Sal Ballarino, an appointee to the Staten Island the Education Department, sent out a popular liberal email containing photos of John McCain and Barack Obama at a debate with cartoon balloons above their heads where McCain says horrible racist things. At about the point that the NAACP got involved ol’ Sal seemed to lose his party affiliation. Since the cartoon paints the Republican candidate as a bitter racist crank I assume Ballarino is a Democrat.
Anyone care to try to prove me wrong?
From The New York Post:
 A Staten Island appointee to an Education Department parent council who admitted forwarding an email containing racist jokes about black resigned today at the behest of Borough President James Molinaro because of his actions.
Molinaro said he spoke with his appointee, Salvatore Ballarino, “this morning, and asked him to resign.”
“He agreed, and he has resigned effective today. His conduct was inappropriate and unacceptable as my appointee,” Molinaro said. Such comments about any race, people, or religion by anyone appointed by me will not be tolerated.”
Ballarino, who could not be immediately reached for comment, had been Molinaro’s appointee on Community Education Council District 31 for the past several years. The group acts as a liaison between parents of schoolchildren and the Education Department.
On Sunday, when asked about the email that he forwarded to several dozen friends on Jan. 4 he defended the mailing as “a joke. It wasn’t a racial comment.”
“Everybody got to grow up a little bit,” said Ballarino, 67, when asked if he understood why some people might be offended by the e-mail.
If you don’t think he’s a Democrat then read this quote and tell me it’s not straight from the Pandagon playbook:
 Ballarino on Sunday said the e-mail was just one of “hundreds” of ones containing different times of jokes that he routinely forwards to friends.
“So, what’s the big deal?” he said.
“I have plenty of black friends. I have plenty of black people I think the world of,” Ballarino said.
He added, “I drove black people home from work.”
It’s like listening to Amanda Marcotte.
The guy was appointed by a member of the NY Conservative Party. And it’s readily apparent form other comments he can’t stand Obama. He liked the cartoon because of the “clueless” look on Obama’s face. I’d guess you’re wrong.
Which member of the Conservative party and since that email has gone around among liberals and is a known anti-McCain cartoon I’m thinking I’m still right. And aside from who appointed him, what party is he registered as? If he was a Conservative it would be all over the Internet.
I’m thinking you’re still wrong but don’t want to admit you didn’t do your homework. The name of the guy who appointed him is right there in your post, which tells me you really don’t know what’s going on. Molinaro is the first ever conservative elected as Staten Island Borough president. Ballarino very obviously despises Obama based on his comments, which are extremely easy to find with a VERY simple web search. You do know how to search the web, don’t you?
In addition, Ballarino has hosted NRA fundraisers. How many NY Democrats do you know who do that?
Now please explain why you STILL think this guy is a Democrat.
Sorry guy I lived in New York and the Conservative party endorses and appoints people from other parties all the time. They endorsed Rudy and he was hardly conservative.
As for the N.R.A. all Democrats aren’t liberal. There are even gun stores in NYC, so that proves little.
The cartoon in question is ANTI-McCAIN. Speaking of easy web searches you could look up the cartoon and see it is the same one liberals were emailing each other a couple of months ago, since I know liberals, I’ve actually seen it before.
There is a new article on the situation. Apparently, the community education council failed to give an apology or acknowledge they knew about the consistent racist emails Sal sent out. Check out