Animal Killing Envirocult Claims Advances in C.P.R. Not a Good Enough Reason to Experiment on Pigs

The research PETA is complaining about has been credited with saving 200 live in Arizona alone. PETA, an organization that kills 90% of the animals it shelters, says that’s not good enough to excuse experimenting on 60-80 pigs a year. From the AZ Star:

Dr. Gordon Ewy is used to the praise and publicity that come with radically improving CPR techniques, saving hundreds, if not thousands, of lives.

But to make those breakthroughs, Ewy has had to experiment on pigs, which has made PETA hog-wild.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has named Ewy, the longtime head of the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center, as one of its “vivisector of the month” finalists.

The organization argues that Ewy could have done his experiments on people rather than on pigs.

Members of the animal-protection group say his breakthrough of compression-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which the American Heart Association has endorsed as the CPR method of choice, is dubious.

“We take a look at the relevance and the importance of the study. Are there other methods for studying what he is studying?” said Kathy Guillermo, PETA’s laboratory investigations director, describing how the organization chooses finalists. “How valuable is this to human beings in the first place?”

Ewy’s compression-only CPR, shown to be superior to long-standard mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, is now used by paramedics across the country. A recent study found that in Arizona alone, it has saved more than 200 lives.

“Cardiac arrest is a huge public health problem in the United States,” Ewy said. “I suppose it would be very nice if we didn’t have to do experiments or research on animals, but practically all the advances in any medicine were tried out with animals first.”

The Sarver Heart Center has always disclosed that it does research on pigs, whose hearts are similar to human hearts in size, blood flow and design.

So PETA’s stance is that they can have their barbaric thugs kill animals people trust them to save, including kittens, but a doctor studying ways to help people with heart attacks is evil.

Does anyone beside moronic celebrities still think this cult of kooks has any credibility?