America’s weak response to Russia’s Hitler-esque Invasion of Georgia has emboldened the Putinist regime to begin directly provoking the American military. First, this item was buried in a Fox report on NATO breaking relations with Russia in protest of their occupation of Georgia:
Meanwhile, a FOX News crew on the ground confirmed that Russian troops in several armored vehicles entered Georgia’s commericial Poti Sea Port early Tuesday morning, capturing 10-20 Georgian soldiers, blindfolding them, and taking them away to a Russian base in Senaki.
The Russians were described as crack and combat ready.
They also took away a container holding property of the U.S. military: Five U.S. military regular humvees and one armored humvee, according to Alan Middleton, CEO of Poti Sea Port. They had been used in a military exercise recently in Georgia involving U.S. and Georgian troops and were being shipped back to a European base.
It is unclear whether the Georgians seized had anything to do with the container.
Efforts are ongoing to obtain their release
The Russians also reportedly blew up a disabled Georgian navy vessel docked at the port.
Operations at the commercial port have been halted and management is trying to start them up later today.
Not content with robbing banks the Russian forces are stealing American military equipment. This is a clear provocation. But it pales in comparison to this:
CARACAS: President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday that Russian President Dimitri Medvedev wants to send a Russian naval fleet to visit Venezuela.
“Russia has informed us they intend to visit Venezuela, that is, the intention that a Russian fleet should come to the Caribbean,” Chavez said on his weekly radio program.
“I told the president (Medvedev), ‘If you’re coming to the Caribbean, we’ll welcome you,'” Chavez said, adding that the Russian naval fleet would pay “a friendly and working” visit to Venezuela.
Read the rest, it goes on to detail the vast amount of Russian arms that has already flooded Venezuela.
Meanwhile Russia has been caught delivering fake Russian passports into the Georgian conflict zone, no doubt to have an excuse to escalate the violence:
4 600 passports have been issued during the past five days and more than 1400 – in one day. The Russian Federation is increasing the number of its citizens on purpose in an attempt to appeal to protect Russian citizens.
Clearly Putin wants war, and not just any war but the big one, WWIII. America’s volatile political life presents the world with an image of a country violently split down the middle, and with a stretched thin military Russia and her allies seem to be eyeing our allies, and perhaps us, hungrily.
Not that Hitler apologist Pat Buchanan minds. He’s expelled a new abortion onto the pages of Townhall that leaves no doubt where he would stand in the event of war between us America and Russia:
The arrogant folly of the architects of U.S. post-Cold War policy is today on display. By bringing three ex-Soviet republics into NATO, we have moved the U.S. red line for war from the Elbe almost to within artillery range of the old Leningrad.
Should America admit Ukraine into NATO, Yalta, vacation resort of the czars, will be a NATO port and Sevastopol, traditional home of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, will become a naval base for the U.S. Sixth Fleet. This is altogether a bridge too far.
And can we not understand how a Russian patriot like Vladimir Putin would be incensed by this U.S. encirclement after Russia shed its empire and sought our friendship? How would Andy Jackson have reacted to such crowding by the British Empire?
As of 1991, the oil of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan belonged to Moscow. Can we not understand why Putin would smolder as avaricious Yankees built pipelines to siphon the oil and gas of the Caspian Basin through breakaway Georgia to the West?
For a dozen years, Putin & Co. watched as U.S. agents helped to dump over regimes in Ukraine and Georgia that were friendly to Moscow.
After calling on Joe Biden to “hold hearings” to see who’s responsible for the war (Neo-cons of course) Buchanan lavishes ex-KGB agent Vlad Putin with such praise one would think he was wooing Putin:
Vladimir Putin is no Stalin. He is a nationalist determined, as ruler of a proud and powerful country, to assert his nation’s primacy in its own sphere, just as U.S. presidents from James Monroe to Bush have done on our side of the Atlantic.
A resurgent Russia is no threat to any vital interests of the United States. It is a threat to an American Empire that presumes some God-given right to plant U.S. military power in the backyard or on the front porch of Mother Russia.
If his argument sounds both nauseating and familiar then you’ve probably seen similar arguments from Putinist tool Justin Raimondo and Buchanan’s fellow admire of Russia David Duke. Duke’s support for Russia comes in the form of “exposing” the ties Georgia has with Jewish neo-cons and Israel. Perhaps as a nod to to his philosophical brother-in-arms Buchanan ends his pro-Putin propaganda piece with this semi-coded anti-Jewish conspiracy theory:
As for Saakashvili, he’s probably toast in Tbilisi after this stunt. Let the neocons find him an endowed chair at the American Enterprise Institute.
