40 thoughts on “Religion of Peace Sprays Teen Girls with Acid”
When I have my site I mentioned set up, I’ll have to post a story I came across back when I had that group. A form of honor killing among these people is by acid. I found a story with pictures of a woman whose husband tried to kill her by splashing her with acid after his friend raped her. The woman, of course, was blamed 100% while the friend remained in her husband’s embrace. This is the religion of peace.
what a preposterous heading..how can u blame any one religion by the acts of its people.. I’m sure you will blame Christianity for the horrendous acts of Hitler..
Are you kidding? Hitler was a Marxist, he was anti-Christian. Many Christians joined the Jews in the gas chambers of the Nazis, as did the Pagan Odinists who shamefully supported Hitler originally.
Plus your argument is a red herring. Acid attacks, honor killings, religiously motivated rapes and other attacks on women happen with outrageous regularity in every Muslim country and non-Muslim country with large Muslim population while Hitler was one dictator from one country who was a product of one specific time period.
Perhaps you should read a book. Not one of those wahabbist propaganda tracks from your local mosque but an actual history book before you expose your ignorance again.
Even modern Nazis in America reject Christianity and Christian religion. You know religion they embrace? Islam. I blogged that story before.
“what a preposterous heading..how can u blame any one religion by the acts of its people.. I’m sure you will blame Christianity for the horrendous acts of Hitler.”
How’d you feel about a Jordanian poet being jailed not to long ago for just simply criticizing Islam? Or perhaps an Afghani journalist being locked away for doing just that?
Last time I checked, no Christians ever managed to do this in this current time period. The fact you excuse self-described Islamic extremists in doing it expoess that you are their apologists.
its not Religiously motivated things, how can you say that when you doesn’t even know of what Islam teaches.. Your’ self thought about Islam through Muslims actions and your friends and religious peoples talking, everything about Islam is in the Quran, you point out from that such immoral things and talk about that.. not what the followers of it do.. and when u with your BOLD heading pointing out to ISLAM – trying to implicate that ISLAM teaches that, – i say no one religion teaches us to be criminal or to do such immoral acts- was wrong. Muslims, Christians, Jews they all do such things, which in reality doesn’t teaches them in their religion, I’m saying it again.. Don’t blame religion for the acts of its followers.. Your wrong in doing that, be more ethical and right..
“Don’t blame religion for the acts of its followers.. Your wrong in doing that, be more ethical and right..”
Is that why you seem to love to justify rape of Israeli women then? Simply just excusing it in that brand of a manner? I’m sure there are many good Muslims, Christians and Jews alike whom would certainly be appauled in your manner to promote such vile garbage.
Islam DOES teach rape. Muslim men are allowed to rape slaves, that’s in your so-called holy book. Mohamed raped captive women, that’s in the Koran.
Jews were in the middle east first. Islam is younger than Judaism and Christianity so it is historically inaccurate to claim Muslims have a right to any land, they stole all of it through barbaric bloodshed. That too is in the Koran
The power of “CORPORACRACY” was delivered to Muslims by American Corporations. A maneuver of Greed. Corporations have little if any concern for Liberty Life and Pursuit of happiness. Put in the language of Chevron/Exxon, if it cannot be bought we do not want or need it. This is the suction on Patriotism, vacuumed down to a worthless thought of the ignorant under classes. As it has been said by Emperors and Kings “take away all hope, a they will come on bended knee to beg for mercy.
Not really relating to the above unless you’re criticizing the selling of acid to Muslims that they use to blind school girls. Islamic oppression of women pre-dates corporations, it is a built in feature of most Islamic schools of thought.
My statement represents a mirror of the mentality exercised thru use of works of others to gain control with the use of various forms of fear. This is a manifestation of greed , stemming from a desire for power over others? Quite possibly the birth of the spirit of “CORPORACRACY”.
With humble pride one accepts currency, for their works of oppression of the many, for the benefit of self. If many should die and few shall live, is life worth more than Freedom ?
Rob.. it shows how ignorant and stubborn you are.. you talk as if you wrote the Quran, simply typing your thoughts or view doesn’t mean that its in the Quran..
Mohamed said:
“Your slaves are your brothers, their food should be the same as your food and their clothing should be the same as your clothing”, and “if you beat your slave, then the only compensation that you can give him is to free him.”
