Victimless Crime File: 17-Year-Old Desiree Sandner Has a Lot of Kids She Can’t Take Care Of


At 17, Desiree Sandner is pregnant with her fourth child. Aside from getting pregnant Desiree has another hobby, smoking pot. Unfortunately this has led to two of her children being taken from her already, and now the third likely will after Dallas police stopped the pot-packing prego as she was driving around with her child in an unrestrained car seat while smoking pot.

 DALLAS (CBS 11 News) ― A 17-year-old faces charges of endangering a child by smoking marijuana in a very confined space.

Dallas police told paramedics to take the teen’s 6-month-old to Children’s Medical Center for a medical evaluation. As of 9 p.m.,there was word yet if doctors found drugs in the baby’s system.

Desiree Sandner just turned 17 a few weeks ago. Test results for her son Isaiah aren’t back yet.

DPD’s crime response team arrested her in her car just as she arrived back home.

Child Protective Services would not say if the infant was in state custody or if he is with relatives.

According to reports, officers Sandner placed “… a lit marijuana cigar on the front passenger floor board of the vehicle …” and that they “…smelled a strong odor of freshly burnt marijuana coming from the vehicle.”

The 6-month-old was laying in a baby carrier in the back seat, officers noted and was not secured by a seatbelt.

No one at Sandner’s house wanted to comment.

Police not CPS had previously removed Sandner’s two other children. When Sandner was brought to jail on Tuesday, officials discovered she is pregnant again.

“Tests revealed that she is pregnant and that’s going to have to be worked out between her and Child Protective Services as to how she is endangering the lives of her children, not only the little boy already born, but the unborn child as well,” said Dallas Police Sr. Cpl. Janice Crowther.

Off topic but whoever filed the above story must like the weed too. Either that or he should sue every English teacher he ever had.

But the real victims here aren’t just the children of Desiree, it’s you and me. We’re taking care of her babies because she won’t stop getting high and acting stupid. While she has her “harmless fun” everyone else suffers financially and in her children’s case emotionally and perhaps physiologically.  This isn’t a victimless crime, and sans her drug abuse this story would never happen.

h/t Trench, who basically wrote this post for me!

10 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: 17-Year-Old Desiree Sandner Has a Lot of Kids She Can’t Take Care Of

  1. I was trying to be polite but LK, are you kidding? This is a joke right? This kid could have killed her kids driving around high and there are thousands of good people in the foster system who take wonderful carer of children.

  2. Well, maybe you could sit at the table and eat ice cream with her, you know, shoot the shit a little, and then she, and the kids she allegedly neglects would be all okey dokey? Let me know how that works out for you, kay?

  3. Call me a bleeding heart, Rob, but I’m feeling sorry for this girl just as much as her children. Think about it: she’s 17 with 4 kids and one on the way (or is it 3 and one on the way?).

    13 year old girls don’t spread their legs voluntarily and then choose to have one child after another. As bad and heartbroken as I feel about her clearly abused children, this blog makes me want to find her parents and the men responsible for her abuse and beat the living hel out of them all!

    All this 17 year old girl was ever taught is reflected in the way she has raised her children. I’d like to read a blog about the assholes who raped her and the sick parents who raised her.

    God, I saw her picture before I read the title (because I was on my cellphone and that’s the way it loaded) and my first thought was this was a blog about a little girl rescued from being sold by her dad. I mean, how can you look at that photo and not think of her as an abused child?

    I keep getting more pissed the longer I stay here thinking about her life, so I’m going to go finish that blog you got me started on.

  4. SMP – I agree. When social services snatched this teenager’s first 2 kids, why wasn’t something done to intervene on her behalf as well? This story reflects an epic fail on the part of everyone involved.

    However, this girl is clearly not ready to be a mom and for the sake of her kids I’m happy they are no longer with her. I hope this arrest helps scare her straight – if not, I’d like to think her family or friends would be there to set her on the right path, but I won’t hold my breath.

    BTW, that was an awesome comment you wrote on the blog of that adoptive mother!

  5. When Social Service got her first two kids why wasn’t she removed from her home too?

    And by the way, you give me one week and I could mke that kid into a model citizen anon. So there.

  6. Well said, Jenn!

    Oh, Rob, I have no doubt and mostly because I have serious questions as to the increasing list of disabilities she keeps adding to when speaking of the girl.

  7. When I looked at the picture my mouthed droped 2 the floor!!!! She’s SO young. SMP, I loved what u said your right on!!!

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