You know, the neo-cons who secretly pull his strings from their synagogues of Satan. Disgusting.
At least we’ll know where he’ll stand when the war starts. In Gitmo with the rest of the traitors.
Update: I’m not the only person who thinks Buchanan has a little too much love for Putin.
Paul Craig Roberts is in the same boat as Pat Buchanan, another Putinist shill along with also quite a number of Ron Paulers in the RonPaulForum Internet site.
It figures. After 9/11 the Libertarians split between pro-defense Neo-libs and the Alex Jones worshiping cranks that Buchanan targets. I always disliked Ron Paul, and after seeing his followers during the Presidential race I loath him even more.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Look at how Ron Paul supports Cindy Sheehan. Even though many of her policies resemble policies from the National Socialist Program and the Communist Manifesto of state-control over every aspect of American life.
Yet Lew Rockwell, Raimondo and others have to gall to label the U.S. government “fascist”? You should also check out my Nazism is Leftism blog too.
I’ll check it out. I think that Rockwell is the connecting link between these “libertarians” and the Neo-Nazis here. They’re more like neo-Confederates than Libertarians these days and anything you find on Stormfront you’ll see a version of on Antiwar of Rockwell literally the next day.
Apparently, the Leftist Green Party, along with the Communist Party USA, the Workers’ World Party is on Pat’s side too.
The Green Party USA is notable for appointing Marxist radical, anti-Semite, 9/11 “Truther” Cynthia McKinney as its nominee for President.
Don’t forget they are trying to make repeal truancy law. I call it the Green Rainbow Creepy Uncle platform.
After the “3D’s” weighed in Freddy (Kaplan) Andy (Basevice) and then Paddy (Buchanan) Russia’s bo’t and paid for ex Bundes Kanzler Gerhard Shroeder sweetly informs everybody that it is totally America’s fault for being so irresistable that anyone with a choice would want to hook up economically, militarily, culturally and freedomly.
Dr Rice nailed his head to the floor really tight at NATO today – ” NATO has an open-door policy to all European democracies that qualify for its membership. This is not a matter of forcing countries into one alliance or another.
It is simply a matter of giving them the choice that free peoples deserve.”
There is no fight left in America.
by libertyisfreedom 19Aug2008
Russia defeated America thru compromise during Regan. All reporters engaged by corporate media “SPEW VENOM of propaganda” to further the seed of “CORPORACRACY”.
Blind and Stupid are the American Citizens. All lapping up compromise of their “LIBERTY”. While Fornication of “Freedom” rolls in the bed of the “WHITE HOUSE”. Laughing Moaning in pleasure. Now saying “WE ARE CUMMING. America will be defeated again with out even a shot fired.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Americans thinking in writings on the internet (we are safe) no one can touch us. Communism already has touched all Americans. They surrender their Freedom as if it is a “Commodity”.
Communism has “INDUCED” and “MANIPULATED” America with the grace of a surgeon.
There is more “TRUTH” in this statement then what is stated on the back of U.S. currency. “””””In God We Trust”””””””””””” Now that is a real Laugh.
Ever notice the “C” shape of the setting area at the U.N. Security Counsels chambers ? Just “WHAT !” do you think that “C” stands for ? “”””””” “CORPORACRACY””””””””””!!!!!!
Of all experience. Which ever existed. And all , That will ever exist. Every experience is unique, to the receiver. Mental stimulation. Inducing , action , Causing chemical exchanges. Between information processors. Of various life forms.
Description of our thought process. Which is accepted in this time and space , of human existence here on planet Earth.
Humans have memory ! They can analyze memory. They can use the information. Make calculated Judgments’ and decisions , resulting in, “objectives “.
Inducing chemical exchange, within the information processor, impacts, “Goals and Objectives†, Out of nothing more , then a single thought.
This is absolutely correct. There is not one human on Planet Earth. That can prove the afore mentioned statement false….! .
So, the receiver of this statement has to engage though t, as to reality. That the above stated fact, has not. Changed since the beginning of time.
Everything created by humans . Started as a thought. Chemical exchanges engaged by thought. Stimulated by , processes, within the brain. Out of nothing more then, impact. Of a significant, emotional event. That engrains memory . Out of less than thin air.
One thought, has created the largest * Corporacracy * of Power, anywhere. Ever known to exist. Our Government is what *they* decide! Have you been fooled ?
The above statement is absolutely correct. Meaning, all combined wealth of Corporations, as a majority. Control the largest quantity, of power. Which ever existed ..