Basically, Islam came while slavery was an inherited tradition, very deep-rooted in the heart of the Arab society. Children born from a relation between a master and his slave woman were not recognized as free children. On the contrary, they were to follow the hard track of their mothers and lead a tough life of slavery and humiliation.
A master had the right to have sexual relations with his slave woman with no rights due to her. Such a relation was not socially frowned upon because it was normal in that society, but what was really awful is that the slave woman had no rights, making her simply a sex object.
Since Islam came to liberate people from the chains of being socially neglected or humiliated, Islam said that such a relationship must have certain rights. It must mark a change in the life of that slave woman and the outcome of the relation, namely the child. The child was considered free and recognized as the child of the master and no more his slave.
As for the slave woman, such a relationship meant an end to her life as a slave, for she would not be the slave of anyone after her master, the father of her child. That is, she could not be sold to anyone else, and she would be manumitted at her master’s death. This is a unique solution Islam offered to such a miserable life, and imagine what a great change it brought and how many smiles it drew on the faces of many of these agonized slaves.
Also, enslaving captives, which was a war strategy that Muslims practiced in the early stages of Islam, was not practiced by the Prophet in his last battles. After he conquered Makkah, he told its people: “Go! You are all free,” as is well-known.
So I suppose you don’t seem to give a care on there being no Freedom of Speech in Iran when Iranian leaders themselves come under fire for criticizing the Koran?
mah29001 I’m talking about what Islam teaches.. I’m not talking about the acts of Muslims..
So apparently, you’re just simply discounting the actions of these self-described Islamic radicals are doing.
But then, you’re quite comfortable with accepting rape of Israeli women.
If these girls were let’s say Palestinian girls having acid being poured over by Kahanist-inspired Israeli settlers, I’m sure you’d have a complaint or two about it and then accuse Jews such as me as being the “evil occupier”.
You apparently would never laud this comment with regards to Judaism if this were such an incident involving Kahanist-inspired settlers doing it to Palestinian girls:
“Don’t blame religion for the acts of its followers.. Your wrong in doing that, be more ethical and right.”
mah29001.. im not discounting the act..i say eye for an eye..
“The Quran, however, softens the law of an eye for an eye by urging mankind to accept less compensation than that inflicted upon him or her by a Muslim, or to forgive altogether. In other words, Islam does not deny Muslims the ability to seek retaliation in the equal measure. But it does, however promote forgiveness and the acceptance of blood money not as a mandatory requisite, but rather as a good deed that will be eventually rewarded (Quran 5:45).” wiki eye for an eye
Non-US, I’m not in a patient or forgiving mood tonight, so I’m going to say what everyone is thinking but is holding back to give you the courtesy of a reasonable discussion: Shut the fuck up! You are nothing more than a supporter of muslim terrorism, which includes spousal abuse, child abuse, adult and child rape, and nothing you say will sugar coat or change the facts of what everyone KNOWS to be truth. Let’s not forget it was your prophet who was also a role model for child rapists everywhere. Let’s not forget all of the children in predominately muslim countries who are homeless and used as sex toys by muslim men, and then slaughtered like pigs when it is discovered while the rapists hide behind the teachings of islam that say they were be-witched .. by children, you sick douchebag! You cannot begin to justify the honor killings and the abuse of muslim women, so you try to use political correct bullshit. That crap doesn’t fly anymore. We’re all really sick of it and the only thing you are succeeding at is making us hate you more for not acknowledging it is WRONG. Your religion instructs you to dominate the world. Well, I am here to tell you that if you try that shit here, US women will fuck you up! Seems to me like you need some prison time with a dog. Yeah, I know you know what I mean.
LibertyisFreedom, you’re just a jackass looking for attention. Perhaps you didn’t notice what this post is about, but it is not for your soap box. Get the fuck off before someone kicks it out from underneath you.
Rob, sorry about the temper but I’ve had it with reading the horseshit from these two. Especially when I have personally known and looked upon the fear of women who escaped islam and this behavior. Assholes like these two can lie all they like. No one is buying it anymore!
Non-U.S. you’re retarded. Mohammad raped women IN THE KORAN. When he massacred Jews and took their wives that’s rape.
What you’re doing is trying to minimize evil. Muslims take slaves today, in the Sudan. There are slaves in Saudi Arabia, sexual abuse is rampant in western Islamic countries.
