Peter Gilmore Exposes Mark Dice as Moron

9/11 truther moron Mark Dice is getting some good play on the net today due to his outrageous publicity stunt. But Mark Dice, aka John Connor aka Jack Blood, has been exposed long before now as more than just the Danny Bonaduce stalking conspiracy theorist but also a uniformed rube whose main source for all his nonsense is Alex Jones.

Church of Satan High Priest Peter Gilmore somehow got roped into being interviewed by Dice for his Internet radio show. Dice, calling himself Jack Blood, then vomits forth a string of falsehoods that include blood libels against Freemasons and Theosophists and misquotes Aleister Crowley’s Book of the Law so badly that Gilmore needs to correct him at least three times.

The best part for my money is around the 27 minute mark where Gilmore can’t help letting out a big ol’ belly laugh when Dice claims the concept of The Rapture is a plot by Satanists to lull Christians into complacency.

The interview is about a half hour long, but worth a listen to see how the conspiratorial mindset operates. Almost everything Dice claims in this clip can be empirically proven false, but those facts that conflict with his world view are automatically dismissed as propaganda. Dice and others like him need this belief in a hostile world oppressing them, for reasons Gilmore makes quite clear when he reads Dice the riot act. Enjoy:


One thought on “Peter Gilmore Exposes Mark Dice as Moron

  1. This guy who is ashamed to use his real name is a loser looking for his 30 seconds of fame and the only way he can get it is to insult as many people as possible. If he didn’t get the attention he so desperately needs, we would see him shortly behind the counter of 7-11 where he belongs.

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