Rich White Guy Claims We Should be Burning Down the Houses of Rich White Guys

Another White guy desperate to maintain hipster revolutionary cred has penned an essay which is one step away from a suicide note and he doesn’t even notice. If it wasn’t so evil it’d be delicious.

Behold David B. Livingstone, Class Warrior!

A pundit, inexplicably selected for an interview on the BBC, lamented a “disastrous” week for the Obama Administration owing to the rising tide of popular anti-oligarch sentiment, characterizing the groundswell of popular rage against the AIG welfare scheme as tantamount to “class war.” It was a mantra echoed throughout Fox News, the wingnutosphere and the grumbling classes of newly-defanged Washington reactionary parasites aghast at the thought that anything should ever come between a banker and his next Ferrari or oceanfront condo. The rabble were getting ever so slightly restless! Oh, the impertinence! Oh, the horror! Imagine: The poor, the powerless and the hungry might stop licking the boot that kicks them!

Well, it would be about damn time. The Armani-clad parasite class have had a free ride since the first seconds of the Reagan Administration, engineering three decades of rising national productivity paired with flatlined or declining real wages for some 98 percent of the population even as their own pay packets bloated like blood-engorged ticks. The old disparity benchmark between the wages of the highest- and lowest-paid employees in the American workforce used to be a scant 1000:1. Nurtured under the loving, protective wings of Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II, that figure now stands at a high of 80,000:1 amongst the highest echelons in the financial services field.

Meh. Boilerplate so far, undergrad level Marxist arm-chair revolutionary rhetoric at its most puerile. But he picks up speed:

Guess what: The class war has already begun. In fact, it’s been going on for centuries. The thing is that only one side knows about it, and only one side has been fighting.

It has always been an easy matter to convince the broad mass of Americans that it is in their best interests to celebrate the vast material success of the anointed, storied men who give them orders and exploit their labor for their own profit. After all, the ingenuity and entrepreneurship of the governing class should be rewarded and encouraged! These titans of business create jobs! It is owing to their vast, immane beneficence that we are able to toil in their factories and shine their shoes in order to buy the Kraft American Singles and Ford Pintos that they wish to sell us!

We should be grateful. And – if we’re really, really good – we might even be allowed to join them. Buy that lotto ticket. Or maybe Regis Philbin will ask you if you want to be a millionaire, or Ed McMahon will show up at your door with an oversized check. Or, if you only work a little harder for a little longer and put a little more of your hard-earned money into shares of their overpriced stocks and bonds, just maybe you’ll be able to trade up some day to a McMansion of your own – packed to the gills with sulfur-filled Chinese drywall.

The hypocrisy of a man who makes an extremely good living writing nonsense like this and running political scams designed to enrich himself. This person so upset by parasitic businessmen makes a living as a “web based activist” whose two sites on his resume were both Made for Adsense anti-Bush sites that he took down as soon as Obama won the election. When they were up they were hardly productive in the way he claims decent hard working people are. I think the creator of is no different than the bloodsucking ticks he’s railing against.

But he goes even further:

The class war, as practiced daily in the office parks and brokerages and factory floors of the United States, is the ultimate masterpiece in asymmetrical warfare – one side armed to the teeth and out for blood, the other blissfully unaware of being under attack. For a fleeting second, some feared that the AIG bonuses might have disrupted this precious asymmetry. Had it done so, and were there  justice, the last investment banker would be sobbing at the center of the charred wreckage of the last McMansion.

I notice he doesn’t say “and after that let’s burn out people who milk the Internet for money!” but I am. David Livingstone I’m going to take up your challenge. After we burn the homes of people in an orgy of class envy I say we burn down the homes of the people just as rich as the businessmen who think it’s justified to destroy their property. David, are you with me?

I need a mob (contact me via email) who will accompany me to the houses of certain “web based activists” where, after the revolution Livingstone masturbates to starts, we can dispense The People’s Justice on those bloodsucking parasites who sit at home calling for revolution while collecting their monthly payouts form Google.

I wonder how many web activists live in McMansions? Maybe Mr. Livingstone can tell us?

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