Riddle me this supposed Islamic scholar. In Europe the vast majority of people in jail for rape are what Religion? I’ll give you three guess.
You and your co-religionists are barbarians. I’ve read the Koran and it is a manual for depravity, a book of such vile evil that I can once argued in a paper it was the inspiration of Lovecraft’s Necronomicon.
I know what it says, you can practice taqiya somewhere else. No respect Muslim scholar argues that it is haram to rape women that you possess by “your right hand” which means captured as slaves, purchased or forced into submission. Muslims commit the majority of rapes in every country that is accursed by the spread of this desert cult, started by a degenerate pedophile.
SMP: no problem. I think Liberty is a drinker. Sometimes he’s lucid (though I often disagree with him) but sometimes he shows up out of left field and you have no idea what he’s saying.
Speaking of Pedophiles though, did you see what’s going on on P-Space?
The fact is this is an act of the Taliban in order to use fear on women to toe the line of their interpretation of the Koran. I feel for the poor bastards who have to put up with this in Afghanistan and Pakistan while we argue over Theology. Burning school girls with acid is nothing short of barbarism. The families of these girls should be allowed to use acid on the faces of the bastards who did this.
Rob: Yes, I’ve seen. I’m infuriated! Did you get my e-mail response to everyone? I’m going to start an e-mail forward warning people about the site and anyone they know online belonging to it, and for gods’ sake to remove any pics of their children from social networking sites! What is wrong with people?! I am in chaos in my off-line life right now, and it sucks because I SO want to be all over it!
knight of pan: The taliban is an extremist group, yes, but these are the original teachings of Islam. It is in black and white in the Koran/Quran for those willing to see the truth. I have known many muslims, men and women, who were no part of the taliban but who knew these teachings well and were either afraid of them or saw no harm in them. Guess which gender was on which side.
hehehe..Rob and SMP you can say what ever you want, without showing any proof, that simply shows how ignorant you both are..your so lame in auguring like that..
The proof is in the Koran and you’re inability to recognize evil, a by-product of conversion to Islam.
Knight: The Taliban enjoy widespread support among many Muslims, specifically the younger generations. There have been chemical attacks on women here in the west as well, as Wahhbi and other Islamic schools consider disfiguring women a proper punishment for un-Islamic activity. I feel for the Muslims who are desperate for a Reformation. To get it they need the west to support them, but we have, by an large, sided with the extremists.
SMP: I’ll email you.
Non US, it is simply a matter of no one here buying into your bullshit. You thought you had a chance at bleeding hearts who could be easily duped into taking your side. I suggest you learn English better before coming onto a site full of intelligent and logical thinkers. You are far out of your league.
I don’t mean to diss respect but Fuck u SMP and ROByou think you are all that but the truth is the girls in the USA are all sluts they get have nothing better to do but fuck all the world…… PS the girls are not marryed so fuck off the subject and they were probley attached by the jews because the only thing that they can do is FUCK YOU AND EVERYONE IN THE USA i mean the ones how have nothing better to do make problems I don’t mean you guys i mean SMP and ROB and his or her kids so go and check on them they are in your room having sex …..PS CANADA RULES and one more thing turn on the t.v if you were smart you would under stand the JEWS are attaching the palestinians and over 400 killed and this has thing to do with religon so fuck the usa because there is more then 60% a day a girl gets raped in the usa then in the middle east so fuck ya and by the way i am not a arab I’m a canadian so BACK THE FUCK UP BEFORE YOU GET SMACKED THE FUCK UP……PEACE HOMIE
HEY READ THIS …. USA Man Pleads Guilty to Filming Sex With Underage Girls as Young as 5
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Canada rules? Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA!
I left your nonsense up because it show how Muslims and their commie sympathizers really are. You don’t have a real argument, just a lot of childish insults posted anonymously because you don’t have the balls to say this stuff to someone in person. It sad really.
But if you or any Canadian wants to come “smack me up” I’m clearly not hard to find, as I use my real name and don’t shy away from telling people where I live. But no Mohammedan or Canadian has the balls to come down to my area and pop off.
