Remember all those people who claimed the world would be better off without America and our crass capitalist consumerism? You know, your sociology professor, that pot smoking boomer down the street and your Starbucks barista? Well, as you suspected, it turns out they had no idea what they were talking about. American consumption was driving the global economy including the emerging economies of China and India. The socialist European countries do not produce enough wealth to drive global spending.
Larry Elliot puts it best in his recent Guardian article on the plight of Asian markets:
Quite simply, the great engine of globalisation has gone into reverse. During the long boom, the US acted as the consumer of last resort: it sucked in exports from China and Japan. As China industrialised, it needed high-grade investment goods from Germany, and as prosperity spread in the world’s most populous country, there was strong demand for Japanese electronics, cars and consumer gizmos. Now that America has stopped spending, Chinese factories have closed. The knock-on effects of that are being felt in Tokyo and Hamburg.
In Japan, all the main industries are reporting decreases in exports of more than 40%. The big car companies – Toyota, Nissan and Honda – are really feeling the pinch: overseas sales by the transport equipment sector were down almost 54% on a year ago. What’s more, car sales are slumping everywhere: JÂapanese exports to North America, Europe and the rest of Asia were all down by more than 50%.
He of course goes on to claim massive spending by the government will change all this in truly (and I hate the word but it’s perfect here) leftarded fashion but his information points to the harsh reality of Obama’s stimulus package and why it will fail on a global level. As taxes “on the rich” go up and more people jump on the dole (and limited budgets) we will stop buying high end foreign goods (as we already have) and that will tank the rest of the world’s economies. Given how the world is reacting now I dread what will happen when-American purchasing power really drops. Right now big box stores full of imported goods are still crowded, come this summer when that merchandise isn’t moving things will get worse than they are now.
And now they’re pretty bad:
Russian bombers buzzed Canada during Obama’s visit. Defense officials think that was a test of Canadian security when “our security attention would be focused in Ottawa around the president’s visit.”
Anti-globalization protesters are planning eat the rich demonstrations in Germany. I assume they’ll bring a Guillotine for the rich who their spokesman has claimed benefited from Globalization while the rest of Germany “suffered” (by being kept men and women of the state) at the hands of “unfair” trade agreements.
German leftist groups are already destroying the cars of “the rich” in an arson spree. It’s only a matter of time before they torch people.
The new White House Budget Director told Neil Cavuto massive deficits were “beneficial” to America. A federal panel yesterday released a report calling for gas tax hikes and charging motorists by the mile for driving.
Strapped for cash and unable to combat the Mexican cartels, the feds are going to let states legalize pot if they want. It’ll be amusing to see the looks on legalization proponents faces when drug gangs don’t disappear, but begin legally setting up shop and destabilizing America as they did in Mexico. But hey, we can get high, who cares if the bodega down the street is burned and the owner’s daughters raped for not paying protection money to gangs, right guys?
Despite massive government intervention, U.S. and world economies are racing into depressions.
Meet our new Director of National Intelligence. Chas Freeman was the president of the Middle East Policy Council which published a textbook claiming Muslims discovered America before Columbus or the Vikings (and that the Iroquois were Muslims!) and runs a magazine known for viciously anti-Semitic propaganda.
Biden wants to destroy the coal industry, and thus most cities’ ability to have reliable power.
EU insiders are afraid that European countries’ attempts to save their own economies will hurt the “Eurozone” and are trying to stop them.
And of course gun stores can’t keep arms and ammo on the shelves. The Mrs. and I are in fact going to be spending the entire weekend putting food, water and ammo into our larder. No matter what happens now it’s pretty clear the world is slipping into chaos and the governments of the world are only making things worse.
Are you ready for that?
I should also add that the Red Chinese are buying out homes in Southern California where I live, and also accuse the USA of “human rights abuses” while Hillary Clinton visited China to beg for their money.
More on my blogspot blog can be seen there.
“Strapped for cash and unable to combat the Mexican cartels, the feds are going to let states legalize pot if they want. It’ll be amusing to see the looks on legalization proponents faces when drug gangs don’t disappear, but begin legally setting up shop and destabilizing America as they did in Mexico. But hey, we can get high, who cares if the bodega down the street is burned and the owner’s daughters raped for not paying protection money to gangs, right guys?”
White people will grow and smoke their own pot. It is a weed, it can grow outdoors and indoors anywhere the US.
This would be a sudden end to the real driving force of “diversity” for 80 years. All white man / black man / brown man coming together BS originated at the end of a shared joint, from a bag of drugs bought in the ghetto, shipped from Mexico.
legally setting up shop and destabilizing America as they did in Mexico
Pot is illegal in Mexico, to a greater degree than it is in the US, where it is celebrated in mainstream entertainment culture.
“But hey, we can get high, who cares if the bodega down the street is burned and the owner’s daughters raped for not paying protection money to gangs, right guys?””
I’ll be over on the white side of town not giving a shit, where there are no gangs to be found (try to imagine a white gang member and not laugh), and so will the white potheads who would now have their own gardens with no need to venture into the ghetto and proposition a random gangbanger using his best take at ebonics.
Perhaps the Bodega owner should arm himself?
“Strapped for cash and unable to combat the Mexican cartels, the feds are going to let states legalize pot if they want.”
They’re broke, no money to fight the drug war, so what is your suggestion? What is your opinion that pot is celebrated in basically every hollywood movie catered to teens? Understand now: being anti-hollywood is “anti-America” and “anti-capitalism” and certainly not “pro-victory”.
Pot is psuedo-illegal (illegal yet a facet of mainstream society) to aid internal imperialist thought: “diversity” and “tollerance” pushed by the state.
The fed will recognize its folly and its potential loss of power and keep it illegal if it knows what’s good for itself. They’ll take the red-alerts position and decide to keep power. I thought you likened yourself to an anti-government warrior?
