This day will be remembered in history as the day Europe abandoned thousands of years of Western Civilization and truly became Eurabia. The European Parliament, an extra national governmental organization that answers to no one, has just banned the showing of the movie Fitna in all European countries. This ruling effectively dictates to every European country what sort of political, philosophical and religious speech its citizens may and may not engage in. Specifically, it bans criticism of Islam.
Via Gateway Pundit here’s the report from Radio Netherlands (which is down at the moment)
The European Parliament has banned the screening on its premises of the anti-Islam movie Fitna. The maker of the film, Dutch right-wing MP and Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders, reacted angrily, saying it was a sad day for democracy.
In a joint move, leaders of various blocs in the European Parliament reinforced their earlier decision, taken in March, that they wouldn’t allow the movie to be shown, arguing that it incites hatred…
Jihad Watch posted this statement from the U.K. Independence Party:
It is with great regret that I have to announce the cancellation of the showing of the film Fitna at the meeting with Mr Geert Wilders MP today at 2pm.
I was informed of this decision today.
Nevertheless a press conference will take place at 2pm in room R 3.1 with Mr Wilders and myself.
The banning of this film is a direct attack on free speech. A parliament that constantly talks of freedom, democracy and tolerance has shown once again that these are empty words when it does not agree with what is being said.
On the same day that the European Parliament awards the Sakharov Prize to the Chinese freedom campaigner Hu Jia the Conference of Presidents deny free speech to one of its own members.
The press conference is open to MEPs and their assistants as well as accredited members of the press.
Anyone who wishes to view Fitna before the meeting can do so by going to
Yours sincerely,
Gerard Batten MEP
UK Independence Party
Meanwhile Gates of Vienna points out that in Norway anti-Semitism is common place in many mainstream publications. The E.U. has done nothing to stem the tide of European Jew hatred. The ruling elite of Europe, insulated by their wealth and walls, are throwing their citizens to the Mohammedan wolves. They are of course starting with the Jews.
The values of The Enlightenment (the product of thousands of years of Western Civilization) cannot be negotiable and must not be undone. The Islamists have radically changed the culture of Europe assisted by the anti-Western Marxists who gleefully assist the barbarian hordes dismantling the the very ideas of individual liberty, freedom of thought and rational debate. The European parliament has declared where their allegiances lie, and now it is time for those of us who still believe in a free West to stop the march of Islamic Imperialism now before it’s too late if it isn’t already.
h/t Atlas Shrugs
And here’s the movie that they banned. Enjoy:
Yep, “multicultralism” strikes again.
Aside from this, you may also want to look on my blog of Italy, a NATO member involved in the Afghanistan fight is calling on fellow NATO members and also the USA to have Iran have a larger role in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Isn’t this quite on the lines of treason?
With NATO leaders such as Italy in charge in the fight, it’s no wonder why we’re not winning the war against the resurgent Taliban.
OMFG!!! I’ve seen snippets of similar things but to have it all packed in with no moment of distraction is terrifying! Doesn’t Parliament see Islam simply has a problem with truth?? Of course it incites hatred, as well it should! But it’s their own belief, they are their own words and deeds. No one is faking this, no one made them say this crap or do this crap other than their own religion. They receive the hate and intolerance they deserve for being so vile a faith. I don’t see documentaries on Hitler being banned. It’s bullshit. Thank you for this, Rob. Not that I needed an eye opener but it does drive home the urgency that this is very real and very much happening right now.
This is such cowardice.
“All that evil needs to prevail is for good men to do nothing!”
This is the first line on . Do you know who said it? Ironically enough, it has been attributed to Edmund Burke, British statesman and philosopher. BRITISH. I suppose they forgot or just don’t give a rat’s anymore.