Victimless Crime File: Mother of the Year Laughs as Child with Down Syndrome Has Pot Smoke Forced in His Mouth

I guess if pot was legal this story would have turned out differently in some way, right pot heads?

Behold the persecution of harmless pot smokers:

An Oklahoma mother will spend the next ten years in prison for letting another adult blow marijuana smoke in her child’s face…and it was caught on camera.

Prosecutors in Caddo County say this video shot last year shows a woman blowing marijuana smoke into the mouth of a seven-year-old boy, who has downs syndrome.

Investigators say the mother, Caroline Beavers, sat watching nearby.

Workers at an electronics store notified police last April after finding this video on a computer that had been repossessed.

Beavers was arrested and charged with one felony count of enabling child abuse.

She was sentenced Friday to ten years in prison.

Prosecutors say the woman who blew the smoke, Brandy Hugar, has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing.

Breitbart has video which shows some important facts the above report doesn’t mention, namely that Beavers laughed as a woman in her late 20s grabbed her 7-year-old kid with Down’s Syndrome by the back of the head and pressed their open mouths together to blow smoke in him. Now imagine it was a man in his late 20s doing that to the little boy. Harmless? Or perverted?

Once the kid was good and high he went over to his mother for comfort, as I suppose Beavers and company wee hardly smoking the good stuff, when mother of the year scolded him for wanting a hug. You know, because hugging your kid would interfere with all that sitting around getting high.

But pot smokers are better than other addicts right?

The cherry on top of this story is how typical of a lazy pot smoker Beavers is. The video she got busted for was found by technicians on a computer that was repossessed. 

How do you get to a point in your life when your PC gets repossessed? I assume step one is to never outgrow the childish need to get high.

11 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Mother of the Year Laughs as Child with Down Syndrome Has Pot Smoke Forced in His Mouth

  1. Pingback: Pot smoking mom sentenced to 10 years for letting friend blow smoke into son’s mouth

  2. You stupid fat mother! She actually cared more about smoking and her stupid so-called friends…AND ACTUALLY FORGOT THAT SHE HAD A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP CALL!!!!!!!!!!! Caroline Beavers is one truly fat ugly bloated bitch. Who in the right mind would just sit back and laugh as you witness your stupid so-called friends blow smoke into your flesh and blood’s mouth…and yell at your flesh and blood when he just wanted a hug?! I can’t even understand why Caroline Beavers is truly interested only in sitting on her fat arse and letting her stupid friends blow smoke into her flesh and blood’s mouth. I hope that vile fat whore so-called mom and her friends get beaten by their inmates cuz even inmates hate child abusers. As for that poor boy, i hope he finds a better home and never sees those monsters again.

  3. This is a terrible thing to happen but it sounds like you hate pot smokers because of this woman’s crimes. Do you always go off on rants stereotyping people?

  4. Yes “John Henry” I simply hate pot smokers and there is no real reason, and drug users being irresponsible parents is just a stereotype. No need to read what I’ve written or think about the points, such as America needs an HONEST discussion about drug abuse, just light up a joint and pretend I’m some hateful square.

  5. What does this example of CHILD ABUSE have to do with the legality of marijuana? I’m pretty sure the connection you’re attempting to make is far fetched at best. If pot was legal, this would still be disgusting. As it happens, pot is illegal in most states and yet this still happened. Weird, huh?

    There will always be morons, period. Don’t mistake one persons irresponsibilty as the norm.

  6. The “far fetched” connection is that legalizing pot, or any drug, would not decrease the criminality of drug users as was proved in America by the fact that drunks fill our jails and the Mafia didn’t disappear after prohibition was repealed.

    This is not an isolated incident. The drug culture is this and hundreds of drug users are giving children pot right now. Hell this is the third or fourth case of it I’ve bloged about in the last 8 months.

    Drug legalization would be a mistake until we as a society are honest about the cost to society of allowing the extended adolescence of the drug culture to be come acceptable. Chronic drug users CANNOT care for themselves or their children and legalization advocates are asking us to shoulder that burden, or simply watch abuse happen.

  7. This is a case of child abuse. Period. If these people were sober, they would have had the capacity to do the same thing.

    When it comes down to it, it’s not the alcohol, it’s not the pharmaceutical/illegal drugs, it’s not the gun….. it is PEOPLE.

    Better education is necessary to curtail abuse in all aspects of our lives.

  8. So if they didn’t smoke pot they still would have given pot to their kid?

    The drug culture takes bad situations and makes them worse. Why argue the point that it doesn’t? Alcoholics often become completely different people once they lay off the sauce, I suspect chronic smokers do as well.

  9. So this is for all of those who believe that pot is evil and that the only reason that this happened is because of pot.
    I guess if the child had been forced to drink legal alcohol or inhale legal cigarette smoke then it would be ok?
    Now i do believe that cannibis should be legalized but that it should regulated like alcohol (which BTW has more deaths than maijuana) and that this b*tch should be sentenced to a very long 10 years minimum and be sterilized so that she can never do this again.
    BTW rob tayor- no if these ‘people’ were not using marijuana they wouldn’t have given it to him. They would have given him alcohol, or cigarettes, or too much Nyquil just see what happens. These ‘women’ are sick and that has nothing at all to do with marijuana. It is a lack of morals, empathy, and love for the child involved.

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