR.
The rest is just ludicrous. And where does he get the impression that his “humble” opinion has anything whatever to do with the law? There is nothing illegal about finding these sites and reporting them to LE. I think that these people like the fact that LE is shorthanded when it comes to tracking down these monsters, and would love nothing better than for it to be illegal for citizens to help out. We already know they’d love for it to be illegal for parents to protect their children from them (as is proven by their lame attempts at changing AoC laws.)
“We already know they’d love for it to be illegal for parents to protect their children from them (as is proven by their lame attempts at changing AoC laws.)”
DodiaFae, the “pedophile” groups aren’t the only ones who want to abolish AoC laws. The sex offender groups that Zman belongs to are also actively advocating the same. Yes, they say that the government has no right to tell parents when their child can have sex. They say it should be up to the parents to make that determination while claiming it’s mostly parents who sexually abuse children. And then they wonder why people see them as they do. LOL
In fact one group that Zman belonged to just went under last year when it’s executive director was found to be running one of “the world’s largest child pornography rings”. Jim Freeman of SOhopeful. He was recently sentenced to life in prison.
Yes, Jim Freeman the repeat sex offender was one of the ones who helped teach Zman all the distorted and twisted crap he spews everywhere, and all the while he was in what he called “the greatest group of pedos to gather on the internet”, a ring that produced made-to-order child pornography.
Zman says ““Yes, they “monitor†pedophile sites, and they are not the law, so that is illegal, IMO—
I would suggest not defending what you’re doing to him. He’s clearly missing a piece of the puzzle and he won’t understand even when you state it explicitly. Therefore, I prefer laughing at him. His histrionics and knee-jerk reactions are amazing to watch.
Yeah. I’ll let him stew.
How up and up are you to publish a differing point of view?
The United States has a long history of vigilante reasoning by well intentioned people, and not so well intentioned people, and it has always been necessary to come to the defense of people when actual intent of a law is hidden behind the phrase “and for the public safety†and other such expressions used in the making of sex offender legislations. We only need to look back in the not so distant past and see how laws were justified to keep Black people in servitude to racism. Judges, lawmakers, prosecutors, ordinary people were wrong and it took activists to bring those wrongs fully into the light so that they could be corrected. There have been other wrongs against people that without human rights activism would go unchecked to this day.
I write in defense of legitimate people, groups, and organizations that are stereo-typed by people who have their minds locked, tightly shut to any reasonable reasoning that is going on by all sorts of people to come to an understanding of what and what not should be done in this zealot atmosphere of sex offender hatred. I do not write in defense of ZMAN, although he has proven he can defend himself.
For hundreds of people it was sad that one of the members of SOHopeful turned up as being a genuine practicing pedophile, but Christine and those that supported here were genuine. It does not matter to some extent what you and others may think, but Christine was genuine in her efforts in working to make laws fairer.
With regards to ‘just happening upon a pedophile website’ as expressed in your commentary, no one “just†happens upon pedophile websites because these sites are somewhat hidden, and you do have to search for them. People just don’t happen upon them as person surf’s the Internet. It takes effort and some knowledge of what one is looking for and how to seek out those sites. Most I suspect require membership.
Websites that are setup to fight the unfairness of many sex offender laws are not websites full of pedophiles. Many of the people indeed did take sexual liberties in an incestuous fashion with their son, daughter, brother, or sister, and they have and continue to punish for that lack of self-control, and lack of mental boundaries. These sex offender laws have been an eye opener to many people, and most do not recidivate. They might recidivate if these laws did not exist, but because most sex offenses – crimes against children were incestuous.
There are hardcore incestuous families, this has always been know, it is not something that is new to the world of mankind, then there are the cases where people allowed their inappropriate sexual desires spill over onto family and extended family members. The data is quite clear no matter how you and others want to perpetually condemn, the majority are not lifetime pedophiles, nor are pedophiles from the clinical standpoint, so to use the word pedophile continuously is a tactic for incendiary statements that do not bare any truth.
Many people who are labeled as sex offender are not sexual predators although one can make a clear argument that incest is a predatory activity. The registries are full of people who did not commit a sexual offense against a child, this too is well known. The mother who allows her son or daughter to (underage) to be promiscuous is not someone who is a sexual predator or child molester. Such people were downright stupid of what they were doing and allowing their underage children to get away with. Of course we know of the Romeo and Juliet scenarios, most having no intent to prey upon someone deemed by CURRENT law [ever changing] to intentionally have a sexual relation with a person currently deemed a child or underage person of consent.
