Surprise! Documentary Makers Prove Obama Supporters are Chumps

Or in the words of the late great Brian Pillman, you’re all marks.

The website How Obama Got Elected interviewed Obama voters on election day and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt these people were herded like sheep by the Left and their allies in the MSM:


I’m going out to buy some ammo before this cult starts sacrificing people. Glen Beck was already threatened with death by an Obamunist, so I’m sure a general pogrom against Republicans is coming in the next two years.

h/t Gateway Pundit.

2 thoughts on “Surprise! Documentary Makers Prove Obama Supporters are Chumps

  1. If this was just a video with a handful of interviews, I’d call it amusing, but not irrefutable proof of a larger trend. However, the more scientific Zogby poll commissioned by the documentary maker is far more telling. More than half of Obama supporters didn’t know Dems control Congress. More than 80% were not aware of Biden’s history of plagiarism and that Obama only won his first election by getting the other candidates disqualified on fabricated technicalities.

    Still, to give a more complete picture of the differences between Obama and McCain supporters, I hope the filmmaker commissions a similar poll of McCain voters, who would likely prove to be better informed. That would really show how Obama got elected by capitalizing on the ignorance of the low-information, thoroughly indoctrinated masses.

  2. Let’s all baah for Obama, because he’s for “change” and “hope” should be the message of these Obama supporters.

    Because they are certainly the examples of sheep following a wolf in a sheperd’s clothing.

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