Lazy Friday: Babes of the Right Edition


I spent a good deal of the day being lazy, though I did do some light reading. I present a little Friday round up of what the hard working ladies of the rightosphere have been up to while I laid around the house:

Cassy Fasso at Wizbang has some strong words for Michelle Obama and women who bash their husbands.

GSGF breaks down the retirement of Admiral Fallon and what it means to CentCom, Iran and the world.

Velvet Hammer exposes the real Alexandra Dupre, a child of privilege and challenges the notion that she was the product of an abused childhood ala Tammy Bruce. The truth is likely in the middle, because extreme permissiveness, absentee parenting and not providing moral guidance to your child is as much a form of abuse as beatings, and clearly lead to the same results.

Woman Honor Thyself takes Montclair State University to task over propagandizing for Islam.

Alyssa A. Lappen double dog dares the web Soros funded political groups to support the Declaration Against Genocide.

Wake Up America has the goods on Baathist Iraq and their dealings with terrorists groups.

Lost in Lima, Ohio has the strange case of a Polygamist and Child molester who claims to be the Arch Angel Gabriel. Also the best mom ever!

Malkin is all over Winter Soldier II.

Atlas is rightfully worried about the Organization of Islamic Countries disgusting demand we put Israel on trial for warcrimes. When they don’t get their way, how much blood will the shed?

Happy Friday!