Serial Bomb Hoaxers Targeting Oregon Recruiting Centers

Via N.T.A.:

A fake bomb that was investigated Monday by law enforcement was the fifth in a string of fake bombs left at military recruitment centers, the FBI said.

A package that was designed to look like a bomb, which was left in front of an Army-Navy recruitment center with German words printed on it, was the fourth reported case of similar packages planted, FBI agents said.

Previous packages had “Die Weisse Rose” written on them, which is German for “The White Rose” a name of a historic anti-Hitler group that operated during World War II, FBI agents said.

Each of the five hoax bombs was left in front of some type of military recruitment center over the last year with most bearing the phrase “Die Weisse Rose,” FBI agents said.

Right now just an irritation, but the group could be waiting for police to acclimate to see White Rose hoaxes so they could slip a real bomb past them. This story is definitely developing.