Rob you are the biggest ass hole out there. If you want come to canada you are welcome because unlike THE USA WE DON’T HAVE BUSH FOR 4 YEARS SO WE ARE NOT FUCKED UP LIKE YOU..you left my nonsense up because it show how Muslims and their commie sympathizers really are. First of all i am NOT A MUSLIM. “You don’t have a real argument”FUCKYOU just a lot of childish insults posted anonymously because you don’t have the balls to say this stuff to YOUR FACE COME TO CANADA I WILL KICK YOUR ASS.
We had Bush for eight years. Eight glorious years of low taxes and dead terrorists. But regarless I never said you were a Muslim, but you’re clearly some commie Muslim groupie who’d gladly lick a Jihadists balls as you and your countrymen have been doing for years.
You claim Canada isn’t fucked up but it’s a country where you can go to jail for writing an article critical of Islam. That’s not fucked up?
And yes, again, you don’t have a real argument. And no some anonymous douche from the “country” of Canada can’t kick my ass. Will I be coming to Canada? Meh. What’s in Canada I need to see? Besides Jew hating trolls who masturbate while threatening people on the Internet that is.
But if your ever in South Carolina let me know and we can meet and you can “kick my ass.”
‘dear cunt face’ yeah u guys had george bush for 8 years (high prices taxes high gas)our $1.50 canadian used to be $1.00 american but when george bush was still running the place it was $1.50 american and 1.00 for canada. (i hope) barack obama will be better than bush because the only thing that bush can eat is his bush..no wait he doesnt have a bush HAHAHAHAHAHA IN UR FACE MOTHER FUCKER ……first of all mother fucker if u could read a book u would understand that palestine was the first country and yeah Jews were the first religion so fuckin crack a book…first of all u and the Jews have small penises…no wait there on there noses HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa…South Carolina mother fucker..i cant wait to be down there to hunt ur ass down u white skinny ass white ass small ass millemetre penis…YOU ARE PROBABLY THE PERSON WHO IS RAPING AND KILLING ALL THE MIDDLE-EAST PEOPLE SO U CAN RAPE THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT EASY TO GET LIKE YOUR WIFE…….hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha like I said all day…and maybe YOUR MASTURBATING because im talkin about raping and killing you sick fuck…first of all we are smarter than you think thats why you guys come to canada to escape war u money hungry big nose Jew.yeah at least our presidents daughters dont get busted for buying booze oh yeah so are you a Jew or what?if you are go lick your moms cunt and balls like hitler did…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…P.S.i dont diss Obama he rules because he is BLACK does that make u mad?????haha i know it does……
Rob Taylor…you are a racist piece of shit who is against dark people even though you look like bird shit..haha I agree with fuck smp and my name is george bush and fuck u rob because they probably think that the colour of your skin and your religion doesnt make u different, u cock sucker…here is one thing im gonna do….im gonna throw a penny between u and one of ur fucking friends and watch u fight to the dirt…HAHAHAHA U WANNA SAY SHIT SAY IT NO ONE FUCKIN CARES YOU PROBABLY MASTURBATE TO DARK PEOPLE CUZ YOU CANT GET DARK ASS U FUCKIN WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT GO AND SUCK A COCK. you are probably mad that Obama is now the president of the USA because he is BLACK like (my name is george bush) said that makes you mad doesnt it??? i know it does HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….you probably sell yourself and dont make any money like george bush did nevermind he stole the money he made…your not worth anything u slut hahaha i have lots to say about racism you should go in a hole and die…go to hell and burn i bet everyone in your family and even your friends wants to watch u burn…people dont like what your saying it hurts everyone…..JUST FUCKING QUIT IT
A) I am Black, or actually Bi-racial just like your precious Obama (except my family have been here since the 1700s)
B) If you weren’t retarded you’d know that since Islam is the third of the Abrahamic faiths it is historically inaccurate to say they were anywhere first, including and especially the so-called “Holy Lands.” Every Muslim country was stolen from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Zoroastrians or Pagans. The Kaba they have in Mecca was originally a pagan shrine.
C) I’m not a Jew (I’m a polytheist) but I happen to like Jews. That you don’t is just proof that you’re the bitch of some Muslim.
