Obama Trying to Poison Disaster Victims!

Fox News just reported that emergency food packets being sent to the frozen disaster regions may include the tainted peanut butter responsible for sickening dozens, if not hundreds, of people.

Anyone still think the government can help you when you need it?

12 thoughts on “Obama Trying to Poison Disaster Victims!

  1. Oh, don’t be disingenuous Youth Politics. Rob’s post clearly points out that if everything that went wrong during Katrina was Bush’s fault, Obama should be prepared for the same treatment. Rob simply trusts that his readers are bright enough to get that without having it spoonfed to them.

    For the last 8 years, every perceived failing of federal government has been blamed on GWB. Obama was happy to dish out that blame; now he gets to explain why his administration shouldn’t get held to the same standard.

  2. Rob Taylor,

    To be fair to Obama, I don’t think he’s trying to poison them. But that doesn’t mean the people working for him won’t end up poisoning anyone.

  3. I’ve also heard that the FEMA director didn’t arrive until five days later instead of immediately heading there.

    Why does the far left love to excuse their failures, but love to promote the failures of others? Can one say they’re hypocrites?

  4. I also believe it was also MSM’s fault for creating the financial recession/depression we’re heading/already in.

    MSM stated that everything was “fine” under Clinton. Even though many of his supporters were responsible for causing the current economic troubles which MSM is hyping.

  5. This .. is too funny. Rest assured, however, that should my more-than-subtle hints at Godiva chocolate and orchids for Valentine’s Day go ignored, it is not Obama’s ass that will get kicked …. unless his stimulus bullshit affects the money needed to fulfill my request. In which case, his will be kicked the hardest! I wait all freaking year for a box of those evil little delights, dammit! Somebody’s gettin’ hurt if I don’t get any! >:(

    Sorry, it’s .. well .. I’m dying for chocolate right now. Jenn gets it. 😀 LOL I’m also mildly overdosed on cold meds. I’m sick, in pain, and craving chocolate at 2:30AM. This on top of learning Obama has a child rapist defender looking after our kids now. Oh, forgot pissed beyond imagination and a newfound hopelessness. I’m just all f’d up tonight. 🙁 This post made me smile, though, so thanks 🙂 .

    (Now to see just which smilies convert to actual faces …..)

  6. Republicans are not capitalists they are corporatists; they support government intervention capitalism and a command economy no different than Obama or the democrats, otherwise what was that 700 billion dollar bailout that McCain said it was unpatriotic to vote against? (Ron Paul voicing the only opposition)

    Do you support the Mansanto corporation and their jewing of the worlds seed supply? Do you support copyright law? Are you a Might is Right non-Christian pagan judaizer who worships the cops? You are not a conservative, nor a capitalist for that matter.

    Ron Paul is the only non-hypocritical politician to be consistently against bureaucracy; Judeo-Pagan Taylor, as a neocon, you were for “pork” before you were against it; Ron Paul is THE figurehead of the movement against government spending (care to name any other republican?), if you want to stop government spending you owe Ron Paul an apology.

  7. Wow, anti-american, racist much? Thanks for reiterating that racists and creedists vote for Ron Paul. Reminds me why I’ll never back that arrogant windbag and why he and his supporters owe the American people an apology for making such a mockery of this election that we now have a socialist pedophile sympathizer in office. Nice work, ANTI-AMERICAN! Thanks!

  8. Yawn. Ron Paul must be so happy various neo-Nazis are so vocal in supporting him, it certainly hasn’t cost him a Presidential election.

    I do support copyright law, because if I write something I should benefit from it. The opposite of artists owning their work is “the people” owning art, which is communism. I don’t know who the Mansoto corporation is, but I do know only unemployed douchebags use the term “jewing” on internet comments at 2:55 am. Should I accuse you of “jewing” my tax dollars with unemployment insurance? That aside, are you really claiming you can’t get seeds? Are you retarded?

    Anyway, you say Might is Right and Pagan like they are bad things. I am a pagan (and although I happen to like Jews there are no Judeo-pagans, that’s a Islamic concept) and the theory behind Might is Right, that you should maintain a position of strength becuase only the stong are able to dictate what is right and wrong to the world, is sound advice.

    But only cowards and hippies appear anonymously on comment threads, call people names and scurry off. Only the most moronic of those thinks it helps the case of their candidate.

  9. “Republicans are not capitalists they are corporatists; they support government intervention capitalism and a command economy no different than Obama or the democrats, otherwise what was that 700 billion dollar bailout that McCain said it was unpatriotic to vote against? (Ron Paul voicing the only opposition)

    Do you support the Mansanto corporation and their jewing of the worlds seed supply? Do you support copyright law? Are you a Might is Right non-Christian pagan judaizer who worships the cops? You are not a conservative, nor a capitalist for that matter.

    Ron Paul is the only non-hypocritical politician to be consistently against bureaucracy; Judeo-Pagan Taylor, as a neocon, you were for “pork” before you were against it; Ron Paul is THE figurehead of the movement against government spending (care to name any other republican?), if you want to stop government spending you owe Ron Paul an apology.”

    A Ron Paul nut just made himself/herself morph into an overt Marxist masquarading as some sort of a Libertarian, pro-Capitalist advocate.

  10. i live in paducah, ky, where the food was distributed. fema? hahahaha…that’s a laugh. those guys have been just standing around passing water through car windows to people who have waited in line for hours. individual help? we aren’t getting it. power crews who responded to katrina are here, they say that our damage is WORSE. are we sitting around with signs begging for help or acting like idiots looting and shooting? NO. we are helping each other and doing what we need to do to survive. i have friends that will be without power until mid-march. and y’know what? life goes on, even without a government handout.

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