The * Corporacracy * erases, nations’ , borders and steals sovereignty of the people. With objectives to expunge any reason for patriotism !
This statement is more factual. Than what is stated on the back of , U.S. Dollar bills.
“ In “God†“ We†“Trust â€.
Be grateful . To your Master .
Oh, I get it. You’re high. Listen if you want to ramble I’m sure the Above Top Secret forums are bustling with people who will “get your vibe” but we don’t speak freaker here.
Truth speaks louder than words.
To Rob Taylor
From Lt. Liberty
Subject: H.R. 1955
Your skills are “Exquisite”. Could you write on “H.R. 1955”. I am very interested in your opinion on “1st Amendment”.
Why is exquisite and 1st Amendment in quotes? And what does H.R. 1955 have t9o do with Russia?
To: Rob
When a Country with a Hugh population and land mass is re-organized. It is a very long process. In order to accomplish this without economic ruin and total rebellion objectives need to be massaged into acceptance. Just as it has been done in America and many other Countries. Russia and Chinas massage techniques are that of a Master. Something , I suggest a person of your abilities recognizes. That is what H.R. 1955 has to do with Russia.
This should answer both of your questions.
Massages? Even if you meant “messages” none of what you’re asking makes sense, not in the philosophical sense because I’m sure you have some larger point having to do with Libertarianism vs. Republicanism, but I simply don’t understand you.
And that’s I think the point. I assume you meant huge populations need to be re-organized by messaging, which is some sort of jargon I’m not familiar with. It would be as if I said that to you that American expansive emergent religions were the main purveyors of deliberate occultism as opposed to the natural occultism that exists in intensive emergent religions. Without experience in Comparative Religion classes this is all meaningless jargon.
Russian society hasn’t been re-organized since the Soviet Union, except that there is more of a nationalist feeling being stoked by leaders, likewise the one party system of China may seem different than dynastic monarchies but in essence China is run no different than if it had an emperor, and for that matter the Russian communists have maintained Czar like figures so it could be argued that neither society was fundamentally re-organized in any significant ways beyond the mass murders by the governments.
The connection between Pat Buchanan spreading neo-Soviet propaganda and a bill designed to help politicians worm around the issue of designating a religion (Islam) and enemy of America are only tangentially related if you subscribe to a conspiracist view of America.
First Question short answer.
“Massage” not message.
Oil companies use a technique of slowly moving prices up and down but always growing larger over time. This analogy is related to Government using massage technique with Law, regulations, codes, ordnance. Slowly the populas accept the controls. Thereby giving up “LIBERTY”. Just as in China and Russia. Thing is as you know. America is the target. The mark has been hit.
Second question short answer
It is the American Government system which is being re-organized. All being done thru Goals and Objectives. Although most lists are classified. There is one that is un-classified.
Now that enough time has passed from my last comment. ROB, you can see just how correct I am.
Who’s parachute are you paying for ?
Democrats. Who engineered the program that created a sub prime market and did nothing, even though Bush and McCain at different times literally said to America that this would happen.
But don’t forget you and me and all Americans. Every POS who took out a loan for a car or house they couldn’t afford is who is taking this money, every part time worker living off credt cards is who’s getting the money.
The parachute isn’t just on the CEOS, some of whom are ON OBAMAS STAFF, it’s for illegals got mortgages, drug addicts and morons who can’t pay their bills, they’re getting a parachute as well.
And if YOU had spent time pushing the truth instead of fantasy maybe someone would have listened. There’s no conspiracy here, it’s socialist policies started in the 70s.
To: Rob Taylor
Well Rob, Even though I am attempting to polish my writing skills. I Am sorry to say I have not achieves your level of talent. Although my skills at analyzing present and past historical facts with accurate future insight of the world market are very profitable.
As far as the immigration, issue. Fact is that the massive expansion of the prepared food service industry needed a huge numbers of employees along with the property development industry. Housing and feeding, is a first priority to keeping monetary slaves. Those humans have been massaged into the political, for the purpose of induced pre planed actions now in the works. Quite a recipe.
Yes, America is over the edge and on its way to SOCIALISTS DEMOCRACY. As I have said many times. “The next take over on the American continent will be without a fight. Citizens will just lay down and take it all the way to the grave without any rebellion, induced socialized acceptance.â€
An YES again. If numbers were ran on the race within the sub prime mortgage issue. It will show race in this failure of the banking system coupled with collusion of government in a move toward the numbers of the 45 goals of communism has been accomplished… HITLER WOULD BE PROUD.