Ted Christian is running for a seat in South Carolina’s 4th district, right smack dab in the middle of Red Alerts country. He claims to be a rocket scientist or something, and rich, and smart, etc. He also claims to know the solution to all the problems Americans have, though he’s evasive as to what those solutions are except to say that they involve “change.”
Needless to say he’s a Liberal Democrat.
And like all Liberal Democrats he’s essentially an elitist tool who can’t help but insult people he considers beneath him. Take for example his exchange with a Furman University senior in the comments section of the GreenvilleOnline story of the University’s plan to have President Bush give this year’s commencement speech:
marinejag wrote:
May 31st will be the day I graduate from Furman University, and I could not ask for a better graduation present. Whether or not you agree with his policies, the leader of the free world taking the time to speak at your graduation is a big deal. It should be given the appropriate respect that the office demands. To those who say that his presence will diminish the accomplishments of the graduates: how, in any reality-based value system, is having the leader of your country take the time to congratulate all of your hard work diminishing to you?
Ben Adams, Proud (almost) Alum4/11/2008 4:41:10 PM
TedChristian wrote:
OK Ben, let me lay a little reality on you here. Bush isn’t the “leader of the free world”, in fact he has led our country into being the most feared and hated nation on earth, and the main reason he’s speaking at your soon to be alma mater (congratulations) is because by this point he couldn’t get away with speaking most other places.
4/11/2008 6:33:57 PM
Oh, snap! I guess Ted put that senior with his pissant Furman degree in his place. I guess now that kid’ll know better than to argue with his betters. Of course Furman, awash with overall wearing hillbillies taking courses in Advanced Chaw Spittin’ and Intermediate Possum Cookin’ are the only benighted savages dumb enough to invite President Bush to speak at a commencement.
“No good school would dare!” Ted Christian is saying with the contempt of a man who sees the world though Kos colored glasses, so Furman must be a second rate institution only a few steps away from an online diploma mill.
This is the sort of unthinking, snide arrogance that one expects from a college senior, not directed at one by a supposed adult. Ted Christian is campaigning for “change” but is vomiting forth the same tired half-baked nutrootery that tanked the Ned Lamont election.
Is this the sort of leadership South Carolina needs? A man who thinks nothing of dismissively implying that someone he disagrees with is an uneducated boob? What does his crack about Furman being the only place the much hated Bush would be welcome to mean if not that it isn’t a real place of higher learning?
I would say that Ted Christian is not the candidate that deserves the support of Democratic or any other South Carolinians. Ted Christian doesn’t seem the type of man who takes pride in or even likes his state or his neighbors, so why should we believe he’d represent their interests?
Bonus: Ted Christian in action! Try to count how many times he says change:
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This jackass ran in 2006 and got less than 100 votes … out of almost 180k. No joke. Writing about him isn’t even worth your time. He’s so fringe it’s comical. As you’ve demonstrated, he can’t even show himself to be politically savvy on an online forum. Imagine having him represent you in congress! Fortunately, that will never happen and he can go back to playing with his little friends in the Greenville Antiwar Society.
HA! Guys like Ted are everywhere, but their self-importance is magnified by the Internet. Cutting them down to size helps keep the forums polite.