They go out of their way to prove you wrong. Noted hack Alex Leo used a obviously doctored Youtube video where someone spliced audio together to make it sound like John Gibson called Eric Holder a monkey. Huffington Post has already posted a retraction and lame apology, but DailyKos and other lefty blogs have all basically ignored the truth in their continued attempts to smear some poor schmo just trying to make a living.
Courtesy Johhny $ here’s audio of Gibson talking about the controversy:
The reaction from HuffPo purists was as expected.
From PJBroughton:
I personally don’t care if the video is a fake or not.
Fox itself is devoid of any criteria recommending it as a credible news source.
If this video has been altered, then it’s high time Fox got a taste of it’s own revisionist nonsense.
From Knowitall:
Whether or not the video was doctored or not, I think it is still a major indictment of Fox news that the possibility of the clip being authentic was within the realm of possibility. Many people believed it because of Fox’s tendency to play fast and loose with the truth. And that’s a Fact!!!
From Ted LPD:
Clip is not doctored. I edit videos. These are frames we need to hear. Facts are stub_born. They won’t go away no matter how you look at them.
The neo_con and NY Post must pay_dearly. New_Yorkers will hold them accoun-table now or very soon.
That last one, with its implied threat of violence, is why I A) moved away from New York and its hateful leftism and B) own several guns. People like Ted LPD and the rest of the HuffPo loyalists are criminal malcontents always looking for an excuse to hurt someone, and HuffPo just gave them one.
Interesting side note: HuffPo banned me a couple of years ago for telling the White posters there that it wasn’t appropriate for them to speak for Black people. No threats, no racist name calling, just a simple “you don’t get to decide what Black folk think” and I was gone. Ted has threatened several people in that thread and is still there. Weird, right?
This isn’t the first time HuffPo has been used to launch a smear campaign on a popular conservative figure. Also HuffPo tried to blame T.V. Newser for the video, but they’re not taking the blame.
h/t Fausta
Do people like those commenters even realize how it makes them look when they behave like that? “I know it’s a lie but I don’t like those people so it’s okay.” Friggin’ childish but do you really expect more? I don’t.
As for their obvious favoritism, it speaks as to their true intentions and character of their owners and moderators. People like that don’t deserve respect and won’t get it from people who truly matter – which are not the PJBroughton’s, Knowitall’s, and certainly the Ted LPD’s of the world.