What could be influencing British men to take on such misogynist views? How could we possibly explain this?
From The Sun:
ONE in five adults thinks it is OK for a man to slap his wife or girlfriend, a shock survey reveals today.
They consider it acceptable if she merely wears “sexy clothes†in public.
Fourteen per cent reckon blokes are justified in lashing out if a partner is “nagging or moaningâ€.
And 10 per cent believe it is all right for them to hit a lover who flirts with another man.Â
Weird. I thought English people were civilized. it’s almost as if the poll was inundated by people who didn’t share the Enlightenment values of equality and liberty for all.
The sickening figures emerge in a Government survey on domestic violence — which quizzed both men AND women — to be published today.
Incredibly, they reveal that HALF the public think a woman is at least partly at fault for being raped if she does not clearly say “noâ€.
A third believe she is partly responsible if she is drunk.
And a quarter think she should take some of the blame if she wears sexy clothing.
Officials said the findings “shocked†Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.
They come as she unveils a groundbreaking crusade today to stop violence against women.
Yeah. Good luck with that.
Odds you’ll see this story on Pandagon? 40:1
Odds this shit will fly in America, where women here are known for burning abusive men and castrating rapists?
Even with the conniving little things Muslims are doing to infiltrate our society, they won’t win. Women here won’t stand for it. We’ll kick their ass in a heartbeat and kick the asses of their little simpering sorry-excuse-for-women they keep shawled and supportive of their barely-human men if they get in the way.
In fact, I’d wager we’re all on our collective mental haunches just begging for the opportunity to beat the fuck out of any of them who dares make this socially acceptable here. I’m right there on the front lines swinging my aluminum bat with one hand and clutching my newest sword with the other.
We’ve become a nation full of angry, frustrated women after having to fight for so long for our own rights and justice from abuse – and we had to to do so in the courts because to actually fight back would have landed US in jail. There is no way in Hel or God’s green Earth we will be made to go back to any of that, and we have a really bad itch to violently retaliate for all that’s been done that we never had a chance to do. So bring it on, assholes! We want you sooo bad!