Reports are coming in that the man who murdered Pastor Fred Winters had Lyme Disease which some are positing is at the root of his crime.
I’m not sure I buy it. There are a lot of Lyme Disease sufferers out there and the streets aren’t clogged with wild-eyed murderers driven to kill.
Even though Lyme Disease can cause long term difficulties the National Institutes of Health lists the symptoms of untreated Lyme Disease as:
* Decreased concentration
* Memory disorders
* Nerve damage
* Numbness
* Pain
* Paralysis of the facial muscles
* Sleep disorders
* Visual disturbances
It should be noted that most people don’t experience all these symptoms. I think there are doctors who claim the disease may cause depression, but most depressed people don’t murder reverends in churches. There’s more to this story.
I’ll bet someone uncovers his Democratic Underground account within the next couple of days.
Travis the Chimp also suffered from Lyme Disease, and that, along with the fact that he was given Zanax in warm tea, is supposedly what caused him to attack that woman. So, there could be something to this, I suppose.