Charlize Theron: Communist Stooge or Uninformed Moron?

Maybe a little of both? While shilling for some sort of Commie propaganda piece she gets caught out there claiming that America has the same limits to freedom of speech Cuba does. As evidence she trots out a story about some unnamed television personality who was fired for speaking out against the war in Iraq. To Theron, a private company firing a reporter for political reasons is on par with the Cuban government torturing and killing dissidents.

Here’s the whole clip:


Theron is parroting the views of pro-Castro, anti-American organizations like Code Pink, who use the so-called “peace movement” as recruiting grounds for their pro-dictatorship activities. Groups like Code Pink often target celebrities who lean left to act as mouth pieces for their agenda.

Theron may be unaware of how far left she is leaning (making her a moron) or she may indeed believe that the United States is an oppressive empire that stifles freedom. Or it’s possible that she just repeats things she hears like a trained parrot.

Debbie Schlussel has more.