D) It’s funny White racists like you are all talk, saying you’ll “hunt me down” etc. Not only do I know you’ll never do that but I bet I can get you to apologies to me my sending your last comment and you I.P Address to the Canadian authorities. I mean it does sound like a death threat, and since Canadians are so prissy I know they won’t like it up there. Yeah, I think I’ll rat you to the mounties…
When I have my site I mentioned set up, I’ll have to post a story I came across back when I had that group. A form of honor killing among these people is by acid. I found a story with pictures of a woman whose husband tried to kill her by splashing her with acid after his friend raped her. The woman, of course, was blamed 100% while the friend remained in her husband’s embrace. This is the religion of peace.
what a preposterous heading..how can u blame any one religion by the acts of its people.. I’m sure you will blame Christianity for the horrendous acts of Hitler..
Are you kidding? Hitler was a Marxist, he was anti-Christian. Many Christians joined the Jews in the gas chambers of the Nazis, as did the Pagan Odinists who shamefully supported Hitler originally.
Plus your argument is a red herring. Acid attacks, honor killings, religiously motivated rapes and other attacks on women happen with outrageous regularity in every Muslim country and non-Muslim country with large Muslim population while Hitler was one dictator from one country who was a product of one specific time period.
Perhaps you should read a book. Not one of those wahabbist propaganda tracks from your local mosque but an actual history book before you expose your ignorance again.
Even modern Nazis in America reject Christianity and Christian religion. You know religion they embrace? Islam. I blogged that story before.
“what a preposterous heading..how can u blame any one religion by the acts of its people.. I’m sure you will blame Christianity for the horrendous acts of Hitler.”
How’d you feel about a Jordanian poet being jailed not to long ago for just simply criticizing Islam? Or perhaps an Afghani journalist being locked away for doing just that?
Last time I checked, no Christians ever managed to do this in this current time period. The fact you excuse self-described Islamic extremists in doing it expoess that you are their apologists.
its not Religiously motivated things, how can you say that when you doesn’t even know of what Islam teaches.. Your’ self thought about Islam through Muslims actions and your friends and religious peoples talking, everything about Islam is in the Quran, you point out from that such immoral things and talk about that.. not what the followers of it do.. and when u with your BOLD heading pointing out to ISLAM – trying to implicate that ISLAM teaches that, – i say no one religion teaches us to be criminal or to do such immoral acts- was wrong. Muslims, Christians, Jews they all do such things, which in reality doesn’t teaches them in their religion, I’m saying it again.. Don’t blame religion for the acts of its followers.. Your wrong in doing that, be more ethical and right..
“Don’t blame religion for the acts of its followers.. Your wrong in doing that, be more ethical and right..”
Is that why you seem to love to justify rape of Israeli women then? Simply just excusing it in that brand of a manner? I’m sure there are many good Muslims, Christians and Jews alike whom would certainly be appauled in your manner to promote such vile garbage.
Islam DOES teach rape. Muslim men are allowed to rape slaves, that’s in your so-called holy book. Mohamed raped captive women, that’s in the Koran.
Jews were in the middle east first. Islam is younger than Judaism and Christianity so it is historically inaccurate to claim Muslims have a right to any land, they stole all of it through barbaric bloodshed. That too is in the Koran
The power of “CORPORACRACY” was delivered to Muslims by American Corporations. A maneuver of Greed. Corporations have little if any concern for Liberty Life and Pursuit of happiness. Put in the language of Chevron/Exxon, if it cannot be bought we do not want or need it. This is the suction on Patriotism, vacuumed down to a worthless thought of the ignorant under classes. As it has been said by Emperors and Kings “take away all hope, a they will come on bended knee to beg for mercy.
Not really relating to the above unless you’re criticizing the selling of acid to Muslims that they use to blind school girls. Islamic oppression of women pre-dates corporations, it is a built in feature of most Islamic schools of thought.
My statement represents a mirror of the mentality exercised thru use of works of others to gain control with the use of various forms of fear. This is a manifestation of greed , stemming from a desire for power over others? Quite possibly the birth of the spirit of “CORPORACRACY”.
With humble pride one accepts currency, for their works of oppression of the many, for the benefit of self. If many should die and few shall live, is life worth more than Freedom ?
Rob.. it shows how ignorant and stubborn you are.. you talk as if you wrote the Quran, simply typing your thoughts or view doesn’t mean that its in the Quran..
Mohamed said:
“Your slaves are your brothers, their food should be the same as your food and their clothing should be the same as your clothing”, and “if you beat your slave, then the only compensation that you can give him is to free him.”
