The Cost of Open Borders: Sex Offender Edition

Not controlling the border has consequences, as I always say. One of the most severe is that we allow other countries criminals to taint our nation with their degeneracy and hurt our children.

First up, a 61 year old man faces his third deportation after molesting a child. It was not his first time raping children:

A Mexican citizen who has been deported twice, including once after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a child, could be heading for this third deportation following a recent arrest in Montrose.

Saloman Renteria-Valdez, 61, was taken into federal custody in January after federal agents confirmed he had been arrested in connection with human trafficking and an assortment of other crimes since 1977.

According to a complaint filed in a Colorado federal court, Renteria-Valdez was arrested in late January in Montrose.

The FBI flagged Renteria-Valdez as illegally re-entering the country in mid-February when his fingerprints linked him to his previous convictions and deportations.

Renteria-Valdez was booked into Mesa County Jail on Monday.

According to federal court records, Renteria-Valdez was deported Feb. 12, 1979, following his conviction on human smuggling charges.

The affidavit also shows he was deported Aug. 30, 1996, after he was convicted of molesting a child.

Renteria-Valdez’s criminal complaint shows he has been convicted of a plethora of crimes over the past three decades, including robbery, human smuggling and possession of illegal drugs.

Federal court records also show Renteria-Valdez was arrested in July 2001 in Montrose on suspicion of being an intoxicated pedestrian in a roadway.

Just doing the jobs Americans won’t.

A five year old was raped by an “undocumented construction worker” in Florida:

Citrus County, Florida – Officers arrested a 21-year-old man accused of sexually battering a 5-year-old girl in her home in the town of Hernando on Sunday.

Citrus County deputies got a tip and arrested Jose Pasqual Acosta Martin, at a store in the town of Hernando.

The sheriff’s office says Martin was in the country illegally and had been working as a laborer or in construction.

This on the heels of the story we reported yesterday of a Mother/Son slaver team who had smuggled a teen over the border and forced her to work as a prostitute. The mother seems to have helped the son rape the girl.

What all these cases have in common is the fact that if we controlled our borders none of these children would have been raped, including the girl from Mexico. This is the cost of open borders that no one talks about, the blood and innocence of children.

h/t Immigration Watchdog.