For the record I solidly believe us to be entering a new ice age and there is more evidence to prove this than global warming. I don’t, however, advocate dragging global warming douches out of their smart cars and beating them until they admit global warming would be a good thing as it would create more farmable land and increase food stocks.
Some hippy on Talking Points Memo thinks just the opposite. Before TPM scrubbed the post Right Wing News copied down the missive for posterity. Read this and tell me you shouldn’t be hoarding ammunition:
At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers
June 2, 2009, 9:42PM
What is so frustrating about these fools is that they are the politicians and greedy bastards who don’t want a cut in their profits who use bogus science or the lowest scientists in the gene pool who will distort data for a few bucks. The vast majority of the scientific minds in the World agree and understand it’s a very serious problem that can do an untold amount of damage to life on Earth.
So when the right wing f***tards have caused it to be too late to fix the problem, and we start seeing the devastating consequences and we start seeing end of the World type events – how will we punish those responsible. It will be too late. So shouldn’t we start punishing them now?
Wow. So I guess even now the author, The Insolent Braggart, is putting together a black bag team to come get me. The Washington Examiner has an interesting essay on this sort of political extremism.
Update: Maybe the Ice Age is here? Via Drudge, North Dakota has June snowfall for the first time in almost sixty years.
In a TEOWAWKI situation, all of the white ethnics you have surrounded yourself with in the middle class southern suburbs (and yet you think it’s the bayou or something) will treat you as the clown you are.
They won’t help you when TSHTF. Food will go to serious people. You’ll likely starve to death bemoaning with your last breath the “communism” of your neighbors, who you’ll think converted to Islam for not conforming to “pro-freedom” GOP-libertarian values.
A) Most of my neighbors are from New Jersey (everyone is leaving that state) and other big Democrat run hell holes and are pretty evenly split between White, Black, Asian and Indian.
B) Almost all the southerners I have met are friendly kind hearted people. Your attempt to paint southerners as inbred hillbillies is simply the act of some northeastern hillbilly pretending to be better than people based solely on their geographic location. Grow up.
C) I have a year’s worth of food (and the larder grows every day) and more ammunition than the Canadian army. Don’t worry abut me, I’ll be fine.
D) But those are asides, are you in agreement that people who KNOW that an ice age is on the way (it is) should be rounded up fascist?
Not that I want to get into my stance on the subject of global warming, but what the hell kind of a crackhead would advocate “rounding up non-believers” and executing them???
He’s not the first person to float the idea either. There’s a lot of money to be made in some of the “Green initiatives” being talked about and I think guys like him are on the payroll of companies that stand to make a killing monopolizing a government mandated market.
Isn’t inciting violence against others illegal?
WTF… if it’s not, I may just as well change the rules I’ve posted to PACA and allow people to discuss other ways of dealing with child rapists. At least there’s a valid reason for the absolute hate and disgust many people feel toward that group… they ruin the lives of children, and that is proven. You only need to know one or two victims or survivors of CSA to realize that.
Most people on one side or the other of the global warming debate haven’t thoroughly researched both sides before forming their opinion and becoming angry when others disagree with them.
Especially the coming Ice Age 🙂
But seriously I once read a great essay (have to find it) that showed that the benefits of Global Warming would out way the negatives. Imagine a world where we could farm Greenland and Northern Canada. We could literally feed the world!