Canadian Woman Held Against her Will in Saudi Arabia Due to her Status as the Property of her Husband

It is considered bigoted to point out that Islam is in desperate need of a reformation and considered even more bigoted to point to the treatment of women in the richest (and most modern) of Muslim countries as evidence. People seem to think that Muslim women simply want to be treated like cattle and since it doesn’t effect them at all White Feminists are glad to turn a blind eye to their suffering. But what about the suffering of one of their own?

From The Vancouver Sun:

MONTREAL — A high-level representative of the federal government has met with Nathalie Morin, a 24-year-old Quebec woman who claims she is being held against her will in Saudi Arabia.

Deepak Obhrai, parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon, met with Morin and her Saudi husband, Abdallah Ramthi Al-Bishi, in Saudi Arabia on Dec. 22 to mediate in the couple’s dispute, a Foreign Affairs spokesperson told Canwest News Service last night.

He could not say what the next step might be. Ottawa has said in the past that Canadians in Saudi Arabia are subject to its laws. Morin met Al-Bishi in Montreal when she was 17 and when he was a Concordia University student.

The couple has three children, including one born in Canada.

Morin’s mother has said her daughter is unable to leave because, under Saudi law, she is his property because she is the mother of his children.

So far the silence of feminists is deafening. Dhimmi Watch via R.O.P.

3 thoughts on “Canadian Woman Held Against her Will in Saudi Arabia Due to her Status as the Property of her Husband

  1. Nathalie Morin: doesn’t sound like a Moslem name.

    This yet another example of what Ron Paul would call blowback… on a personal scale.

    Her tragic tale only serves as an example for non-Moslem families not to give their daughter away to a Moslem. Not for some bombing “liberation” campain as you’re thinking.

  2. Islam is a universalist religion. Her family could easily be Muslims converts. And this is not what Ron Paul would call blow back even on a personal level.

    And in the civilized West we don’t “give our daughters away” people marry with consent. You sound more and more like a Muslim with every comment. Why don’t you convert like your neo-Nazi friends are doing in droves? You’re an effeminate masochist like most Muslims and would no doubt be comfortable in that pretty dress they all sport around.

    But seriously why do you keep coming back here Copperhead? Isn’t there a some forum where you can discuss the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and how it relates to 9/11?

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