Hamas Barbarity Update for My Friends at The First Post

Some “journalist” from The First Post used my blog as an example of bad faith righty pro-Israel propaganda for posting this video of Hamas attacking a wedding:


The First Post’s Blogfinder General goes on to “debunk” the claims made in the video (and shown) by giving us the official Hamas line of the story:

According to a Reuters report of August 11, 2007, 20 people were injured and four were arrested for questioning. The Jerusalem Post reported on August 13, 2007 that five guests were detained “for several hours”, but there was no killing.

They were detained not for singing and dancing, but because they were leading members of Fatah. The breaking up of the wedding party occurred at a time of heightened tension between Hamas and Fatah, when Hamas had banned fireworks, celebratory gunfire and overly noisy gatherings.

Does that justify what occurred at the wedding? No. But nor is it justified to misrepresent this incident as a rampage by “animals” who murder people for listening to music. Melanie Phillips appears to have removed her link to the video; but she hasn’t issued an apology yet.

Since Mathew Hopkins, I mean Brenden O’Neill is such the expert on truth one is surprised to see him make the dishonest implication in his report that Melanie Phillips should apologize for something I said. I have said Hamas are animals and barbarians which now that I think of it is an insult to animals and barbarians. For that I’ll never apologize.

But O’Neill demonstrates in his distortion why I will believe my lying eyes and an angry Arab Christian over any so-called journalist covering the middle east. He wanted to prove that there was some sort of moral equivalency between people calling for the destruction of the Jewish state and people who call a group that has the destruction of all Jews worldwide as a part of their charter evil. If he cannot see the difference between supporting Israel and Hamas, how can we trust him to be “fair” about reporting.

Well clearly he can’t since he seems to imply Phillips is sharing in my “guilt” in a way suspiciously similar to how so many “peace” protesters have been targeting Jews in Europe and America for punishment because they, to their hate filled minds, share in Israel’s “guilt.” See how I did that Brenden? I linked you to these Neo-Nazis in a seamless and dishonest way, like you connected Phillips to me.

But since you won’t admit to the first video showing the truth about Hamas here’s another for you:


Wow, that was a lot of single gunshots in the background. I wonder what those were? But didn’t you love the surprise ending where Hamas backs a truck up to their victims’ houses to steal their stuff? Why wouldn’t we think they were legitimate?

Ever see how the whole human shield thing works?


Here’s another one. Check out 1:10 where a Hamas fighter busts a cap in a stone throwing civilian:


At least the Israelis use rubber bullets. But I guess this is more propaganda.But isn’t it funny how Hamas seems to be able to get themselves in these videos that show them in a bad light so often?

2 thoughts on “Hamas Barbarity Update for My Friends at The First Post

  1. You should also check out my Nazism is Leftism blog:

    http://leftienazis.blogspot.com/2009/01/grey-terror-chicago-yeshiva-targeted-by.html -This one details a Chicago Jewish religious learning centers have become under the attack of anti-Israel vandals, along with neo-Nazis on the rise in Germany and also Kashmiri extremists expressing their solidarity with Hamas.

    http://leftienazis.blogspot.com/2009/01/feature-file-two-photos-worth-thousand.html -Here are two photos worth a thousand words on who is more peaceful, and note the illteracy with the anti-Israel photo.

    http://leftienazis.blogspot.com/2009/01/anti-jewishanti-semitic-attack-file_14.html -And this one here is from the Revolutionary Communist Party USA purposely pushing holocaust revisionism.

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