Here’s a peak at the one of the officers in Obama’s new civilian national security force in action:
A masked gunman who was waving an American flag on a 101 Freeway overpass in Santa Barbara was in police custody after an hours-long standoff that shut down the freeway in both directions and caused a rush-hour traffic snarl this morning, officials said.
Edward Van Tassel, a 28-year-old Army veteran who served in Iraq, first surrendered his handgun to police, officials said. As part of the negotiation, Van Tassel asked authorities for a Barack Obama sign, which he posted on a chain-link fence on the overpass along with the flag he was holding, said Sgt. Lorenzo Duarte of the Santa Barbara Police Department.
You’ll notice his flag is upside down, the universal symbol of “patriots” who want to overthrow the government. By the end of tonight we’ll know if he’s gotten his wish, and America changes from a Constitutional Republic into a European style Socialist state. Complete with a Nazi like paramilitary. Eddie already has his.
h/t N.T.A.
I’ve seen Ron Paulers put up signs of Ron Paul on freeway passes, this is worse by a long shot.
Election 2008 results: Welcome to the new America. We are so fucked.
I don’t know what I’m more afraid of: Obama and his Communist ideas and racist wife or the 3/4 of Americans who WANTED this bastard in!!!
How dare you criticize an Iraq War veteran? Where’d you serve, keyboard soldier?
If you supported sending this man 7000 miles away to kill Iraqi dirt farmers in defense of America’s “Freedom”, than what did you expect?
You pinko neocons always excuse leftist outbursts with “our troops are fighting for your freedom of speech”, failing to realize that is legitimatization of liberal retardation.
It’s interesting you use the term “copperhead” as your handle. A copperhead was a Democrat who was against the civil war and wanted slavery to continue. As a Bi-racial man just as your precious Obama I get you message loud and clear Klanner.
But since you’re not a cop why are you allowed, by your logic, to comment on the criminality of the above degenerate? Since you’re not a blogger why are you allowed to comment on what appears on a blog? If you cared about freedom you wouldn’t attempt to silence people by claiming they have no right to speak on certain subjects.
I’ve been shot at, had guns pulled on me and almost died more than once. Was I serving in the military during that? No. Am I twice the man you are no matter than you served or not. Hell yeah, bitch.
Iraqis aren’t “dirt farmers” by the way Klanny, they are doctors, lawyers, musicians and like us the want freedom from liberty. Before the war I knew and lived with Iraqi refugees so don’t come out here with you’re bullshit. Go back to DailyKos White devil.
You think the kind of anarchy and criminality Van Tassel symbolizes is O.K.? Just say that. Don’t pretend I’m a “neocon” (I’ve been a Republican since I was 10) when you’re the one who is pretending not to be a liberal even while adopting the far-lefts talking points.
Are you not one of the neocon faction who “stand’s with the troops”? Who believe that the troops are 7000 miles away “fighting for our freedom”, the only reason why liberals have the freedom to spout the nonsense that they do? A common example is Palin handling a heckler in the crowd “my son is fighting for your right to free speech”. This is a common neotard talkingpoint so it would not be out of place within your own mindset. Seeing how this gunman is Iraq-War veteran, seems he enabled his own right to free speech .
I’ve been shot at, had guns pulled on me and almost died more than once. Was I serving in the military during that? No. Am I twice the man you are no matter than you served or not. Hell yeah, bitch.
Souf central, werd, bout it bout it. (rolls eyes) Let the truth out this neocon: Rob Taylor, does not “support the troops”, the troops were a means to an end, protect Israel/judeoAmerica, American troops are not fighting for American “freedom” but security for Israel. American soldier: desert now, stop fighting for the Rob Taylors.
Since “neocon” is a epithet designed by White Nationalists to mean “Jewish cabal” no I’m not. I’m a Reaganite. I believe in a strong foreign policy that includes engaging our enemies in protracted conflicts in other lands to damper the ability of those enemies to make significant moves against us. That’s what we did with the communists in Latin America, and the Soviet Union.
You’re a neo-Nazi clearly. You want our enemies (your allies the Islamic militants) to strike us again. Why not just admit to that? Why not just admit that you want us to have a dozen 9/11s? Are you too cowardly to say what you really want?
