Tammy Bruce Argues for Civil Unions with a Gay Gestapo Member on Fox and Friends

I’m posting this not just because I’m sure within a decade I’ll be part of what is known as the Tammy Bruce wing of the Republican party, but because it goes to show a point about the gay marriage issue most people forget. Supposedly gay leftists don’t care about guaranteeing gay Americans their civil rights to inherit property and choose their heir at all, because this could be done in a civil union framework. The Marxist infiltrated “gay rights” movement is only interested in using gays as a bludgeon to attack the right, while their new messiah is actively persecuting gays in the military.

It should be noted that Dan Choi, about to get the boot from service because he’s “out” has been out since last year. Mean old homophobe President Bush (the guy who tried to get gays civil unions) and the Republican led military couldn’t care less about that, you know because there’s a war on. Somehow Obama’s made time to ensure that the military loses good soldiers using the Clinton era “don’t ask don’t tell” policy where Homosexuals needed to hide their orientation. It’s almost like leftists secretly don’t like gays at all.


Make sense to me. Tammy Bruce 2012!