Basically, Islam came while slavery was an inherited tradition, very deep-rooted in the heart of the Arab society. Children born from a relation between a master and his slave woman were not recognized as free children. On the contrary, they were to follow the hard track of their mothers and lead a tough life of slavery and humiliation.
A master had the right to have sexual relations with his slave woman with no rights due to her. Such a relation was not socially frowned upon because it was normal in that society, but what was really awful is that the slave woman had no rights, making her simply a sex object.
Since Islam came to liberate people from the chains of being socially neglected or humiliated, Islam said that such a relationship must have certain rights. It must mark a change in the life of that slave woman and the outcome of the relation, namely the child. The child was considered free and recognized as the child of the master and no more his slave.
As for the slave woman, such a relationship meant an end to her life as a slave, for she would not be the slave of anyone after her master, the father of her child. That is, she could not be sold to anyone else, and she would be manumitted at her master’s death. This is a unique solution Islam offered to such a miserable life, and imagine what a great change it brought and how many smiles it drew on the faces of many of these agonized slaves.
Also, enslaving captives, which was a war strategy that Muslims practiced in the early stages of Islam, was not practiced by the Prophet in his last battles. After he conquered Makkah, he told its people: “Go! You are all free,” as is well-known.
So I suppose you don’t seem to give a care on there being no Freedom of Speech in Iran when Iranian leaders themselves come under fire for criticizing the Koran?
How’s about Malaysian self-described Islamic radicals banning the “tomboy” look among women?
mah29001 I’m talking about what Islam teaches.. I’m not talking about the acts of Muslims..
So apparently, you’re just simply discounting the actions of these self-described Islamic radicals are doing.
But then, you’re quite comfortable with accepting rape of Israeli women.
If these girls were let’s say Palestinian girls having acid being poured over by Kahanist-inspired Israeli settlers, I’m sure you’d have a complaint or two about it and then accuse Jews such as me as being the “evil occupier”.
You apparently would never laud this comment with regards to Judaism if this were such an incident involving Kahanist-inspired settlers doing it to Palestinian girls:
“Don’t blame religion for the acts of its followers.. Your wrong in doing that, be more ethical and right.”
mah29001.. im not discounting the act..i say eye for an eye..
“The Quran, however, softens the law of an eye for an eye by urging mankind to accept less compensation than that inflicted upon him or her by a Muslim, or to forgive altogether. In other words, Islam does not deny Muslims the ability to seek retaliation in the equal measure. But it does, however promote forgiveness and the acceptance of blood money not as a mandatory requisite, but rather as a good deed that will be eventually rewarded (Quran 5:45).” wiki eye for an eye
Non-US, I’m not in a patient or forgiving mood tonight, so I’m going to say what everyone is thinking but is holding back to give you the courtesy of a reasonable discussion: Shut the fuck up! You are nothing more than a supporter of muslim terrorism, which includes spousal abuse, child abuse, adult and child rape, and nothing you say will sugar coat or change the facts of what everyone KNOWS to be truth. Let’s not forget it was your prophet who was also a role model for child rapists everywhere. Let’s not forget all of the children in predominately muslim countries who are homeless and used as sex toys by muslim men, and then slaughtered like pigs when it is discovered while the rapists hide behind the teachings of islam that say they were be-witched .. by children, you sick douchebag! You cannot begin to justify the honor killings and the abuse of muslim women, so you try to use political correct bullshit. That crap doesn’t fly anymore. We’re all really sick of it and the only thing you are succeeding at is making us hate you more for not acknowledging it is WRONG. Your religion instructs you to dominate the world. Well, I am here to tell you that if you try that shit here, US women will fuck you up! Seems to me like you need some prison time with a dog. Yeah, I know you know what I mean.
LibertyisFreedom, you’re just a jackass looking for attention. Perhaps you didn’t notice what this post is about, but it is not for your soap box. Get the fuck off before someone kicks it out from underneath you.
Rob, sorry about the temper but I’ve had it with reading the horseshit from these two. Especially when I have personally known and looked upon the fear of women who escaped islam and this behavior. Assholes like these two can lie all they like. No one is buying it anymore!
Non-U.S. you’re retarded. Mohammad raped women IN THE KORAN. When he massacred Jews and took their wives that’s rape.
What you’re doing is trying to minimize evil. Muslims take slaves today, in the Sudan. There are slaves in Saudi Arabia, sexual abuse is rampant in western Islamic countries.