Stereo-types must be fought, and organizations such as Absolute Zero, Stitches 77, Perverted Justice, and other so-called child protection groups must not go unchallenged because unreasoning vigilantism is very strong in these groups, and some are considered quite dangerous. A person would be a fool not recognize how these groups operate, and to be aware of their existence.
“Stereo-types must be fought, and organizations such as Absolute Zero, Stitches 77, Perverted Justice, and other so-called child protection groups must not go unchallenged because unreasoning vigilantism is very strong in these groups, and some are considered quite dangerous. A person would be a fool not recognize how these groups operate, and to be aware of their existence.”
Comparing groups like this to those whom supported slavery? Since when did convicted sex offenders get to be compared to people whom were put in chains because of their color of their skin? Isn’t that quite outright insulting?
Pingback: When Leftists Defend Sex Offenders To Be On The Level Of “Slaves” Like African-Americans Were… « Zionist Anti-Communist
You may not link to your site here.
“How up and up are you to publish a differing point of view?”
I’m not sure what that means.
“We only need to look back in the not so distant past and see how laws were justified to keep Black people in servitude to racism. Judges, lawmakers, prosecutors, ordinary people were wrong and it took activists to bring those wrongs fully into the light so that they could be corrected. There have been other wrongs against people that without human rights activism would go unchecked to this day.”
Only a degenerate would compare racism against Blacks to people monitoring criminals who rape and molest innocent women and children. It is offensive at best to claim that sex offenders are as innocent or oppressed as Black Americans were. How dare you compare a person who exposes themselves in public to a man dragged here in chains? How can you compare a person who has sex with children to an entire ethnic group?
Sex offenders are victims of their own decision to not control their behavior. Are drunk drivers “victims” when they get a DUI slapped on them? Are thieves “victims” of societal prejudice? Sex offenders are CRIMINALS not minorities. Grow up.
“For hundreds of people it was sad that one of the members of SOHopeful turned up as being a genuine practicing pedophile, but Christine and those that supported here were genuine. It does not matter to some extent what you and others may think, but Christine was genuine in her efforts in working to make laws fairer.”
I have no idea what you’re talking about or who Christine is, and I really don’t care. But SOHOPEFUL is a group founded by degenerates, run by degenerates and no one can be surprised when they get arrested. SOHOPEFUL is to sex offenders what a bar is to alcoholics. If there was a pervert who really wanted to change he or she would avoid groups like that as surely as people in AA avoid bars.
“I write in defense of legitimate people, groups, and organizations that are stereo-typed by people who have their minds locked, tightly shut to any reasonable reasoning that is going on by all sorts of people to come to an understanding of what and what not should be done in this zealot atmosphere of sex offender hatred.”
Are you claiming it’s unreasonable to hate rapists, child molesters, flashers and petty criminals? It is in fact normal for people, particularly parents but all normal healthy adults, to be disgusted by those who CHOOSE to pleasure themselves though the exploitation and victimization of others. By your logic we’re being irrational when we hate Klansmen or Jihadists. This is asinine. People should be judged by their actions, not by how whiney they are on the web.
“With regards to ‘just happening upon a pedophile website’ as expressed in your commentary, no one “just†happens upon pedophile websites because these sites are somewhat hidden, and you do have to search for them. People just don’t happen upon them as person surf’s the Internet. It takes effort and some knowledge of what one is looking for and how to seek out those sites. Most I suspect require membership.”
If you read the PACA expose you’d see that Podia Fae did just happen upon child porn trading sites by following the friends list of a person she was suspicious of. The Ning networks are full of cp trading, just as MySpace is full of pedophiles. You’re claiming child molesters are the victims of “irrational” hatred but trying to smear PACA and myself (through libel, since your claims are a lie) by insinuating that we are, like you, soulless monsters who masturbate to images of children being sodomized. Which is it?
Ning is a free network where any member can view the networks that people they “know” on Ning. I suspect you know that but are hoping that my readers don’t. Nice try but my readers are too smart for that sort of straw man attack and intellectual slight of hand. The point of the post is that Zman is a liar who resorts to making up stories about people because his cause is indefensible. The PACA expose is about Ning members setting up fly by night networks to trade in Child Porn.
