Yet Another Snuff Film Uploaded to YouTube

Trench found this on Sky News. This time a 17-year-old Russian uploaded a grisly video of a massacre, including images of terrified men having their throats slit. My money’s on it being from Chechnya, where Jihadists still roam free. Islamists are known for their love of snuff films, which would explain why the heavily Islamized YouTube community let the film stay up for days without flagging it.

From Sky:

Thousands of people have been able to watch a sickening video showing the massacre of young Russian men before it was eventually deleted from YouTube.

The horrific footage shows the terrified men lying beside a road having their throats slit in turn.

It was posted on Sunday, May 18. Three days later it was still there and had been viewed more than 8,300 times.

YouTube promises that videos flagged by users as inappropriate will be removed from the site.

The film clip was removed within two hours of Sky News Online contacting YouTube on Wednesday.

One sickened Sky News Online user, Robert Read, said: “This video was horrific to me, a 33-year-old man, so just think what affect this would have on someone like a child!”

The 10-minute video was apparently posted by a 17-year-old Russian.

The description which accompanied it said: “This is a little part of the full horror!”

Mr Read said: “While the video title and description was in what looked to be Russian or a similar script that is no excuse for YouTube to allow such videos on to a public website.

“If YouTube cannot discriminate against foreign language entries like they can with English text… then maybe they should review their policies. Ideally, every video should be checked by a moderator.”

YouTube says its own community of users police their site.

Yes, they police the site by banning Conservatives and uploading snuff films. The whole community policing concept falls apart if the community is made up of Jihadists, child pornographers and anti-American kooks.

As Trench points out in his post, YouTube’s parent company Google has no trouble moderating content for the Communist Chinese, so why can’t they keep snuff films and child porn of YouTube?

Maybe they just don’t want to?

5 thoughts on “Yet Another Snuff Film Uploaded to YouTube

  1. You’re absolutely right and I will never again have an account on YouTube.

    There have been many of us with pages on YouTube who go around reporting any child endangerment/porn/abuse videos we find. I can’t speak for all the others but I know that none of the videos I have reported or helped to report have ever been removed. Videos of little girls in bathtubs with side comments about them being sexy, videos of infants being given rectal thermometers supposedly for education purposes – posted by men and commented on by men about the sweetness and soft looking bodies, videos of girls between 5-8 being made to dance in front of the camera in underwear and rubbing their bodies with their hands in ways no child should EVER do. No video like these have ever been removed. I’ve since deleted my account there and now just send the URLs to the FBI’s Missing and Exploited Children division.

    Take a look at this person’s background: . He is one of those radical Islamics and his background has been reported by thousands of people for months. YouTube replies that the background is not in violation of any guideline.

  2. YouTube is able to censor videos for the Communist Chinese but they can’t take down child porn and snuff films here? It’s a business decision for them. They know there are more people who think like CUTWEST on there than there are willing to boycott.

    It’s disgusting and evil. Unfortunately all the talk on the right about boycotting YouTube fizzled out a couple of years ago. I’ve been thinking about doing more posts about this very subject. Thanks for the tip for the vid.

  3. RE: “Russian uploaded a grisly video of a massacre”
    Just another segment of proof as to just how communistic our countries are.
    Hide the truth from the public as to what really is going on out there from the people trying to tell their story. We live in a violent world and we are at WAR everywhere, if not today we will be tomorrow, it is all about money, greed and power. It has been that way since the dawn of time.
    If you don’t want to see the truth, put down that newspaper, tune out the radio, turn off the TV and stay the frig off the computer!
    Follow like the bunch of sheep you are under your crooked leaders. Turn a blind eye to your neighbors. Pretend the Holistic events never happened in WWII and in AFRICA, IRAQ and other places in the world today, that many of our people are dying for every day to stop these events. Although our governments only pick their battles in which they tend to gain fossil fuel energy benefits and then companies like CNN make millions from reporting it on the news world wide as if our soldiers are sent there to die as defenders of freedom and human rights. What a bunch of hypocrites you all are!!

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