It’s a point that many have made before, that a disarmed populace is literally at the mercy of the government, and in place like Japan in the event of a war with China, at the mercy of regimes who would seek to avenge past wrongs. Rwanda, Cambodia, and South Africa, when a population gives up its ability to resort to force of arms in extreme circumstances (such as the Holocaust) it almost guarantees that at least a segment of that population will go less then gently into that good night.
Now Glenn Harlan Reynolds piles on in this opinion piece at Fox News. It retreads some old ground to be sure, but that doesn’t change the truth of the argument, and it is especially relevant now with a new chorus of corrupt voices within our country calling for prohibition of private firearm ownership, and the ability to defend yourself.
Hello! I have my blog where i write sorries about war in rwanda. Would you put my link on your page and i’ll put yours on my??
Great points Rob!
I reserve the right to bear arms. As I should, why should all the criminal elements be the only ones ? Gun control go to hell.
Thanks for the link.
Exactly, if gun control works, why does the NYC have a higher crime rate then places with less restrictive gun laws? Criminals will always gravitiate to where the people are less likely to defend themselves.