Late Sunday/Early Monday Link Round-Up

It’s no secret that I’m a crazed survivalist with the world’s most neglected survival blog. As such I have spent this weekend “prepping” for the inevitable apocalypse which may or may not include civilization ending solar storms, an Autumn Swine Flu die off or the dreaded Mass Rising of the Dead who will feast upon the flesh and/or brains of the living. This largely included transplanting my one of my tomato plants and demanding that the lazy, good for nothing Bumble Bees who spend their time trying to crash into my head pollinate my damn tomatillos.

I also found yet another Hard Tack recipe on the ‘net which is frankly exactly like all the others, but this one has a video.

In other words I puttered around all weekend so I’m throwing up this link round up of all the things I’ve been meaning to blog about but never got around to:

The Black Sphere posted this great video about the Klan vote and Democrat hero Hugo Black. Great Moments in Democrat Racist History:


The Pagan Temple takes on Wiccan con artist Marrenna Lindberg, the morbidly obese author of The Orgasmic Diet. In the book Lindberg basically tells women to artificially boost testosterone levels and “embrace real foods” like fatty foods, milk, double bacon cheeseburgers and all the things she likes to stuff in her swollen gullet, that is when she isn’t pretending to be a gay man in sexually explicit chats on forums. Patrick Kelly says it best:

I have a pretty firm way of looking at overweight people who spout off about magic and spirituality when they apply this much-vaunted learning and wisdom to the areas of government and left-wing politics. Without seeing them, you might merely assume they are simply deluded. Once you get a good look at their fat-asses, you then start to realize they might just be full of shit.

Cryptic Subterranean brings us a story from jolly old England that shows what happens when you rely on the state to defend you and your family from criminal predation. The Gun Rights Examiner backs him up.

Oxford is about to make a degenerate with a history of sexually harassing students their Professor of Poetry and consider it “sabotage” to point out his history of abuse. He doesn’t deny the charges.

Atlas exposes institutionalized Jew hatred in the University of Toronto.

An Egyptian government minister issued a Fatwa calling for the slaughtering of pigs-because pigs are Jews.

German socialists are moving to silence a Pro-Israeli blogger.This seems familiar somehow…

Sultan Knish has a provocative must read essay called Obama’s plan to destroy Israel that I’ve re-read twice. Spend some time with it.

Iraqi Military Spokesman Maj. general Atta Qassim says Obama’s release of 4000 insurgents has cause Al-Qaeda to revitalize and increase activity.

Charles Johnson was the Religion of Peace Dhimwit of the month for April. Looks like people are starting to notice his perfidy.

I thought Libertarians were against wars of aggression? Lew Rockwell has made an exception for Russia’s war on Georgia. Z.A.C. also has a piece on the new Blood Libel. Supporting Israel = White Supremacy.

In End of the World news (h/t Survival Blog):

Tamaflu has been linked to abnormal behavior in patients 10-17 in a Japanese study. The“real” unemployment rate is likely at around 15% and the decline of the dollar is acceleratng. Doctors are predicting a worse strain of Swine flu this fall and corporate insiders are quietly selling off at a frantic rate. According to a chart on The Pragmatic Capitalist Jeffery Bezos of Amazon sold 800,000 shares May 1st and another 200,000 may 4th. I’m putting in my Amazon orders quick.

Deborah Perez is not the daughter of the Zodiac, but she is a nut. Surprise!

Babalu Blog has a beautiful letter from a customer to Urban Outfitters explaining why Che t-shirts are so offensive.

Family Security matters has a great essay on Female Sex Killers.

This is why gun control will never work.