“You pinko neocons always excuse leftist outbursts with “our troops are fighting for your freedom of speechâ€, failing to realize that is legitimatization of liberal retardation.”
You call holding up traffic a form of freedom of speech while having a gun in one hand?
Copperhead wrote: “the troops were a means to an end”
Duh, of course the troops are a means to an end. Should the troops themselves be an end? They serve a purpose, an essential one, and no sane person with an ounce of interest in self-preservation and the safety of our country could argue otherwise.
As for your anti-Zionist drivel, Copperhead, helping other people build and maintain democratic societies is good for the world and good for our country. It is our duty to intervene when others are being persecuted for their ethnicity, gender, or religion. Allowing others to suffer at the hands of communist dictators or genocidal maniacs is immoral and evil.
Seems a bit fishy how Copperhead is so bent on defending the Hamas and Islamic terrorists. I’m not sure if it’s because he is one or a terribly confused neo-Nazi.
Ah, well. They are here for a reason, just as everything has a purpose. The Copperheads are here for us to mock and play with like mice to cats. At least they are fun.
I once did a post on the Aryan Nations allowing members to convert to Islam. And last year a Black Muslim convert tried to take “the jewish interests” to court in a DOJ complaint that she made where she defended White Nationalism. Islam and Nazism have a long romance here in in Europe.
I’m a little confused how does this display lead you to believe this man is a communist? In case you are confused communism is “A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.”
Van certainly does not believe in the collective ownership of anything, if fact he gets right pissed off when people touch or use his things. He satated empatically that he was opposed to John McCain because he voted against benifits for troops and additional spending in Iraq.
He doesn’t support Obama’s tax plan he supports the withdrawing of troops from a pointless war he participated in. I fail to see what favoring additional supplies for our troops has to do with communism. Are you are saying all people who support our troops are communists? It seems you feel funding our soldiers is somehow the same as “collective ownership of property”. It this is your belief I must saw it is you who is the unamerican danger to this country not this man on an overpass.
By the way I notice you failed to mention that the gun was unloaded and that he pointed the gun at himself not anyone else. No one else seems to think this man is a threat, not the judge who lowered his bail, nor the district attorney that admitted the largest threat to anyone in the area was that the police could have shot him and one missed him and hit a bystander.
Lastly why are you comparing an American soldier’s battle fatigue to Nazi paramilitary? You are disturbingly unpatriot. “Complete with a Nazi like paramilitary. Eddie already has his” every piece of his clothing including the mask are government issue for soldiers serving in Iraq.
Due me a favor pull your head out of your ass and support the troops fighting and dieing for our great nation. 18 veterans each day commit suicide, that means almost 9 times as many veterans have killed themselves since we have been in Iraq then have actually died in combat. 1/4 of the homeless are veterans. 20-30 of soldiers returning from Iraq suffer from PTSD, why are these obviously disturbed people who bravely volunteered to risk their lives for our safety and freedom not getting medical treatment. He’s not a communist he said he was willing to give his life, if necessary, to defend democracy and our way of life, now he is willing to give his life if necessary to bring to everyones attention the horrible treatment of returning, diabled veterans. NO DEFINITELY NOT A COMMUNIST!!!
Supporting a Marxist is supporting communism. Obama is a Marxist. The Democrats (and unfortunately many Republicans) are pushing a Marxist economic policy, including Socialized medicine.
I didn’t compare his fatigues to brownshirts, I compared Obamas civilian national security force to Hitler’s brownshirts and say this cretins actions looks like an audition for them. You’re a liar, whic is typical of people like you who can’t argue against the actual points in the post so you make up nonsense.
His actions were dangerous, criminal and unpatriotic. Most veterans come home and obey the laws, he did not. His service is not a free pass for criminality.
Your numbers of suicides and the homeless are made up . Cite a source for that that isn’t a communist propaganda outlet like You can’t. The vast majority of homeless people, veterans or not, are addicted to drugs. The vast majority of veterans have access to services we taxpayers provide to keep them from being homeless. Using the plight of the homeless, many of whom are not veterans but people who ran away from home and grew up literally on the streets, is almost a disgusting as you pretending I said things I didn’t. It trivializes the drug problems we have in this country that leads to kids as young as 9 wonder the streets fending for themselves.
