Craven Florida Commissioner Gets Police Protection After Finding “Voodoo Doll”


Or a Poppet as those in the trade would say.

Zenaida Denizac is the City Commissioner for the 1st District in the city of Deltona. She received a “Voodoo doll” in the mail and began embarrassing Republicans by turning what may be a prank but is at worst petty sorcery into a police matter.


DELTONA, Fla. — A menacing voodoo doll with an official’s face attached and pins stuck in its body has prompted extra sheriff’s protection for city commissioners, Local 6 has learned.

A photo of Denizac’s face was taped to the doll’s head and several pins were stuck in its body.

Since the discovery, the sheriff’s office has increased its presence outside of Denizac’s home and those of other commissioners over the weekend.

Volusia County deputies said they are trying to ensure the safety of Deltona city commissioners.

A commissioner learned of the added security when he found a deputy looking in his recycle bin, Local 6 reported.

“I feel totally violated. Somebody came into my property,” Denizac said during an earlier interview. “For me it’s very difficult.”

Bah! If I called the police every time some Bruja splashed a little rooster’s blood on my front door, or some obese crossed eyed Wiccan threatened to “turn back my negativity” on me they’d never have the time to investigate real crimes.

Butch up, head to the local botanica and let the police get back to handling real crimes. The whole point of resorting to black magick is so you don’t have to physically assault anyone. Chances are that the “witch” who sent that dime store premade poppet to you can’t conjure themselves out of their parents’ basement much less hurt you, so buck up and stop making the party look bad.

One thought on “Craven Florida Commissioner Gets Police Protection After Finding “Voodoo Doll”

  1. OMG I can’t stop laughing! And this is awesome: “can’t conjure themselves out of their parents’ basement much less hurt you” HAHAHAHA!!!

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