Bosnian Muslims Attack Gays

Aren’t you proud we helped set up the Muslims with their own state in Europe? From the Beeb:

At least eight people have been injured in clashes during the opening ceremony of Bosnia’s first gay festival in the capital Sarajevo, police have said.

They said dozens of men attacked participants of the festival in front of the city’s Academy of Fine Arts.

A foreigner and journalists were reportedly among the injured.

Homosexuality is very much a taboo issue in Bosnia and organisers of the Queer Festival have received death threats, correspondents say.

Anti-gay protesters attacked the festival participants as they were leaving the opening ceremony in central Sarajevo on Wednesday evening.

Many demonstrators chanted “Kill the Gays!” and “Allahu Akbar!” (God is Great).

h/t Queer Conservative

3 thoughts on “Bosnian Muslims Attack Gays

  1. In addition to Bosnia, Britain is ripe for this kind of violent, bigoted outburst, and I wouldn’t be surprised by an upward trend in gay bashing on this side of the pond. Sickening.

  2. This is a cure for the American economy. A harry wet gay young male for the Chair of the FDIC. He need to get his head straight. After all The White House is bursting with Gays and those that perfer young bed partiners. Congress is a circus of Queers. With plenty of money to throw around.

  3. If you like “bears” that’s your business but I don’t see how having one run FDIC will fix years of socialist policies like the CRA. I wish there were more gays in Washington since the ones I know are conservative and strong on the Second Amendment.

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