So your point is that supporting Obama but disagreeing with him is patriotic, waving a empty gun around to frighten people is acceptable and calling for a withdrawal from Iraq (but i notice not Kosovo, Germany, japan etc) is supporting the troops and anyone who disagrees is calling all soldiers communists. Interesting.
My only response to that is you madame are worse than Hitler.
Could you name one single lie I told? Its pretty easy to call me a liar why don’t you actually point out a lie? People like me? How the heck do you think you know ANYTHING about me? What is my education level, where do I live, am I pro-life/ pro-choice. You seem to assume a lot just because I think our troops need a better support system?
Who was in danger by his actions, other then himself?
I was ASKING you a question about supporting troops and you assume that makes me worse than Hitler? Can you explain your obsession with Hitler? As I’ve never even been in a fight or got arrested, or done anything particulary illegal I’ wondering how I qualify as “worse that Hitler”?
Do you value the lives of other so little that my disagreeing with you is BY YOUR OWN WORDS worse that ordering the deaths of millions of people?
Is CBS a good enough source or is everyone who disagrees with you a communist? ” CBS News did an investigation – asking all 50 states for their suicide data, based on death records, for veterans and non-veterans, dating back to 1995. Forty-five states sent what turned out to be a mountain of informationIn 2005, for example, in just those 45 states, there were at least 6,256 suicides among those who served in the armed forces. That’s 120 each and every week, in just one year.” This is right on board for 18 a day in all 50 states!!
How about the Associated Press “12,000 veterans a year attempt suicide while under department treatment”
Even the VA aknowledeges this “A recent report by CBS News, now supported by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, indicates that an average of 18 veterans commit suicide every day nationwide.”
As far as homeless statistics go how about PBS
“It’s been estimated that half a million veterans are homeless at some time during the year … 76 percent of them with substance abuse or mental health problems.”
“Approximately 40% of homeless men are veterans, any given night, 200,000 veterans are homeless, and 400,000 veterans will experience
homelessness during the course of a year”
Sure he had access to treatment, he called to get his priscribtion refilled, (he is on diability due to PTSD) but was told he would have to wait to be seen and get a refill directly from the VA. His appointment was for Nov 20th. He obviously couldn’t go that long with out his medication. He was in Walter Reed for 8 months and discharged early from the army because he was traumitized during his second tour in Iraq. The military was aware he was unstable with out medication, that is why they required he take it to be released from the hospital then they didn’t allow him access to the medication he so needed. That is my big issue. He like many veterans returned disabled and had to wait MONTHS to see a doctor. I don’t support socialized medicine and this is one on the reasons, I can call and see a doctor this week maybe even today if its really important but soldiers must wait MONTHS.
O.K. I never called him a communist (although I will say now he probably is) I never never said ACU’s look like Nazi uniforms and I never implied funding troops was akin to communism, I said that his tactics were going to be well received by the left. Those are three lies you told, charges you simply made up after skimming the post and deciding that you wanted to argue.
By the way PTSD-not treated with medication. Depression and Anxiety however is. Both conditions and PTSD are worsened by drug and alcohol use. Not implying anything, but if you care about your friend you’ll file that away.
The national coalition for the homeless is a left wing group that has had many of it’s figures debunked. If you care about homeless people donate your time to Children of the Night and other groups that help homeless children escape the streets. The idea that adults are entitled to my sympathy because of hard times they fell upon often of their own doing may not be communism, but it’s damn close.
Your own stats are saying that the vast majority of the homeless have drug problems or mental illness, neither of which are the fault of the government of society at large. Nor do they excuse stopping people with a gun (unloaded or not) and terrorizing them in an attempt to support his favorite candidate. His favorite candidate who is pushing Marxist economic and social policies.
The suicide stats you are using have been debunked several times. You should read these two links.
And the “you’re worse than Hitler” line is a well known Internet joke one throws out at people who are, shall we say prone to over reaction, as a way to snidely comment on the hysterical nature of their argument.
If I pulled a gun on your family as they were on a bridge, and later you found out it was unloaded, would that be O.K.?