Victimless Crime Files: Trina Rae Carroll Gives 2-Year-Old Meth


Trina Rae Carroll is a drug using scumbag who likes to do some Katreice Trujillo style parenting. The 34 year Yuma county resident took her child to the hospital when the baby began crying and complaining of stomach pains. Turns out she poisoned her baby with meth.

From The Yuma Sun:

A Foothills woman was jailed Wednesday on suspicion of child abuse and other felonies after methamphetamine was found in the system of her 2-year-old son, the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office said.

Trina Rae Carroll, 34, faces charges of felony endangerment, child abuse and involving a minor in a drug abuse, the sheriff’s office said in a news release.

The toddler was treated at Yuma Regional Medical Center and is in the temporary custody of his maternal grandmother, Sheriff’s Capt. Eben Bratcher said.

Carroll had brought the toddler to the hospital after he began crying uncontrollably and complaining of stomach pain, the release said.

After finding methamphetamine in the child’s system, the hospital contacted Yuma police, who referred the case to the sheriff’s office on Tuesday, since the incident is believed to have occurred in Carroll’s home in the 12600 block of East 46th Drive.

I guess the report implies that the baby could have been dosed “accidentally” but if you leave your meth where your two-year-old can get it is it really an accident?

Meanwhile there’s a pro-drug group in Australia that has taken exception to doctors there characterizing meth users as potentially violent. Doctors want steps taken to ensure their safety when treating the users, which has caused the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League to issue a statement displaying the lack of self-awareness you expect from people who run an organization which claims to be run by “recreational” users of hard drugs:

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) says methamphetamine users are violent and threatening towards hospital staff and are putting a huge strain on emergency departments.

The Association says it will lobby the Federal and state governments for new funding to overhaul the way the health system deals with methamphetamine users.

Annie Madden from the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League welcomes the AMA’s call for funding, but says there is a danger in saying that most users are violent.

“If we do that we not only wrongly categories people but we increase the chances that people won’t come to health services for health because they won’t want to be categorized in that way,” she said.

Ms Madden says most methamphetamine users do not become psychotic.

“There are some people who do, a minority who do, and that’s usually related to extended periods of binge using, with people not sleeping, not eating – that sort of thing,” she said.

The vast majority of people use methamphetamine very occasionally recreationally, perhaps on the weekend or something, and they’re not going to get to that point.”

In other words, if a meth user just gets enough sleep and a hot meal they’re just like you and me. Meth’s a victimless crime.

Just ask Trina Carroll’s baby.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon forums.