Lazy Sunday Reading Link Round Up

It’s a lazy Sunday, and too beautiful for real work. I’ll direct you to these links:

Babalu Blog says Obama’s a Communist! Well, Socialist but there ain’t no difference to me. Plus, the shameful treatment of Cuban refugee Elvis Manuel and his family.

Courtesy Crime Scene KC, cops taser another cop at a bachelor party … for fun. I thought tasers were supposed to be barbaric torture devices, but apparently they’re not so bad, right hippies?

From Dreamin’ Demon, pot smoking party girl liked competing in beauty pageants, and filming herself molesting 6 year olds. You can bet I’ll have a separate post up about this degenerate.

Gateway Pundit has evidence that the communist Chinese were behind the Olympic flag violence. Apparently ChiComs thought they could paint the Free Tibet movement as terrorists. Guess what former President is helping the reds crack down on dissidents? Also, Nancy Pelosi is called Chavez lackey in Latin American press.

Dr. Phil is going to Hell.

Tiresome bigot Jeremiah Wright is still receiving invitations to speak to other tiresome bigots. Michelle Malkin has the details.

Trench Reynolds has been following the arrest of Calin Chi Wong, who threatened to re-enact the V-Tech massacre. I never got around to linking to them before, but they’re too interesting to miss. Trench was also interviewed by the Craigslist Blog about his site Craigscrimelist.

Lilo talks Child Abuse Awareness Month. It’s a good read that’ll make you think.

The U.K. is awash in Jihadist cells planning attacks. They’re just barely keeping the lid on these groups as the Brits are overrun by crime and violence.

Ironic Surrealism (II) has the story of the death of the “peace bride” in Turkey.

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