Brits Shocked to Find Fundamentalist Muslims Believe in Islamic Fundamentalism

The end result of multiculturalism that was foreseen by everyone except the multiculturalists. From The Telegraph:

The survey found that extreme Islamist ideology has a profound influence on a significant minority of Muslims on campuses across the country.

The findings will concern police chiefs, the security services and ministers, who are struggling with radicalisation among Muslim communities.

The YouGov poll was conducted for the Right-wing think tank, the Centre for Social Cohesion, at 12 universities, including Imperial College and Kings College London. It also found:

* 40 per cent support the introduction of sharia into British law for Muslims

* a third back the notion of a worldwide Islamic caliphate (state) based on sharia law

* 40 per feel it is unacceptable for Muslim men and women to mix freely

* 24 per cent do not think men and women are equal in the eyes of Allah

* a quarter have little or no respect for homosexuals.

Although 53 per cent said that killing in the name of religion was never justified, compared with 94 per cent of non-Muslims, 32 per cent said that it was. Of these, 4 per cent said killing could be justified to “promote or preserve” religion, while 28 per cent said it was acceptable if that religion were under attack.

I wonder who the 6% of non-Muslims who said religious killing was justified were? Ancient Aztecs?

While the numbers actually aren’t in the majority four in every ten Muslims believing in a caliphate doesn’t bode well for England.

Doesn’t this poll prove that English values should be taught in schools and assimilation should be the goal of education of immigrants?

But more importantly, exactly when are the English going to stop being shocked by the fact that allowing Muslims to preach Islamic superiority will radicalize Muslim youth?

h/t Hot Air 

3 thoughts on “Brits Shocked to Find Fundamentalist Muslims Believe in Islamic Fundamentalism

  1. Rob Taylor,

    “Brits Shocked to Find Fundamentalist Muslims Believe in Islamic Fundamentalism”

    This would be like people being shocked that Christian Fundamentalists believe that Jesus is the son of God, walked on water, died for our sins, rose from the dead, and is the savior of mankind, that the whole Earth was flooded by God, Noah’s Ark was Real, Every animal on Earth went onto it, the Earth is less than ten thousand years old, Humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time and evolution is a lie.

    What do these people think a fundamentalist is? Its someone who takes their faith’s holy text very literally. So why wouldn’t fundamentalist Muslims think these things? The Koran tells them to think those things.

  2. “But more importantly, exactly when are the English going to stop being shocked by the fact that allowing Muslims to preach Islamic superiority will radicalize Muslim youth?”

    The English? Surely that should read the British, or did something happen overnight to remove Scotland, Wales and Ireland from the UK?

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