Feds Arrest “Militia” Preparing for Civil War

By militia they of course mean a 60-year-old shut in and his three friends. The problem is the man was manufacturing fuse lit grenades loaded with shot. Sorry kids, they days of making a few bombs pre-SHTF to store in your basement ended back when Janet Reno turned the A.T.F into gun-grabbing shock troops for liberals.

That and a little thing called 9/11.

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

A Clearfield County man who gave undercover federal agents explicit instructions on how to make what he called “bean can grenades” has been arrested on weapons charges.

Bradley Kahle, 60, of Troutville, who said the election of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama would prompt a civil war, is being held pending a detention hearing tomorrow in Johnstown.

He is one of four men now charged in separate but related investigations by the U.S. Attorney’s Office related to possible militia activity.

The other three men, also in custody, were indicted by a federal grand jury last week. They will have detention hearings in Pittsburgh tomorrow.

According to an eight-page affidavit filed in Mr. Kahle’s case in U.S. District Court today, undercover officers have been meeting with him for more than a year.

On Sunday, federal agents served a search warrant on his home, finding 16 improvised explosive devices in a “gun reloading room.” They were made out of cardboard cylinders and sealed on both ends with epoxy, with non-electric fusing systems. Agents also found cans of fragmentation and bags of lead shot.

At a previous visit to his home on April 10, according to the affidavit, Mr. Kahle showed two undercover agents several firearms, including assault rifles and a sniper rifle, as well as 5,000 rounds of ammunition.

Kahle sounds like an old fashioned crazed survivalist, which I frankly see nothing wrong with. But my advice to fellow survivalists is to save the bomb making until post-TEOTWAWKI especially if you live in the north east or anywhere liberals hold sway.

h/t N.T.A. Cross posted at the world’s most neglected survival blog.