One thought on “Latino Anti-Black Violence Comes to Long Island

  1. How come the Anti-defimation league does not acknowledge the south side (Sureno 13) gang as a hate group. They are responsible for a high number of innocent blacks being killed in Los Angeles and nobody says anything, not Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, nor the so-called Jewish leaders who attempt to monopolize ALL suffering and claim that they champion the cause of all suffering people! They are hipocrytes…ALL OF THEM!How come there is no mass effort to condem the South siders, or the Mexican Mafia from wich they take their orders , from the general Mexican population? Its because there is a certain level of racism and GWS(Global White Supremacy) present in their culture as it does all over the world, including ours(African Americans). This is why most of the darker people on the planet hate themselves, are also hated by thier broader society’s, and are ironicly, all on the lower social economic side of things. THIS IS GLOBAL! Its just that in Mexican culture, this mentality goes unchecked. Browse at Telemundo sometime. None of the faces on Spanish speaking t.v. stations belong to darker skinned people. The Mexican culture has openly sanctioned racism against its own darker population(including the Indigenous), therefore, how do you think they feel about Blacks here in America. Some of us(the REAL BLACKS) are warriors and refuse to go down without a fight just like our ancestors…weather we have the numbers of not! We are not gonna let our children be killed! Black dissatisfaction is rising and we cant be stopped! There are those of us who dont seek acceptance by outside groups(e.g. the sick relationship that a child has to a parent). We love and accept our own.In the language of 23-1-18,…fuck the entire Southern Car,..13 down, B.C. UP! If you got a real problem with it, see me in Long Beach near the corner of Long Beach and 4th!

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