Riddle me this supposed Islamic scholar. In Europe the vast majority of people in jail for rape are what Religion? I’ll give you three guess.
You and your co-religionists are barbarians. I’ve read the Koran and it is a manual for depravity, a book of such vile evil that I can once argued in a paper it was the inspiration of Lovecraft’s Necronomicon.
I know what it says, you can practice taqiya somewhere else. No respect Muslim scholar argues that it is haram to rape women that you possess by “your right hand” which means captured as slaves, purchased or forced into submission. Muslims commit the majority of rapes in every country that is accursed by the spread of this desert cult, started by a degenerate pedophile.
SMP: no problem. I think Liberty is a drinker. Sometimes he’s lucid (though I often disagree with him) but sometimes he shows up out of left field and you have no idea what he’s saying.
Speaking of Pedophiles though, did you see what’s going on on P-Space?
The fact is this is an act of the Taliban in order to use fear on women to toe the line of their interpretation of the Koran. I feel for the poor bastards who have to put up with this in Afghanistan and Pakistan while we argue over Theology. Burning school girls with acid is nothing short of barbarism. The families of these girls should be allowed to use acid on the faces of the bastards who did this.
Rob: Yes, I’ve seen. I’m infuriated! Did you get my e-mail response to everyone? I’m going to start an e-mail forward warning people about the site and anyone they know online belonging to it, and for gods’ sake to remove any pics of their children from social networking sites! What is wrong with people?! I am in chaos in my off-line life right now, and it sucks because I SO want to be all over it!
knight of pan: The taliban is an extremist group, yes, but these are the original teachings of Islam. It is in black and white in the Koran/Quran for those willing to see the truth. I have known many muslims, men and women, who were no part of the taliban but who knew these teachings well and were either afraid of them or saw no harm in them. Guess which gender was on which side.
hehehe..Rob and SMP you can say what ever you want, without showing any proof, that simply shows how ignorant you both are..your so lame in auguring like that..
The proof is in the Koran and you’re inability to recognize evil, a by-product of conversion to Islam.
Knight: The Taliban enjoy widespread support among many Muslims, specifically the younger generations. There have been chemical attacks on women here in the west as well, as Wahhbi and other Islamic schools consider disfiguring women a proper punishment for un-Islamic activity. I feel for the Muslims who are desperate for a Reformation. To get it they need the west to support them, but we have, by an large, sided with the extremists.
SMP: I’ll email you.
Non US, it is simply a matter of no one here buying into your bullshit. You thought you had a chance at bleeding hearts who could be easily duped into taking your side. I suggest you learn English better before coming onto a site full of intelligent and logical thinkers. You are far out of your league.
I don’t mean to diss respect but Fuck u SMP and ROByou think you are all that but the truth is the girls in the USA are all sluts they get have nothing better to do but fuck all the world…… PS the girls are not marryed so fuck off the subject and they were probley attached by the jews because the only thing that they can do is FUCK YOU AND EVERYONE IN THE USA i mean the ones how have nothing better to do make problems I don’t mean you guys i mean SMP and ROB and his or her kids so go and check on them they are in your room having sex …..PS CANADA RULES and one more thing turn on the t.v if you were smart you would under stand the JEWS are attaching the palestinians and over 400 killed and this has thing to do with religon so fuck the usa because there is more then 60% a day a girl gets raped in the usa then in the middle east so fuck ya and by the way i am not a arab I’m a canadian so BACK THE FUCK UP BEFORE YOU GET SMACKED THE FUCK UP……PEACE HOMIE
HEY READ THIS …. USA Man Pleads Guilty to Filming Sex With Underage Girls as Young as 5
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Canada rules? Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA!
I left your nonsense up because it show how Muslims and their commie sympathizers really are. You don’t have a real argument, just a lot of childish insults posted anonymously because you don’t have the balls to say this stuff to someone in person. It sad really.
But if you or any Canadian wants to come “smack me up” I’m clearly not hard to find, as I use my real name and don’t shy away from telling people where I live. But no Mohammedan or Canadian has the balls to come down to my area and pop off.
