One thought on “Phoenix AZ Kidnapping Wave

  1. Support and donate to local PDs and sherrifs in your area. Demand a taskforce be set up before it takes place in your area. Demand that officers train to handle kidnapping cases. the less money they get for ransom and more cops the kiddnappers have to deal with the less profitable it is to kiddnapp. THEY WILL START KIDDNAPPING INNOCENT CIVILLIANS as long as the cops hands are tied by corrupt national officials and the “sancturary city/state” frame of mind. Deport them all. They’ve had their chance to prove their hard work. Way more of them are commiting violent crimes and joining gangs and filling our jails, and they now will start kidnapping loved ones. The last straw has already been reached and we are on a downhill slide! Deport them all, kill the bad ones so they can’t come back here. We need to start hanging these cartelis with piano wire from light poles, that will make them think twice about pulling this sick cowardly crap on American soil!

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