Arizona Democrat Mark DeSimone is a Wife Beating Communist

He’s in good company. I assume he’s a communist because of his voting record; as for the wife beating this news report speaks for itself:

Democrat State Rep. Mark DeSimone was arrested outside his home after police found evidence that his wife had been assaulted.

Phoenix police say they arrested an Arizona legislator on suspicion of domestic violence late Thursday.

Sgt. Joel Tranter says dispatchers received a 911 call from Democratic Rep. Mark DeSimone’s west Phoenix home just before midnight.

Arriving officers found DeSimone in front of the house. Tranter says after speaking to his wife, they learned there had been a verbal argument that escalated into a physical altercation.

Tranter says DeSimone’s wife was struck at least once and had cuts to the inside of her mouth. Officers developed probable cause to make a domestic violence arrest.

Tranter says police policy is to always make an arrest and book the suspect into jail in such cases.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office says the 45-year-old was still in jail as noon Friday. DeSimone’s legislative office staff didn’t know if he had a lawyer.

When will the Obama-Clinton rift heal?

In a sane America DeSimone would be forced to resign from his post.

12 thoughts on “Arizona Democrat Mark DeSimone is a Wife Beating Communist

  1. Are you kidding me!? A communist! You must an idiot! There are always two sides to a story.

  2. There are two sides to punching your wife in the mouth? Really?

    Are you saying there are good reasons why a man with bust open his old ladies mouth?

  3. One out of 4 women will be a victim at some time in her life. Those numbers are 1 in 5 for teen girls. We are graduating abusers into our society that thinks it is okay for someone who is supposed to love you to abuse you verbally, emotionally or physically. It is not okay, ever. My hope is that both will get help. But, if in fact he is guilty, he must be held accountable. My daughter died at the hands of her abuser – I don’t want another mother to lose a child to a batterer.

  4. I’m very sorry for your loss.

    I think what will help the man the most is some time to sit in jail. He’s not sick, he’s just a bad person and we have to remember that people like this want us to think they can be “fixed” because it makes them less accountable for their actions.

    I think we should do more to teach our children the self-respect and confidence they need to protect themselves from abusers. Thank you for the fine work your organization does on victim’s behalf.

  5. WTF? I haven’t heard anyone throw around the “communist” tag in years. Funny. You must 60+.

    Republicans? Out of touch? Naw.

    Get ready for change.

  6. Speaking of out of touch didn’t “change” happen in 2006 when the Democrats took the House and Senate?

    But I guess since nothing’s actually changed since ’06, except for Iran being 6 months away from getting a nuke, more than half of Gitmo detainees released killing American troops and Democratic Congressman James McGovern caught red handed dealing secretly with a Communist terrorist group it’s easier to just ignore that you’re neo-Marxist new Democrats have been running things for two years.

    It’s easier to blame a lame duck President for high food prices (caused in part by the Democrat plan to make all gas have ethanol in it) a racist pogrom by Latino gangs aimed at exterminating Black Americans and escalating violence from the “peace” movement than to look at your party and see what’s driving these things.

    By the way, what would be wrong with being over 60? Most Democrats are boomers, and being old isn’t a bad thing is it?

    I happen to be in my 30s, but I’ll be sure to pass along your disdain for people over 60 to all the aging hipsters that run your party. When they put their bongs down.

  7. I have recently produced a play, entitled Domestic Violence The Musical. One of the songs sung by the abuser goes like this,
    Yes, they blame her more than me, because they don’t understand this
    We abusers start beating up the mind, before we ever use the fist
    And until the audience understands the art of our manipulation,
    Or until it’s one of your family we’re beating, there’s really no obligation
    For anyone in this room to kick up any kind of fuss
    And until you do, they’ll never get rid of us.

    I hope Mr DeSimone will come to see it.

  8. Both of them do way too many drugs and have problems with alcohol abuse – this was bound to happen. The fascade has crumbled and close friends are not surprised.

  9. maybe you should ask his wife as to her opinion at this time, Mark, although a human, like a few if us, does make mistakes. Do I agree with the actions at the time: no…. but, i believe what i know of this good man, reflecting on his actions, would do different. not politically driven, but by his heart. i once was his friend….. tony

  10. Not sure what that means but beating the crap out of your wife automatically precludes you from being a “good man” and makes people who think you are douches.

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