Rob you are the biggest ass hole out there. If you want come to canada you are welcome because unlike THE USA WE DON’T HAVE BUSH FOR 4 YEARS SO WE ARE NOT FUCKED UP LIKE YOU..you left my nonsense up because it show how Muslims and their commie sympathizers really are. First of all i am NOT A MUSLIM. “You don’t have a real argument”FUCKYOU just a lot of childish insults posted anonymously because you don’t have the balls to say this stuff to YOUR FACE COME TO CANADA I WILL KICK YOUR ASS.
We had Bush for eight years. Eight glorious years of low taxes and dead terrorists. But regarless I never said you were a Muslim, but you’re clearly some commie Muslim groupie who’d gladly lick a Jihadists balls as you and your countrymen have been doing for years.
You claim Canada isn’t fucked up but it’s a country where you can go to jail for writing an article critical of Islam. That’s not fucked up?
And yes, again, you don’t have a real argument. And no some anonymous douche from the “country” of Canada can’t kick my ass. Will I be coming to Canada? Meh. What’s in Canada I need to see? Besides Jew hating trolls who masturbate while threatening people on the Internet that is.
But if your ever in South Carolina let me know and we can meet and you can “kick my ass.”
‘dear cunt face’ yeah u guys had george bush for 8 years (high prices taxes high gas)our $1.50 canadian used to be $1.00 american but when george bush was still running the place it was $1.50 american and 1.00 for canada. (i hope) barack obama will be better than bush because the only thing that bush can eat is his bush..no wait he doesnt have a bush HAHAHAHAHAHA IN UR FACE MOTHER FUCKER ……first of all mother fucker if u could read a book u would understand that palestine was the first country and yeah Jews were the first religion so fuckin crack a book…first of all u and the Jews have small penises…no wait there on there noses HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa…South Carolina mother fucker..i cant wait to be down there to hunt ur ass down u white skinny ass white ass small ass millemetre penis…YOU ARE PROBABLY THE PERSON WHO IS RAPING AND KILLING ALL THE MIDDLE-EAST PEOPLE SO U CAN RAPE THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT EASY TO GET LIKE YOUR WIFE…….hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha like I said all day…and maybe YOUR MASTURBATING because im talkin about raping and killing you sick fuck…first of all we are smarter than you think thats why you guys come to canada to escape war u money hungry big nose Jew.yeah at least our presidents daughters dont get busted for buying booze oh yeah so are you a Jew or what?if you are go lick your moms cunt and balls like hitler did…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…P.S.i dont diss Obama he rules because he is BLACK does that make u mad?????haha i know it does……
Rob Taylor…you are a racist piece of shit who is against dark people even though you look like bird shit..haha I agree with fuck smp and my name is george bush and fuck u rob because they probably think that the colour of your skin and your religion doesnt make u different, u cock sucker…here is one thing im gonna do….im gonna throw a penny between u and one of ur fucking friends and watch u fight to the dirt…HAHAHAHA U WANNA SAY SHIT SAY IT NO ONE FUCKIN CARES YOU PROBABLY MASTURBATE TO DARK PEOPLE CUZ YOU CANT GET DARK ASS U FUCKIN WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT GO AND SUCK A COCK. you are probably mad that Obama is now the president of the USA because he is BLACK like (my name is george bush) said that makes you mad doesnt it??? i know it does HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….you probably sell yourself and dont make any money like george bush did nevermind he stole the money he made…your not worth anything u slut hahaha i have lots to say about racism you should go in a hole and die…go to hell and burn i bet everyone in your family and even your friends wants to watch u burn…people dont like what your saying it hurts everyone…..JUST FUCKING QUIT IT
A) I am Black, or actually Bi-racial just like your precious Obama (except my family have been here since the 1700s)
B) If you weren’t retarded you’d know that since Islam is the third of the Abrahamic faiths it is historically inaccurate to say they were anywhere first, including and especially the so-called “Holy Lands.” Every Muslim country was stolen from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Zoroastrians or Pagans. The Kaba they have in Mecca was originally a pagan shrine.
C) I’m not a Jew (I’m a polytheist) but I happen to like Jews. That you don’t is just proof that you’re the bitch of some Muslim.
D) It’s funny White racists like you are all talk, saying you’ll “hunt me down” etc. Not only do I know you’ll never do that but I bet I can get you to apologies to me my sending your last comment and you I.P Address to the Canadian authorities. I mean it does sound like a death threat, and since Canadians are so prissy I know they won’t like it up there. Yeah, I think I’ll rat you to the mounties…
we need to liberate these people from islam.