Everything you wrote is retarded. Since I’m getting ready to go to lunch with my wife (something you’ll never have to worry about, as you’ll be dying alone) I’ll touch on some general points but I don’t expect a drug addicted bigot with nothing better to do but troll blogs on a Friday night to really get it. However I’m a giver, and since this is clearly all the social contact you get I’ll play along:
1) If White People grew their own pot who funds the drug war in the inner cities? Poor people?
2) You’re arguing that the civilized tolerance of society, what I would call Pax American, is wrong and part of the drug culture yet you go on to argue for a drug culture. I assume you were high when you wrote this so perhaps when (or if) you get sober come back and explain why you think there will be a monumental shift in drug culture which will make White pot smokers suddenly bitter racists.
3) Nothing is illegal in Mexico as the government has effectively lost control over entire regions of the country. You’ll notice in that decriminalizing environment, where the government hasn’t the time to pursue every independent pot farmer, their has been no non-cartel pot farms. The cartels are a government onto themselves with a military wing which has cells here. If you grow pot, you will be “taxed” eventually.
4) There are dozens of dangerous White gangs, like the Hell’s Angels (who run drugs) The Nazi Low Riders, The Banditos, the Westies (who still run Hell’s kitchen) La Costa Nostra etc. Maybe if you smoked less pot you would have some knowledge of the world.
5)”Perhaps the Bodega owner should arm himself?” Asinine. So a shop keep owning a pistol will be able to fend off a hundreds strong gang? How’d that work out for nightclub owners who resisted the Mafia? This is the kind of Quake-inspired stoner fantasy that proves you sit at home all day. I doubt you even own a gun, if you did I’d hope you’d know it isn’t a cure all and most people aren’t born gunfighters.
6) The last two paragraphs are barely understandable. But I’ve never likened myself to an anti-government warrior (you have in your various comments) I am a patriotic American. I’m a Republican and I will fight to preserve my liberty. That includes my liberty to not be on the hook for dregs who smoke pot all day.
By the way, stop reading Alex Jones. Repeating his nonsense makes you sound more ignorant than you are.
If legalization of pot happens under Obama, it seems like the drug cartels will act like the mafia. They’ll juts go out and buy the politicians they need to cover up their tracks like what they’re doing in Mexico and other parts of the world.
They’ll also be mainstreamized just like the mafia were.
It would make sense to a paleoconservative, not for a hollywood doped neocon.
Perhaps the Bodega owner should arm himself?†Asinine. So a shop keep owning a pistol will be able to fend off a hundreds strong gang? How’d that work out for nightclub owners who resisted the Mafia? This is the kind of Quake-inspired stoner fantasy that proves you sit at home all day. I doubt you even own a gun, if you did I’d hope you’d know it isn’t a cure all and most people aren’t born gunfighters.
You argue like a gun nut on this blog. When I said “Perhaps the Bodega owner should arm himself?†I was taking a cue from what has been posted on this blog, regarding people to arm themselves now! against the hordes of lawless foreclosed squatter democrat potheads for TEOTWAWKI.
The concept of gangs are not even in my world. The Mafia is hollywood, hollywood glorifies pot. You are pro-hollywood, therefore you are pro-pot. I have never smoked a joint in my entire life.
If White People grew their own pot who funds the drug war in the inner cities? Poor people?
One can not construct a sentence with both future tense and present tense.
You’re arguing that the civilized tolerance of society, what I would call Pax American, is wrong and part of the drug culture yet you go on to argue for a drug culture.
That pot is illegal (psudeo-illegal really as it is celebrated on every TV channel, even during hours young kids are watching) is what binds the drug culture together. White suburbanites going down to the ghetto to score weed is an American ritual, as American as apple pie.
If pot were legalized, there would be no reprocussions with producing and storing it locally in the white side of town. So there would be no more need for “interracial dialog”, or “bridge building”. What I am saying is that drugs are the original nexus of “diversity”. Without drugs, is there any reason for white, brown, or black, in their own sides of town, to interact? Sure there is gas and food to be exchanged, but what other commodity induces a stupor where the smoker feels safe in the ghetto?
There are dozens of dangerous White gangs, like the Hell’s Angels (who run drugs) The Nazi Low Riders, The Banditos, the Westies (who still run Hell’s kitchen) La Costa Nostra etc. Maybe if you smoked less pot you would have some knowledge of the world.
Sorry, I’m not the crime blogger, facinated by crime, not the AMW, cops, Dateline watcher type. I don’t care. For that matter I don’t care that my worldview is unrealistic with regard to your neocon/hollywood worldview.
So you’re a anti-drug, pro-legalization White nationalist who has never heard of the Hell’s Angels, believes the Mafia is fictional and believes in gun control?
Oh, right. You’re a typical Democrat.
Since you won’t answer my questions answer this. If you hate races mixing why are you constantly here begging for my attention?. By your logic you and I should have nothing to talk about. So what’s your deal?
Every Friday and Saturday night. Like clockwork you’re here claiming you shouldn’t have to be around Black folk yet since I’m half-Black you shouldn’t want to be here at all. Explain.
I see it getting worse before it gets better. I see it all exploding within the next 2 years, and that’s being optimistic because I feel more like it will be this year. Then the climax by the next election, at which time we will finally have a worthy candidate who will help get the ball rolling on a brighter future for a torn apart country. But first, we have to survive the chaos that is just beginning but will become far, far worse than any of those alive today have ever seen. This chaos will involve the world, showing us just how our economy really does have a global effect. I see Islam only enjoying the illusion of global domination as the world – frustrated and uncivilized over the political and economic failures – takes out anger onto Islmic terrorists that will be blamed for everything.