“Websites that are setup to fight the unfairness of many sex offender laws are not websites full of pedophiles.”
Name one that is not affiliated with a known pedophile. SOHOPEFUL, SOCLEAR MEDIA ROAR all are run by deviants. Show me one that isn’t, and I’ll point out that I never claimed all were and that this is yet another straw man argument that has nothing to do with me or PACA.
“Many of the people indeed did take sexual liberties in an incestuous fashion with their son, daughter, brother, or sister, and they have and continue to punish for that lack of self-control and lack of mental boundaries…”
This is an opinion stated as fact. And again has nothing to do with you or Zman or PACA’s expose. Were this true how does it mitigate the crimes Zman were involved in? Why shouldn’t these incest perverts be on the registry? And recidivism rates among sex offenders increase with each year that they are free. The study you douches throw around actually says that. Learn to read.
“The data is quite clear no matter how you and others want to perpetually condemn, the majority are not lifetime pedophiles, nor are pedophiles from the clinical standpoint, so to use the word pedophile continuously is a tactic for incendiary statements that do not bare any truth.”
I am on record on Red Alerts and on many websites saying there is no such thing as a pedophile, so again straw man. Pedophilia is not an orientation or identity; it is unfortunately the accepted term for child molestation so I use it for clarity. I much prefer the terms child rape and child exploitation. You’re arguing against ideas I haven’t even expressed.
“Many people who are labeled as sex offender are not sexual predators although one can make a clear argument that incest is a predatory activity. The registries are full of people who did not commit a sexual offense against a child, this too is well known. The mother who allows her son or daughter to (underage) to be promiscuous is not someone who is a sexual predator or child molester. Such people were downright stupid of what they were doing and allowing their underage children to get away with. Of course we know of the Romeo and Juliet scenarios, most having no intent to prey upon someone deemed by CURRENT law [ever changing] to intentionally have a sexual relation with a person currently deemed a child or underage person of consent.”
Untrue and nonsense. The one “Romeo and Juliet” case I know of that everyone claimed was so horrible was of an 18-year-old who filmed himself gang banging a 15-year-old with some friends. Hardly romantic and in fact predatory. There are no mothers on the registry that “allowed their kids to be promiscuous” but I’m sure mothers who helped their boyfriend rape their daughters are. Minimizing the sexual abuse of children doesn’t not make you seem more sympathetic.
Stereo-types must be fought, and organizations such as Absolute Zero, Stitches 77, Perverted Justice, and other so-called child protection groups must not go unchallenged because unreasoning vigilantism is very strong in these groups, and some are considered quite dangerous. A person would be a fool not recognize how these groups operate, and to be aware of their existence.”
Translation-I wish citizens would turn a blind eye to child exploitation. How do you sleep at night advocating for a world where we just allow adults to prey on children?
Oh… just wow.
So, Benoliwal, why don’t you explain to Rob’s readers exactly which laws the groups you’re defending are trying to change? Is it “reasonable reasoning” when a person thinks that they should have the right to have sexual intercourse with a child? Is it “reasonable reasoning” when a person thinks it should be legal to trade in child pornography, which was created by sexually exploiting children? Where is the “reasonable reasoning” on behalf of the children in any of that?
How can you justify comparing the color of a person’s skin, something that they are born with and have no choice in the matter of, with being a child rapist? Having sex with anyone is a choice (albeit, not always a mutual choice, as is in the case of child sexual abuse and rape). Pedophiles can choose not to use children for their own sick pleasure. They can choose not to contribute to child sexual abuse and exploitation by choosing not to view or trade child pornography. They can say they can’t help it, but quite frankly, that’s bullshit. They always have a choice. Unfortunately, the majority choose wrong. When they choose wrong, they should be made to pay the price, and no criminal should have a say in the price paid.
As for Rob’s “commentary” that I “just happened” upon the pedophile sites (as you put it), it’s completely true. I “just happened” upon a couple sites that were predatory in nature on a member’s network list, so I researched further. Yes, I do know what to look for, I know the kinds of names and URLs that pedophiles use, so that did help. But the majority of the sites that I reported were completely open, and openly viewable to anyone. Not only that, but many the network listings that I found had CP on many of them, as well as graphic descriptions of what the sites were created for. Any sites I reported that were not completely open had CP viewable on the main page, which was open. I didn’t join a single network in order to find the illegal content. You obviously didn’t read the piece that Zman was commenting on, or you would have known that. Try researching the information before trying to bullshit people.
