Gaza Barbarians Declare War on Rare Giant Turtles!


Mosquewatch found video of Palestinian fisherman catching and killing an endangered giant turtle. While the reporters claim the victim was a rare Leatherback, Red Alerts has unconfirmed reports that the Gazans caught a Japanese Giant Fire breathing Turtle.

The Giant Fire breathing Turtle is a loyal and gentile creature which never the less plays an important role in the Japanese Self Defense Force’s overall strategy to protect the island nation, as it can be quite fierce in the protection of Japanese children. The one pictured above, posing next to Steven Seagal’s daughter (?!?) Ayako Fujitani, was praised for it’s work in operation against the Black Bloc affiliated Gyaos rioters as well as busting up several “legion” terror cells.

Though no official comment has been made, anonymous sources believe the Gazans may have eaten the above hero. Watch the bloodthirsty barbarity of these turtle hating monsters for yourself.