And are you trying to insinuate that a sex crime against a child is not as bad if it’s incestuous? I don’t understand the significance there… a sex crime against a child is a sex crime against a child, whether the child is related to the abuser in some fashion or not. Anyone, anyone who uses a child for their own sexual pleasure should rot in prison. The fact that too many are let out far too soon is a crime, but at least the SOR helps parents to keep their children safe from those criminals.
And as for the word “vigilantism”…. “You keep on saying that word… I do not think it means what you think it means.” 😉 Here’s a little hint:
  /ˌvɪdʒəˈlænti/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [vij-uh-lan-tee]
done violently and summarily, without recourse to lawful procedures: vigilante justice.
Groups like PACA, AZU, and Perverted Justice find these sickos and report them to LE, and then let LE take it from there. We don’t physically hunt them down and hang them from a noose.
Here’s another hint: Distorting the facts doesn’t help your cause at all, not that there is any help for trying to make child rape and exploitation legal.
Rob, sorry for the screwed up formatting. :^p Only the second “anyone” was supposed to be bolded. That’s what I get for being online past my computer curfew.
Yeah we know, you like to look for these sites to stop the bad guys. Yeah, you expect me to believe that?
By these sites you mean Zman’s site or Absolute Zero?
How is it racest?
Getting to maters that mater is something we seem to be able to get down to humbly; I would like to share this with you. This from my life experience is a true connection to the ties of races through our own sex laws which have been built on misconceptions and myth.
The Supreme Court just ruled on sex offender laws where some factions of our government think by some inert reasoning that sex offender should be quarantined like some virus steaming from draconian/Islamic law sex offenders should be executed. I have seen for myself, video taken in another country where a sex offender is placed on a pole much like the Catholics use to use a pyramid shaped object and have them sit on it and spin, the pole travels through the body looking for the throat but if not found its ok cause the sharpened end of the pole will come out somewhere. The heritage of the act is in its self a throwback to troglodyte’s who are so obsessed with sex they can find that the way to deal with the issue is as revolutionary, as war, and two wrongs don’t make a right but has in fact called up deep rooted issues of people who have had to put up with this kind of “hierarchy” of historic hysteria far to long. A word taken from hysterectomy, hysteria is tied to castration used to make animals less threatening right? Good old Monty Hall. Well no wonder it’s wrong, right?
Anyway we are supposed to be the most advanced nation and we still have a death penalty when the rest of the world except for nations we are still warring with, {think!} While other nations went home our weapons dealers and torture lovers delighting in support for the death of people they don’t know or want to simply because they don’t know how to get money with out taking it from someone by force, is that supposed to includes mutilations? In my humble opinion that alone are terrorist activities as much as severed hands, ears, heads, or making a case with nothing more than an obsession justified by lies.
The truth about the sex offender registry will come out soon enough. When it does, People will see how the use of the registry was created, and by exactly who and why and the devastation it has created and the worthlessness of the use of it. It’s origin in the Crow laws that brought disgrace to our nation allowing thieves and murderous societal bigots who have trashed any shot at making good of a program in its design to make money destroying our nation and its people. We can not play god and we can not survive using this behavior model because you are compounding the problem.
It’s a ruse designed by people who are getting rich off the castration/hysterectomy/health care/physic care of people thrusex laws that have gone bonkers. What about the people who are being used by the Medicare programs that requires these mutilations for both men and woman after they take their means of support? Can’t you see? You have created the model and it is worthless! Why don’t you just indiscriminately kill people you don’t know that’s statically the next sex offender because over 90% of all new offences are people not on the sex offender registry and the numbers are increasing not decreasing so as a behavior model the chumps put together is really screwed up and they were told before they tried it. So what is the use of such laws as the sex offender registry other than to terrorize people? With the murder of so many sex offenders and the continued disregard for life by the use of the registry it’s just a mater of time before the federal government will be held liable for the deaths through federal court.
In a nation where a statement may have a double or triple meaning and our entire linage can be traced through mud, guts, and beer it’s nice once in a while to get the picture of what is meant instead of what some thinks someone may have implied. So it is from the trenches to the hill. Remember the game where someone says something in someone’s ear then passes it the same way to the next; I stopped dancing before I started this hitch. Glad to see you have that kind of drive. Best regards